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  • Global leader in IP licensing. ARM CPU’s are designed and licensed.
  • Don’t create any chips or sell systems - just sell the IP
  • Partners have freedom to create and build interesting things

Data Bandwidth and latency drive future designs#

The internet started when clients would be primarily downloading from the cloud - from the cloud to endpoints.

Now we have many devices that want to share data and send it upstream.

Why k3s on ARM?#

Now applications on devices are being deployed as containers - with more smarts on the device. k3s is a good fit for these devices - lightweight.

Deploying applications on devices from the cloud.


k8s master == k3s server
k8s worker == k3s agent

k3s HA Requirements#

  • Unique hostnames
  • Linux - Ubuntu 16, 18 or raspbian buster

Minimum: 512Mb RAM, 1 CPU and SSD is recommended


  • 6443 (api-server)
  • 8472 UDP (flannel - CNI?)
  • 10250 (metrics-server)

Need to be open for nodes

HA can be setup with 2 nodes. 2 combined server/agent + 1 external db

For k8s 3 nodes are needed for etcd requirements and need for a quorum