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Django Workday Hours Model Field

Django How to create a Django Workday hours Field#

To create a field storing workday hours it is sometimes good to use secondsto capture and use choices like below.

    (0, '0'),
    (1800, '0.5'),
    (3600, '1'),
    (5400, '1.5'),
    (7200, '2'),
    (9000, '2.5'),
    (10800, '3'),
    (12600, '3.5'),
    (14400, '4'),
    (16200, '4.5'),
    (18000, '5'),
    (19800, '5.5'),
    (21600, '6'),
    (23400, '6.5'),
    (25200, '7'),
    (27000, '7.5'),
    (28800, '8'),
    (30600, '8.5'),
    (32400, '9'),
    (34200, '9.5'),
    (36000, '10')

workday_hours = models.PositiveIntegerField(

But there is a way to do this with a list comprehension

choices = [(3600 * num, num) for num in range(0, 10, 1)]

Unfortunately range() does not work with a decimal step