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Asyncio Concurrency


  • Python 3.4 introduced Asyncio
  • Python 3.5 introduced the async and await keywords

The community is wary, they seems to see them as complex and difficult to understand.

Many however have experienced blocking

Even when using requests your program pauses for a bit when it does a requests.get(....)

For once off tasks that is fine but for 10000 URL’s it becomes difficult.

Large scale concurrency is a big reason to to learn and use asyncio, it is also much safer than premeptive threading

Goals for the book:

  • compare asyncio and threading
  • An udnerstanding of the async and await keywords
  • A general overview of asyncio
  • Examples and case studies

1. Introducing Asyncio#

Central focus of Asyncio is on how best to best perform multiple waiting tasks at the same time

The key thing is while you wait on one task to complete, work on another.

The waiting is usally associated with network IO. CPU’s spending time doing network operations spend a lot of time waiting.

If you can direct the CPU to move between tasks - you need fewer CPU’s but also you eliminate race conditions - compared to a threading (multi-CPU) approach.

What is AsyncIO Solving#

Using async based concurrency over thread based concurrency

  • It is safer - than pre-emptive multitasking avoiding bugs and race conditions
  • Support thousands of long lived connections - like websockets and MQTT

Threading — as a programming model — is best suited to certain kinds of computational tasks that are best executed with multiple CPUs and shared memory for efficient communication between the threads

Network programming is not one of the domains that requires threading

There is too much waiting in network programming.

Event based programming models - asyncio:

  • Will not make your code faster - if you want that use cython instead
  • does not make threading redundant - True value of threading lies in multi-CPU applciations where tasks share memory.
  • does not remove problems with the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) - locks your interpreter to a single CPU to maintain thread safety. It prevents true parrallelism. Asyncio is single-threaded so it is not affected by the GIl - but is therefore locked to a single CPU.
  • does not prevent all race conditions - asyncio can elimate intra-process shared memory access but other race conditions still happen.
  • does not make concurrent programming easy - concurrency is always complex. Application design is still difficult: health checks, number of database connections, graceful termination, logging, disk access…

The main advantage of Asyncio over threaded code is that the points at which control of execution is transferred between co-routines (functions) is visible - because of the await keyword presence. so it is much easier to figure out what is going on.

2. Truth about Threads#

Features of an operating system made available to developers so they can inidcate what parts of the program operate in parrallel. The OS decides how to share the CPU for these parts.

Asyncio is an alternative to threading

Benefits of Threading#

  • Ease of reading code - you can still set it out in a simple top down way
  • Parallelism with shared memory - code can use multiple CPUs and share memory space
  • know-how and existing code - there is a large body of knowledge and best practices

With python parrallelism is questionable as the GIL Global interpreter lock - pins all threads to a single CPU.

Generally speaking the best thing to use with threads is the ThreadPoolExecutor class from the concurrent.futures package - passing all required data through the submit() method.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as Executor

def worker(data):
    <process the data>

with Executor(max_workers=10) as exe:
    future = exe.ubmit(worker, data)

You can convert the pool of threads into a pool of subprocesses with by switching to a ProcessPoolExecutor.

You want your tasks to be short so you can use: Executor.shutdown(wait=True) to shut it down

Also try to prevent your threaded code (in the preceding example, the worker() function) from accessing or writing to any global variables.

Drawbacks of Threading#

  • Threading is difficult - race conditions are the hardest kinds of problems
  • Threads are resource intensive - require upfront memory - less of an issue with 64bit OSes.
  • Threading can affect throughput - with more than about 5000 threads there is a cost of context switching.
  • Threading is inflexible - CPU time is shared between threads regardless of their waiting state. The OS may switch to a thread many thousands of times that is still waiting for the response to be recevied. In the async world a select() system call is made to check if the response awaiting function needs a turn - if it doesn’t it is given no CPU time.

How to Test out resource usage by creating do-nothing threads:

import os
from time import sleep
from threading import Thread

threads = [
Thread(target=lambda: sleep(60)) for i in range(10000)

[t.start() for t in threads]
print(f'PID = {os.getpid()}')
[t.join() for t in threads]

Great quotes in the book about threading

Main points:

  • Threading makes coding hard
  • Threading is an inefficient model for large scale concurrency

Some complex threading example with code is in the book…

Race Condition#

The problem in the code was:

def change(self, knives, forks):
    self.knives += knives
    self.forks += forks

It created a race condition. The inline += is implemented in C code as:

  1. read self.knives into a temp location
  2. add the new value knives to the value in the temp lcoaiton
  3. Copy the new total from the temp location into the original

The problem with pre-emptive multitasking is that any thread can be stopped at any time

Suppose ThreadBotA does step 1, the the OS scheduler pauses A and switches to ThreadbotB. B also reads the value of self.knives. Then execution goes back to A…A increments its total and writes it back. But then B continues from where it got paused and writes back its total. Thereby erasing the changes made by A…


This problem can be fixed by placing a lock around the modificaiton of the shared state.

def change(self, knives, forks):  
    with self.lock:
        self.knives += knives
        self.forks += forks

We would have needed to add a Threading.Lock to the Cutlery class.

But this requires you to know all the places where state will be shared between multiple threads

An issue when you use 3rd party libraries

Note that it was not possible to see the race condition by looking at the source code alone. This is because the source code provides no hints about where execution is going to switch between threads. That wouldn’t be useful anyway, because the OS can switch between threads just about anywhere.

A much better solution - and the point of async programming - is to modify our code so a single thread - a single threadbot - moves between all the tables. So the knives and forks will only be modified by a single thread.

Even better is in async programs we can see exactly where the context will switch because of the await keyword.

3. Async Walkthrough#

There are 2 target audiences for asyncio:

  1. End user developers - make applications using asyncio
  2. Framework developers - make frameworks and libraries for end users

the official Python documentation for asyncio is more appropriate for framework developers

end-user developers reading those docs quickly become shell-shocked by the apparent complexity


You only need to know about seven functions to use Asyncio - Yury Selivanov (PEP492) which added async and await keywords to python

The main features an end user should care about:

  • Starting the syncio event loop
  • Calling async/await functions
  • Waiting for multiple tasks to complete
  • Closing the loop after all concurrent tasks have completed
    import asyncio, time
    async def main():
        print(f'{time.ctime()} Hello!')
        await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
        print(f'{time.ctime()} Goodbye!')

Asyncio provides a run() function to execute an async def and all other functions from there.

The equivalent of the above is:

import asyncio
import time

async def main():
    print(f"{time.ctime()} Hello!")
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    print(f"{time.ctime()} Goodbye!")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()  
task = loop.create_task(main())  
pending = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=loop)
for task in pending:
group = asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True)  
  • loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() - Get a loop instance - it will return the same one as long as you use a single thread. Inside a def async you should use asyncio.get_running_loop()
  • task = loop.create_task(coro) - coro is your async function name. create_task schedules your coroutine to run in the loop. Cancel a task with task.cancel()
  • loop.run_until_complete(coro) - blocks the current thread. Keeps the loop running only until the function completes - all other tasks will also run while the loop is running.
  • group = asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True) - when the main part of the program unblocks due to a process signal or loop.stop() - gather still pending tasks, cancel them and then use loop.run_until_complete() until those tasks are done.
  • loop.close() - final action - must be called on a stopped group. A stopped loop can be restarted a closed loop is gone for good.

All these steps are done for you with

How to run blocking functions#

I/O bound functions need to co-operate - to achieve co-operative multitasking. That means allowing a context switch back to the loop using await.

Most python code does not do this - it relies on you running such functions in threads. Until there is more widespread support for async def such blocking libraries are unavoidable.

asyncio provides an API very similar to concurrent.futures

import time
import asyncio

async def main():
    print(f'{time.ctime()} Hello!')
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
    print(f'{time.ctime()} Goodbye!')

def blocking():  
    print(f"{time.ctime()} Hello from a thread!")

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = loop.create_task(main())

loop.run_in_executor(None, blocking)  

pending = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=loop)  
for task in pending:
group = asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True)
  • blocking() calls the traditional time.sleep() which would have blocked the main thread preventing your event loop from running. You can’t even run this function from the main thread (where asyncio is running) - it must be run in an executor
  • loop.run_in_executor allows us to run in a seperate thread or seperate process - does not block the main thread it returns a Future (not a Task) which means you can await it. It will begin only after run_until_complete() is called.
  • asyncio.all_tasks returns all tasks not futures

What are futures?

The Tower of Asyncio#

  • Tier 9: Network Streams - StreamReader, StreamWriter, asyncio.open_connection(), asyncio.start_server()
  • Tier 8: Network TCP and UDP - Protocol
  • Tier 7: Network Transports - BaseTransport
  • Tier 6: Tools - asyncio.Queue
  • Tier 5: Subprocesses and Threads - run_in_executor(), asyncio.subprocess
  • Tier 4: Tasks - asyncio.Task, asyncio.create_task()
  • Tier 3; Futures - asyncio.Future
  • Tier 2: Event Loop -, BaseEventLoop
  • Tier 1: Coroutines - async def, async with, async for, await

Frameworks curio and trio focus only on native coroutines - nothing whatsoever from the asyncio library module.

The next level is the event loop (curio and trio implement their own event loops), asyncio provides the specification AbstractEventLoop and an implmentation BaseEventLoop. Uvloop uses the spec as a drop in replacement for the asyncio event loop.

A Future is loop aware. A Task is both loop aware and corouting aware. An end user will use tasks much more than futures.

The Network Streams is the c=most convenient API to work with.

Tier 1: How to write async def functions and use await to call other functions is essential Tier 2: Interacting and manading the event loop is essential: start, shut down and interaction Tier 5: Executors are necessary for blocking code in your async application (like SQLAlchemy) Tier 6: If you need to feed data to long running coroutines best way is with asyncio.Queue Tier 9: Simplest way to handle socket communication over a network

aiohttp is a third party library that handles socket communication for you.



async def is a corouting function.

In [1]: async def f(): 
...:     return 123 

In [2]: type(f)                                                                                                                                  
Out[2]: function

In [3]: import inspect

In [4]: inspect.iscoroutinefunction(f)                                                                                                           
Out[4]: True

In [5]: def g(): 
...:     yield 123 

In [6]: type(g)                                                                                                                                  
Out[6]: function

In [7]: gen = g()

In [8]: type(gen)                                                                                                                                
Out[8]: generator

In [9]: coro = f()

In [10]: type(coro)                                                                                                                              
Out[10]: coroutine

In [11]: inspect.iscoroutine(coro)                                                                                                               
Out[11]: True

In [12]: inspect.iscoroutine(f)                                                                                                                  
Out[12]: False

A coroutine is an object that encapsulates the ability to resume an underlying function that has been suspended before completion

Coroutines are very similar to generators.

When a coroutine returns, what really happens is that a StopIteration exception is raised

In [13]: try: 
    ...:     coro.send(None) 
    ...: except StopIteration as e: 
    ...:     print('The answer was:', e.value)
The answer was: 123

A coroutine is initialised by sending it a None - this is what the eventloop is going to be doing.

You don’t need to do this as await and loop.create_task(coro) does this behind the scenes.

Await Keyword#

The await keyword always takes a parameter and will accept only a thing called an awaitable which is:

  • A corooutine (the result of a async def function)…ie. my_f = f()
  • Any object implenting the __await()__ special method. That special method must return an iterator.

    async def f(): await asyncio.sleep(1) return 123

    async def main(): result = await f() return result

When you task.cancel internally it will do a coro.throw() to raise a asyncio.CancelledError in the coroutine.

coro = f()
coro.throw(Exception, 'blah')

… … … Much more intense shit dicussed in the book for about 40 - 50 pages

4. Asyncio libraries you aren’t using#

Streams (Standard Library)#

The Streams API is a high level interface for async socket programming

Case Study: A Message Queue#
More in the book


Predates asyncio and has been flying the flag of async programming for 14 years now.

It implements a large number of internet protocols. Teisted had to get around the lack of language support for async programming. It did this using callbacks

The Janus Queue#

Provides communication between queue.Queue and asyncio.Queue


Brings all things http to asyncio.

An example of a very minimal async web server:

from aiohttp import web

async def hello(request):
    return web.Response(text="Hello, world")

app = web.Application()  
app.router.add_get('/', hello)  
web.run_app(app, port=8080)
Case Study: Scraping the news#

aiohttp can be used as both a server and client, like the very popular blocking requests library.

Documentation for aiohttp

We will use splash - Javascript rendering because websites these days require javascript rendering to show usabel content.

The example is extremely convoluted - too many parts to make a good argument. I would have just done a multiple requests done in under 2 seconds story but the author can choose his own adventure.

There was no need to go overboard with the use of a splash docker container whose image is in excess of 700 MB.

The important part is:

async def news_fetch(url, postprocess):
    proxy_url = (
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(proxy_url) as resp:  
            data = await
            data = data.decode('utf-8')
    return postprocess(url, data)

and calling it with:

sites = [
    ('', cnn_articles),  
    ('', aljazeera_articles),
tasks = [create_task(news_fetch(*s)) for s in sites] 
await gather(*tasks)
Complete Example#

Here is a more pallatable example of just getting a few quotes with aiohttp:

from aiohttp import ClientSession
import asyncio
import time

async def get_sites(sites):
    tasks = [asyncio.create_task(fetch_site(s)) for s in sites] 
    return await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

async def fetch_site(url):
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as resp:  
            data = await resp.json()
    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    categories = ["inspire", "management", "sports", "life", "funny", "love", "art", "students"]

    sites = [
        f'{category}' for category in categories

    start_time = time.time()
    data =
    duration = time.time() - start_time
    print(f"Downloaded {len(sites)} sites in {duration} seconds")

    for response in data:
        quote = response['contents']['quotes'][0]
        text = quote.get('quote')
        author = quote.get('author')
        print(f'{text} - {author}')

Remember many older examples would get the event loop and then run until completed with asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro). But this is no longer needed, as was introduced in python3.7.

asyncio.create_task(coro()) was also added in python3.7, which used to be task = asyncio.ensure_future(coro()) in prior versions of python.


Language agnostic library for networking applications giving smart sockets - it handles the more annoying and tedious tasks of conventional sockets.

  • Manages message passing
  • automatic reconnection logic - zeroMQ will automatically reconnect to the socket if the server goes down

It will still send out the info when reconnecting - providing functions of a message broker directly in the socket themselves. It is referred to as brokerless messaging

ZeroMQ sockets are already asynchronous - they can maintain many thousands of connections. We will use ZeroMQ via PyZMQ

For more in depth examples check out ZGuide

Case Study: Mulitple Sockets#

You need a poller to send data between mutliple sockets because the sockets are not threadsafe

import zmq

context = zmq.Context()
# ZeroMQ sockets have _types_. `PULL` is receive only, `PUSH` is send only.
# `SUB` is another socket that can only be fed by a `PUB` socket which is send only
# To move data between multiple sockets in a threaded application you need a `poller`
# because the sockets are not threadsafe, so you cannot `recv()` on different sockets in different threads

receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)

subscriber = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
subscriber.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')

poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(receiver, zmq.POLLIN)
poller.register(subscriber, zmq.POLLIN)

# The poller will unblock when there is data ready to be received on one of the registered sockets
while True:
        socks = dict(poller.poll())
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    if receiver in socks:
        message = receiver.recv_json()
        print(f'Via PULL: { message }')

    if subscriber in socks:
        message = subscriber.recv_json()
        print(f'Via SUB: { message }')

import itertools
import time
import zmq

context = zmq.Context()

# There is a PUSH socket and a PUB socket
# The loop sends data to both sockets every second

pusher = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

publisher = context.socket(zmq.PUB)

for i in itertools.count():

Now what does asyncio offer us for the side. Remember asyncio runs in a single thread. This means it is fine to handle different sockets in different coroutines.

Readability is much improved with asyncio

import asyncio
import zmq
from zmq.asyncio import Context

context = Context()

# Now we can deal with each socket in isolation
# All `send()` and `recv()` must use `await`
# The poller is no longer needed - it is integrated into the asyncio event loop

async def do_receiver():
    receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)  
    while message := await receiver.recv_json():  
        print(f'Via PULL: {message}')

async def do_subscriber():
    subscriber = context.socket(zmq.SUB)  
    subscriber.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
    while message := await subscriber.recv_json():  
        print(f'Via SUB: {message}')

async def main():
    await asyncio.gather(

It looks alot like threaded code but you don’t have to risk the race condition

Case Study: Application Performance Monitoring#

With containerised microservice based deployment practices of today - trivial things like monitoring CPU and memory usage has become more complicated than just running top.

There are tools that have been built but cost alot.

Lets build a prototype:

  • Application layer: Add a ZeroMQ transmitting socket to each application to send metrics to a central server.
  • Collection layer: Central server exposes a 0MQ socket to collect the data from all running applcations - weill also show a graph of performance
  • Visualisation layer: Web page being served - charts must update in realtime. For simplicity using the smoothiecharts js library

Server-Sent Events (SSE’s) are often preferable over websockets - due to their simplicity.

import argparse
import asyncio
from random import randint, uniform
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timezone as tz
from contextlib import suppress
import zmq, zmq.asyncio, psutil

A long lived coroutine to continually send data to the server
It will use a `PUB` socket which handles all reconnection and buffering logic
It will need to connect to the server on localhost:5555
When a KeyboardInterrupt is received the task is cancelled
The task cancelling is handled with `suppress()` from `contextlib`

A continuous loop is used and stats are sent every second including the isoformatted date

The `main()` function symbolizes the actual microservice for some data for the visulaisation
The `--color` parameter lets us use a different colour per application

The stats are acquired with `psutil` 

ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()

async def stats_reporter(color: str):  
    p = psutil.Process()
    sock = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)  
    sock.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 1)
    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):  
        while True:  
            await sock.send_json(
                    mem=p.memory_full_info().rss / 1024 / 1024
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def main(args):
    leak = []
    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        while True:
            sum(range(randint(1_000, 10_000_000)))  
            await asyncio.sleep(uniform(0, 1))
            leak += [0] * args.leak

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--color', type=str)  
    parser.add_argument('--leak', type=int, default=0)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_sse import sse_response
from weakref import WeakSet
import json

SSE (server-sent events) are the part that sends info to the frontend
`WeakSet()` holds all the currently connected webclients which has a `Queue()` instance.

The collected will `SUB`scribe to the publishing applications - no topic is specified - we will take everything
In ZeroMQ you can make either end `pub` or `sub` the server - on other message queues the `pub` is usually the server.
In our case the `SUB` is the server.

We can `await` data from our connected apps

The `feed()` coroutine creates a coroutine for each connected client.

When a connection is closed the `weakset` will automatically be removed from connections

`aiohttp_sse` provides `sse_response()` context manager - a scope to send data to the client.

`index()` is the primary page load serving a static `html` file


# zmq.asyncio.install()
ctx = zmq.asyncio.Context()
connections = WeakSet()

async def collector():
    sock = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)  
    sock.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')  
    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        while data := await sock.recv_json():  
            for q in connections:
                await q.put(data)  

async def feed(request):  
    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError):
        async with sse_response(request) as resp:  
            while data := await queue.get():  
                print('sending data:', data)
    return resp

async def index(request):  
    return aiohttp.web.FileResponse('./charts.html')

async def start_collector(app):  
    app['collector'] = app.loop.create_task(collector())

async def stop_collector(app):
    print('Stopping collector...')
    await app['collector']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = web.Application()
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', index)
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/feed', feed)
    app.router.add_routes([web.static('/static', 'static')])
    web.run_app(app, host='', port=8088)


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Server Performance</title>
    <script src="./static/smoothie.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function createTimeline() {
            var cpu = {};  
            var mem = {};

            var chart_props = {
                responsive: true,
                enableDpiScaling: false,
                grid: {
                    millisPerLine: 4000,
                    fillStyle: '#ffffff',
                    strokeStyle: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.08)',
                    verticalSections: 10
                maxValue: 100,
                minValue: 0

            var cpu_chart = new SmoothieChart(chart_props);  
            var mem_chart = new SmoothieChart(chart_props);

            function add_timeseries(obj, chart, color) {  
                obj[color] = new TimeSeries();
                chart.addTimeSeries(obj[color], {
                    strokeStyle: color,
                    lineWidth: 4

            var evtSource = new EventSource("/feed");  
            evtSource.onmessage = function(e) {
                var obj = JSON.parse(;  
                if (!(obj.color in cpu)) {
                    add_timeseries(cpu, cpu_chart, obj.color);
                if (!(obj.color in mem)) {
                    add_timeseries(mem, mem_chart, obj.color);
                    Date.parse(obj.timestamp), obj.cpu);  
                    Date.parse(obj.timestamp), obj.mem);

                document.getElementById("cpu_chart"), 1000
                document.getElementById("mem_chart"), 1000
        h1 {
            text-align: center;
            font-family: sans-serif;
<body onload="createTimeline()">
    <h1>CPU (%)</h1>
    <canvas id="cpu_chart" style="width:100%; height:300px">
    <h1>Memory usage (MB)</h1>
    <canvas id="mem_chart" style="width:100%; height:300px">

We use javascripts EventSource the interface for server-sent events.

The onmessage method is fired when it receives a message from the server. The data is appended to a time series with the colour as the key.

Start up everything:

pyhton --color red &
python --color blue --leak 10000 &
python --color green --leak 100000 &

Unfortunately the example did not work for me - the frontend showed the charts but with no content - I don’t think onMessage ever fired as I put a console.log('hello') in there and it never printed out

asyncpg and Sanic#

asyncpg provides client access to postgres but focusses on speed.

It achieves the speed by working with the PostgreSQL binary protocol.

Let’s set up a local postgres instance with docker…exposing port 55432 to the host which maps to 5432 in the container.

docker run -d --rm -p 55432:5432 postgres

Damn, it goes deep and low level here. I try to stay ORM and up when it comes to databases…

So more in the book if you want to go a bit lower.

It also introduces and gives examples with the sanic web framework.

I hear that GINO and tortoiseORM is doing good work.
