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HTML with special tagsfor data, loops and conditions

Templates are also extendable


Templates looks for templates directory inside the app directory by default

Also expects a folder inside templates with the same name as the app

Call the template my_file.html

Better Way#

  • Is add global templates, in the root of the project add a templates folder
  • then add it to the DIRS in

Use Render#

from django.shortcuts import render

return render(request, 'home.html', {context: context})

Template tags#

{% and %} that allow you to write python within

Use {{ var_name }} to print out a variable


  • Extending a parent template allows overridable blocks
  • Name a block <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title> Extends: {% extends "layout.html" %} Then set block content

Displaying content from parent block#

Use {{ block.super }}

{% block content %}
    {{ block.super }}
    <p>The previous example text is replaced by this text.</p>
{% endblock %}


Named Url#

Give your url’s in a name

    url(r'^$', views.courselist, name='list')

Setting parameters

    <h3><a href="{% url 'step' %}">{{ step.title}}</a></h3>


    {{ myVar | filter}
  • linebreaks - converting linebreaks into valid html
  • join - joins a list with a between

    myArr|join:", "
  • length - get length (sometimes better to use built in methods)

  • pluralize - adds a s to a certain word
    step{{ course.set_set.count| pluralize}}
    • wordcount - counts number of words
    • unordered_list - no closing tagged, unordered list
    • apnumber - add associated press style numbers
    • truncatewords:n - cuts off after that many words and adds an ellipsis
    • date:format - eg date:"F j, Y" for human readable dates
    • urlize - Converts an email or web address into a link
    • safe - output raw html - tell django it is safe

Can also be done in other filters with marksafe

In settings add to INSTALLED_APPS


at top of template load humanize

    {% load humanize %}

Good use case for custom filters:

  • Convert markdown to html

Arguments to custom tags#

Arguments are seperated by a space

            {% is_conjugate test_var %}

Load multiple filters#

            {% load humanize course_extras %}


You can chain filters

    {{ word|lower|capfirst }}

Applied in order, applied to result of one before


Shorten a long variable

            {% with con=step.content %}
            {{ con|linebreaks }}
    {% endwith %}


Conditionally show a template

            {% if course.description %}
        {{ course.description }}
    {% endif %}

Can also use an else

            {% if course.description|wordcountt <= 5 %}
        {{ course.description }}
    {% else %}
        {{ course.description|truncatewords:5 }}
    {% endif %}

Static files#

Remember to let django know you will be using static with:

            {% load static from staticfiles %}

Custom template tags#

Requires a folder called templatetags in the app

Add the file to recognise as a python package

Follow this Custom Template tag Guide

This makes the code more readable and DRY

So important to use these

Inclusion tag#

Different from a simple tag as it includes data as a whole other template

These are powerful

Project wide static files#

best location: project/assets/css/*.css

App specific static files#

project/app_name/static/app_name/css/*.css project/app_name/static/app_name/images/*.jpg project/app_name/static/app_name/js/*.js

App specific css should not be used on pages not within the app itself
