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Postgres Up And Running

PostGres - Up and Running#

A few notes I took from the excellent book” PostgreSQL: Up and Running, Third Edition by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu”


Why PostgreSQL#

PostgreSQL is a relational detabase management system. It is not just a database it is also an application platform.

It is fast.

Prepackaged languages for stored procedures and functions: C, SQL and PL/pgSQL. Additional support for Python, R and Javascript (PL/V8) - boo!

It has a larger set of datatypes than most and allows definition on custom data types.

It bridges between the relational world and the object world. If you create a dog table with creed, colour, size; postgres will maintain a dog datatype for you.

With a robust database, everything else is eye candy

PostgreSQL is fundementallly relational, there are non-relational facilities:

  • ltree supports graphs
  • hstore for key value pairs
  • json and jsonb for documents (we’ve already learnt that jsonb is preferential in most cases)

It has been around for 20 years (from changing to PostgreSQL from Postgres95), the code base started in 1986.

Why Not PostGresSQL#

It is large (more than 100mb) so rule out use on small devices and for small cache stores.

Security managed at applcation level doesn’t need postgres’ role and permissions, a single user database such as sqlite or firebird may be better suited.

It can be combined with other db types like redis or memchache to cache query results. Or woith sqlite for the offline db.


Install from Postgres core Distribution


On Ubuntu you can intall with:

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Log into psql:

sudo -u postgres psql

Get out:


From command prompt create a user:

sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive

Create a database:

createdb crowdminder

This will only install postgres 9.5

Installing Latest on Ubuntu#

Follow the steps in Installing postgres on ubuntu core

The installer will tell you to login as postgres and run:

/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/10/main -l logfile start

but it didn’t work for me so I just started it with:

sudo service postgres start

Wierdly it started the previous install I had of postgres:

postgres=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.5.13 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
(1 row)

I had to purge the old one with:

sudo apt purge postgresql-9.5

then install with:

sudo apt install postgresql-10 postgresql-client-10

Use select version(); inside psql to check the version.

Administration tools#

  • psql - postgreSQL’s command line interface that comes with the core distribution
  • pgAdmin - a popular, free GUI tool for Postgres. It is the postgres version of MySQLWorkbench. Although I have found MySQL workbench superior to use. That being said administration and monitoring can be done on pgAdmin as it is open source. pgAdmin does not have a desktop app is is used through a browser.
  • phpPgAdmin - Postgres version of PHPMyAdmin. Not the best tool - but horses for courses.
  • Adminer - Useful if you are manging postgres and other databases together. A lightweight PHP application. It has a nice relational diagrammer (which makes up for PgAdmin’s lack of one). It is a lowest common denominator package.

Postgres Databse Objects#

Postgres has more database objects than most other systems. You will probably never touch most of these objects.

  • Database - Each postgres service houses many databases
  • Schema - Next level organisation within each database. When you create a new database, postgres automatically creates a schema called public which is fine if you have a few tables. YThousands of tables should be split into schemas.
  • Table - Tables are first citizens of schemas. They are inheritable which saves time in db creation and querying. Postgres creates an accompanying custom data type for each table.
  • View - Views are offered by most db’s and offer a level of abstraction from tables. You can do caluclations, derive columns, hide columns. Generally they are read-only but can be updated in postgres even with derived columns with a trigger.

Allow developers to package, functions, data types, casts, custom index types, tables, attribute variables.

Only enable extensions you need. Also create a seperate schema for them to reside in like extensions.

search_path variable of the database so you can refer to the function without having to prepend the schema name

Some extensions rely on other extensions, with 9.6 dependent extensions will be installed when required when using CASCADE:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder CASCADE;

Functions can be created for data manipulation, complex calculations. Other databases refer to functions that manipulate data as stored procdeures. Postgres does not make that distinction.


You can create functions using a PL a procedural language.

There are 3 by default: SQL, PL/pgSQL, and C

You can add more from framework or with CREATE PRODCEDURAL LANGUAGE


Symbolically names aliases: = or &&. You can create your own.

Foreign Tables and Foreign Data Wrappers#

Foreign tbles are virtual tables linked to data outside of postgres. They could be a CSV file or another external db, a webservice or redis that can be queries like another table.

Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW’s) handle the mapping and handschake between the services.

Triggers and Trigger Functions#

Triggers detect and run on data change events. Trigger functions have access to info before and after a trigger event for complex validation and reversal. In 9.4 you can create triggers for foreign tables.


Catalogs are system schemas that store Postgres built-in functions and metadata. Every database contains:

  • pg_catalog - holds tables, functions, system views from PostGres
  • information_schema - Metadata for exposing ANSI SQL standard

Settings to configure the db are stored within the db. Although best not to mess with variables in pg_catalog

You will find information_schema in MySQL as well and it lists: columns, tables and views giving info about the structure of tables.


Short for data type

FTS, Full text search, is a natural language based search. It can search based on semantics (the meaning behind the words) not just on syntactical (structural) make up.

Eg. Searching for runnning may return: run, runner, running, sprint, dash


Prescribe how to convert one data type to another.


Gives control of an autoincrement serial class


Instructions to rewrite SQL before execution which have fallen out of favour to triggers.

Database Drivers#

  • PHP - pdo_pgsql
  • Java - JDBC
  • .net - Npgsql
  • Microsoft Office - Postgres ODBC drivers
  • Python - psycopg2
  • Ruby - pg

Database Administration#

Basic Administration: managing roles and permissions, creating databases, installing extensions, backing up and restoring data.

Configuration Files#

  • postgresql.conf - General settings: memory allocation, defautl sotrage locations, ip addresses, posts, location of logs.
  • pg_hba.conf - Controls access to server, indicating which users and ip’s can login and connect.
  • pg_ident.conf - Maps authenticated OS login to a postgres user. Some may a server’s root user to posrtgres user.

Postgres refers to users as roles. Not all roles need to have login privileges (group roles)

Finding tho location of configuration files:

SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE category = 'File Locations';
Changing Settings#

Some config changes require restarting the service and closing existing connections. Other changes just require a reload. Look under the context setting associated with a configuration:

  • postmaster = restart required
  • user = reload required
  1. Console pg_ctl, in a console:

    pg_ctl reload -D your_data_directory_here

  2. Installed as a service:

    service postgresql-9.5 reload

  3. Via a query:

    SELECT pg_reload_conf();

  1. Console pg_ctl, in a console:

    pg_ctl restart -D your_data_directory_here

  2. Installed as a service:

    service postgresql-9.5 restart


Never edit it directly, rather make use of which overrides settings in the postgres.conf.

You can check settigs with:

    context ,
    unit ,
    setting, boot_val, reset_val 
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers',
ORDER BY context, name;

Remember context shows the scope. user context means a user can change settings in their session. superuser sets it as default for all users. user cannot override a superuser set setting. postmaster settings affect the entire server.

Settings can be set per role, database, session and funciton level.

Make sure to check the unit of the setting.

Remember you can check the data type label display with SHOW:

SHOW shared_buffers;
File Settings#

You can check settings from files:

SELECT name, sourcefile, sourceline, setting, applied
FROM pg_file_settings
WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses','deadlock_timeout','shared_buffers',
ORDER BY name;

Important settings that require a restart and may prevent clients from connecting:

  • listen_addresses - Tells PostgreSQL what IP address to listen on. This defualt to localhost. Most people change to * for all ip’s.
  • port - Defaults to 5432
  • max_connections - The max number of concurrent connections
  • log_destination - misnomer, it specifies the log format, reather than location.

Settings that affect performance:

  • shared_buffers - Amount of memory shared between all connections. This affects the speed of your queries. Generally this should be set to 25% of available RAM. After 8Gb there are diminishing returns.
  • effective_cache_size - An estimate postgres expects the OS to devote to it. Set this to half of avialable RAM for a dediated server.
  • work_mem - Controls max memory for each operation: sorting, hash join and table scans.
  • maintenance_work_mem - Memory allocated for house keeping activities (Nevr set more than 1Gb)
  • max_parallel_workers_per_gather - Parallelism which is off by default. If you have more than 1 core you will want to increase this. should be lower than max_worker_processes - which defaults to 8.

Changin settings

It is better to use a query ALTER SYSTEM instead of editing the files directly:

ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '500MB';

then reload:

SELECT pg_reload_conf();
Server not starting after editing file#

If this happens check the log at the root of the data folder or in pg_log.

Most common is a shared_buffers set too high or an ols left from a failed shutdown which will need to be deleted.


Determines who can connect. Changes to this file require a reload.

The authentication method: ident, trust, md5, peer and password.

Remember users and devices still need to satisfy role and database access restrictions.

  • trust - least secure authentication. No password is needed as long as user is from the ip range.
  • md5 - required an MD5 encrypted password to connect
  • password - uses clear text password authentication
  • ident - uses pg_ident.conf to check if local user is mapped to a postgres account.
  • peer - uses OS name of the user from the kernel.
  • cert - stipulate that connections use SSL.

Managing Connections#

The responsibility is on the client to stop queries from taking ver long to complete. Although queries can be cancelled or connections terminated.

All running queries should be stopped and connectins terminated before making backups and restoring backups.

Cancelling running queries and terminating connections#
  1. Retrieve a list of active connections:

    SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
  2. Cancel active queries on a connection with PID 1234

    SELECT pg_cancel_backend(1234);
  3. Terminate the connection

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(1234);

This is especially important prior to a database restore. If you don’t terminate the connection, the client may immediately reconnect after restore and run the offending query anew.

pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend only work on one pid at a time, you can cancel all with the use of SQL:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE usename = 'some_role';

You can set some defaults so the server automatically cancels or kills:

  • deadlock_timeout - how long a deadlocked query should wait before giving up
  • statement_timeout - time a query can run before it is forced to cancel. This default to 0 (ie. never timeout)
  • lock_timeout - time to wait on a lock before giving up. Default is 0.
  • idle_in_transaction_session_timeout - Amount of time a transaction can stay in idle before timing out.

More info on wait event types in postgres Docs


Roles can belong to other roles (group roles).


Postgres creates a login role called postgres. After installing postgres you should login as postgres and create another role. Either with PgAdmin or:


VALID UNTIL is optional, defualts to infinity. CREATEDB grants database creation privileges to the new role.

Creating a superuser:


Creating a group role:


INHERIT means any member of royalty will inherit privileges of royalty role.

Adding members to a group role:

GRANT royalty TO leo;

View Postgres golbal variables:: session_user and current_user

SELECT session_user, current_user;

SET ROLE changes the current_user, while SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION changes both the current_user and session_user variables.

Database Creations#


a Template Databse is a skeleton for new databases. If you don’t specify a template template1 is used.

Creating a database from a template:

CREATE DATABASE my_db TEMPLATE my_template_db;

You can also mark any database as a template database. Once you do, the database is no longer editable and deletable.

UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate = TRUE WHERE datname = 'mydb';

If ever you need to edit or drop a template database, first set the datistemplate attribute to FALSE

Using Schemas#

Schemas organise your data into logical groups. If you have more than 24 tables in your database consider moving them out into schemas.

Another common way to organize schemas is by roles. We found this to be particularly handy with applications that serve multiple clients whose data must be kept separate.

Prepend the schema name onto the table in a query to tell postgres what schema to use:

SELECT * FROM customer1.dogs

Another method is to set the search_path variable to be something like customer1, public.

It will search the non-public schema first.

Finding the currently logged in user:

SELECT user;

an alias for current_user

So if customer schemas are named the same as their login roles you can do:

search_path = "$user", public;

Importantly all SQL queries remain the same.

Create new schemas per extension

CREATE SCHEMA my_extensions;

then add the new extension to the search path:

ALTER DATABASE mydb SET search_path='$user', public, my_extensions;
  • Requires a reconnect


Privileges or permissions are tricky to administer. It can even go to row and column level. You can achieve most privilege audmin in pgAdmin.

Most privileges have a context (a target acted upon), the only 2 with no context are CREATEDB and CREATE ROLE

Getting Started#

After installing postgres

Create a role that will ownt he db:

CREATE ROLE mydb_admin LOGIN PASSWORD 'something';

Create the database and set the owner:

CREATE DATABASE mydb WITH owner = mydb_admin;


Primary way to assign privileges:

GRANT some_privilege TO some_role;

Some privileges always remain with the owner of an object and can never be granted away. These include DROP and ALTER.

The owner of an object retains all privileges. Granting an owner privilege in what it already owns is unnecessary

Giving another role ability to give others the permission, use OPTION:


To grant a privilege on all roles, use PUBLIC:


Unlike in other database products, being the owner of a PostgreSQL database does not give you access to all objects in the database. Another role could conceivably create a table in your database and deny you access to it! However, the privilege to drop the entire database could never be wrestled away from you.

After granting privileges to tables and functions with a schema, don’t forget to grant usage on the schema itself.

Backup and Restore#

3 utilities:

  • pg_dump - backup specific database
  • pg_dumpall - backup all databases (as superuser)
  • pg_basebackup - system level disk backups

If your db is >= 500Gb then you should use pg_basebackup as part of your backup strategy - but that requires settings turned on for replication.

pg_dump can selectively back up tables, schemas, and databases

Create a compressed, single database backup#

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -F c -b -v -f mydb.backup mydb

A plain text backup can be created with:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -C -F p -b -v -f mydb.backup mydb

(Jeepuz, lots of options) -C means CREATE DATABASE

Create a dump of tables whose name starts with pay*:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -F c -b -v -t *.pay* -f pay.backup mydb

A backup of all objects in the hr and payroll schemas:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -F c -b -v \
-n hr -n payroll -f hr.backup mydb

Create a compressed backup of all objects in all schemas including public:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -F c -b -v -N public \
-f all_sch_except_pub.backup mydb

To crate the backup as a directory and getting around file size limitations:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U someuser -F d -f /somepath/a_directory mydb
System wide backup#

A server wide backup using pg_dumpall puts everything into a plain text file, including server globals. It is recommended to prefer inidividual backups though as restoring from a huge text file can be slow. pg_basebackup is the fastest option when restoring from a major issue.

To backup all globals and tablespace definitions:

pg_dumpall -h localhost -U postgres --port=5432 -f myglobals.sql --globals-only

Backing up specific global settings:

pg_dumpall -h localhost -U postgres --port=5432 -f myroles.sql --roles-only

Restoring Data#

From pg_dump and pg_dumpall use:

  1. psql for plain-text
  2. pg_restore for compressed, tar and directory backups

Restore a backup and ignore errors:

psql -U postgres -f myglobals.sql

Restore, stopping when error found:

psql -U postgres --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -f myglobals.sql

Restore a specific database:

psql -U postgres -d mydb -f select_objects.sql
  • You can perform parrallel restores with -j or --jobs=3. Restoring a table per thread.
  • You can review what is being restored before starting
  • You can sleectively restore: table or schema

To restore:

  1. First create the databsae anew:


  2. Restore:

    pg_restore –dbname=mydb –jobs=4 –verbose mydb.backup

If the name of the db is the same as the backup, you can do the above in one step:

pg_restore --dbname=postgres --create --jobs=4 --verbose mydb.backup

With the --create option, the database name is always the same as the one you backed up.

A restore will not recreate objects, so you need to use the --clean switch.

To restore just the structure with no data:

pg_restore --dbname=mydb2 --section=pre-data --jobs=4 mydb.backup


Postgres uses table spaces to map logical names ot physical locations on disk. Defaults: pg_default (user data) and pg_global (system data)

Creating a tablespace:

For unix, firt create the folder and fstab location, then:

CREATE TABLESPACE secondary LOCATION '/usr/data/pgdata94_secondary';

Moving objects to another tablesapce:


To move a single table:


To move all objects from defualt to secondary (db will be locaked):

ALTER TABLESPACE pg_default MOVE ALL TO secondary;

Important SysAdmin Points#

  • Always check the logs when something goes wrong
  • You can clear your pg_log folder (not any others, pg_xlog and pg_clog are very important - renamed in postgres 10 to stop people thinking they were log files)
  • Don’t grant full OS permissions to the postgres account - opens up chance of SQL injection
  • Don’t set shared_buffers too high
  • Dont try to start postgres on a port already in use - you will get an error saying it is already running.


You can download pgAdmin


  • Server and desktop mode (as a web server)
  • Graphical explain for queries
  • SQl Pane
  • GUI editor for postgres.conf and pg_hba.conf
  • Data export and import - CSV, Html
  • Backup and restore wizard
  • Grant wizard - privileges
  • pgScript engine - for db scripts without transactions
  • SQL intellisense (ctrl + space)
  • pgAgent - job scheduling s

Don’t panic, there are alot of things here (many of these won’t matter for a while). You can declutter this by going: Files -> Preferences -> Browser -> Nodes

Editing server files#

You need the adminpack extension installed: