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Effective Python

Effective Python Summary Notes#

I’ve been wanting to learn and improve my python so I read a book and took notes from Effective Python - Brett Slatkin. He has some good tech reads on his blog.

Pythonic Thinking#

1. Know which python version you are using#

$ python –version


>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.version_info)
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=4, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
>>> print(sys.version)
3.6.4 (default, Mar  9 2018, 23:15:03) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)]
  • Prefer python 3 for new projects.
  • There are many runtimes: CPython, Jython, Itonpython, PyPy. Default is CPython.

2. Follow PEP8 Style Guide#

Conistent style makes code more approachable and easy to read Facilitates collaboration

Read the pep8 style guide

3. Know the Differences Between bytes, str, and unicode#

In python 3 there is bytes and str. str contain unicode values bytes contain raw 8-bit values

  • You need to use encode and decode to convert unicode to bytes
  • Do encoding and decoding at the furtherest boundary of the interface (so core of program works with unicode)
  • bytes and str instances are never equivalent (In python 3)
  • File handles (using open) default to UTF-8 encoding

Ensure to use wb write-banary mode as opposed to just w wrote character mode:

with open('/tmp/random.bin', 'wb') as f:

When reading a file you can specify the mode:

with open('data.bin', 'r', encoding='cp1252') as f:

Get the default encoding on your system:

python3 -c 'import locale; print(locale. getpreferredencoding())'

4. Prefer Interpolated f-strings over C-style format and str.format#

C-style format:

a = 0b1011010
b = 0xc5f
print('Binary is %d, hex is %d' % (a,b))

Binary is 187, hex is 3167

Problems with C-style format:

  • Changing the order of the tuple makes the expression fail also changing the format and keeping the order, same error
  • Tuple and format becomes long forcing splitting across lines - hurting readability
  • Using the same value multiple times, must duplicate in tuple
  • redundancy in dictionaries

Advanced string formatting:

a = 1234.5678
formatted = format(a, ',.2f')

Instead of c-style formatting you can use placeholders {}, which are replaced by positional arguments:

key = 'my_key'
value = 1244
'{} = {}'.format(key, value)
my_key = 1244

You can optionally format the placeholder with a colon character:

formatted = '{:<10} = {:.2f}'.format(key, value)
my_key     = 1244.00

The formatting per class can be customised per class with __format__

With C-style and formatting you need to double the special character to insure it is not interpreted.

print('%.2f%%' % 12.5)

print('{} replaces {{}}'.format(1.23))
1.23 replaces {}

Positional index can be specified when formatted:

formatted = '{1} = {0}'.format(key, value) 
1244 = my_key

The same index can be used multiple times, not needing the value to be passed again.

formatted = '{0} loves food. {0} loves eating.'.format('john')
john loves food. john loves eating.

Using str.format is not recommended

Interpolated format strings#

Python 3.6 added interpolated format strings.

You precede the string with f, like b for byte-strings and r for raw unescaped strings.

f-strings remove the redundancy of declaring the strings to be formatted.

formatted = f'{key} = {value}'
my_key = 1244

The format specifiers are still available

formatted = f'{key!r:<10} = {value:.2f}'
'my_key'   = 1244.00


f_string = f'{key:<10} = {value:.2f}'
c_tuple = '%-10s = %.2f' % 0key, value)
str_args = '{:<10} = {:.2f}'.format(key, value)
str_kw = '{key:<10} = {value:.2f}'.format(key=key, value, value)
c_dict = '%(key)-10s = %(value).2f' % {'key': key, 'value': value}

F-strings let you put a full python expression in

pantry = [('plums', 2), ('horse raddish', 1), ('corn', 4)]

for i, (item, count) in enumerate(pantry):
    f_string = f'#{i+1}: {item.title():<15s} = {round(count)}'


$ python 
#1: Plums           = 2
#2: Horse Raddish   = 1
#3: Corn            = 4

You can even use a parameterised format:

places = 3
number = 1.23456
print(f'My number is {number:.{places}f}')
My number is 1.235

Choose f-strings

5. Write helper functions, instead of complex expressions#


red = int(my_values.get('red', [''])[0] or 0)

This code is not obvious. There is a lot of visual noise and it is not approachable.

You could use a ternary:

red = my_values.get('red', [''])
red = int(red[0]) if red[0] else 0

but it is still not great.

So a helper function:

def get_first_int(values, key, default=0):
    found = values.get(key, [''])
    if found[0]:
        found = int(found[0])
        found = default
    return found

and calling:

green = get_first_int(my_values, 'green')

is much clearer.

  • Use complex expressions to a help function, especially when logic is repeated

6. Prefer Multiple Assignment Unpacking over Indexing#

Python uses tuples to create immutable, ordered sequences of values.

snack_calories = {
    'chips': 140,
    'popcorn': 80,
    'nuts': 190,
items = tuple(snack_calories.items())
  • You can access an item in a tuple with the index.
  • Once created, you cannot modify a tuple value

Python has syntax to let you unpack a tuple into variables.

item = ('Peanut butter', 'Jelly')
first, second = item # Unpacking
print(first, 'and', second)

There is less noise in the code than using indexes

The same unpacking logic applies to more complex structures: unpacking lists of tuples

You can also swap items in place:

a[i -1], a[i] = a[i], a[i - 1]

There is usually no need to access anything by indexes

Avoid indexing where possible

7. Prefer Enumerate over Range#

If you need the index use enumerate, Python enumerate wraps any iterator with a lazy generator

As opposed to:

for i in range(len(flavor_list)):
    flavor = flavor_list[i]
    print(f'{i + 1}: {flavour}')

consider (and setting where enumerate should start counting from):

for i, flavor in enumerate(flavor_list, 1):
    print(f'{i}: {flavour}')

enumerate yields pairs of the loop index and the next value from the given iterator.

flavour_list = ['chocolate', 'strawberry', 'bubblegum']
it = enumerate(flavour_list)
(0, 'chocolate')
(1, 'strawberry')
(2, 'bubblegum')

That is why unapacking works:

for index, value in enumerate(flavour_list):

8. Use zip to process iterators in parrallel#

names = ['Cecilia', 'Lise', 'Marie']
letters = [len(n) for n in names]

For processing a list and derived list simulateously you can use enumerate to get the index:

for i, name in enumerate(names):
    count = letters[i]
    if count > max_letters:
        longest_name = name
        max_letters = count

But python provides zip, that wraps 2 or more iterators with a lazy generator. The zip generator yields tuples containing the next value from each iterator

for name, count in zip(names, letters):
    if count > max_letters:
        longest_name = name
        max_letters = count

  • If the iterators supplied are not the same length, it keeps going until 1 is exhausted.
  • zip will truncate quietly

You can use itertools.zip_longest to always extinguish the longest list and use fill values:

import itertools
for name, count in itertools.zip_longest(names, counts):
    print(f'{name}: {count}')

9. Avoid Else blocks after for and while#

for i in range(3):
    print('Loop {}'.format(i))
    print('Else block!')

Python weirdly has an else after a for and that makes it difficult for new programmers. The reason is it works more like an except because the else part will run at the end of the loop. So it will execute regardless of whether the loop was entered or not.

  • A break statement in the for part will skip the else block
  • The behaviour is not obvious or intuitive

This is also the case with a while loop:

while False:
    print('Never Runs!')
    print('While Else block runs!')

10. Prevent Repitition with Assignment Expressions#

The infamous walrus operator

Introduced in python 3.8.

a := b

pronounced, a walrus b

They allow you to assign variabled in places where assignment is disallowed.

For example, we want to make sure there is at least 1 lemon to squeeze for lemonade.

fresh_fruit = {
    'apple': 10,
    'banana': 8,
    'lemon': 5,

def make_lemonade(count):
def out_of_stock():

count = fresh_fruit.get('lemon', 0)
if count:

The problem above is the count variable is only used in the if portion of the if statement.

So we could rewrite the above as:

if count:= fresh_fruit.get('lemon', 0):

If I needed more than 4 apples for cider:

if (count := fresh_fruit.get('apple', 0)) >= 4:

You need to surround the assignment with parenthesis for it to work

Used to improve the imitation of the switch/case statements:

if (count := fresh_fruit.get('banana', 0)) >= 2:
    pieces = slice_bananas(count)
    to_enjoy = make_smoothies(pieces)
elif (count := fresh_fruit.get('apple', 0)) >= 4:
    to_enjoy = make_cider(count)
elif count := fresh_fruit.get('lemon', 0):
    to_enjoy = make_lemonade(count)
    to_enjoy = 'Nothing'

Improvements on readability and indentation

  • The assignment expression both assigns and evaluates
  • If it is a subexpression it needs parenthesis

Lists and Sequences#

11. Know how to slice sequences#

  • list, str and bytes can be sliced
  • The result of a slice is a whole new list, the original is not changed

Syntax is:


eg: a = [1, 2, 3, 4] a[:2] a[:5] a[0:5]

12. Avoid Striding and slicing in a single Expression#


The stride lets you take every nth item

>>> colours = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green']
>>> colours[::2]
['red', 'yellow', 'green']
  • Can be very confusing, especially negative strides
  • Avoid start and end when doing a stride
  • Use itertools module islice function if necessary

13. Prefer Catch all unpacking over Slicing#

A limitation of unpacking is you need to know the number of items in the list or sequence.

car_ages = [10, 0, 5, 6, 16, 21, 8]
car_ages_descending = sorted(car_ages, reverse=True)
oldest, second_oldest = car_ages_descending

You get an error:

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

Newcomers will overcome this with indexing - which can become messy and noisy. Also error prone to the off by one error/

The solution invovles python’s catch-all unpacking with a starred expressions. If allows one part of the expression to match any other part of the matching pattern.

oldest, second_oldest, *others = car_ages_descending    
print(oldest, second_oldest, others)
21 16 [10, 8, 6, 5, 0]

A starred expression can appear anywhere:

oldest, *others, youngest = car_ages_descending
print(oldest, others, youngest)
21 [16, 10, 8, 6, 5] 0
  • You cannot use a catch-all expression on its owns
  • You cannot use multiple catch-alls

Catchalls become lists in all instances, if no items - it comes an empty list.

The danger is if the catchall catches an iterator too large for memory - always know the size is smaller than memory.

14. Sort by Complex Criteria using the key parameter#

The list built-in type provides a sort method for ordering items in a list based on criteria.

By default .sort() will order in ascending order.

numbers = [55, 78, 13, 0, 12, -8]
[-8, 0, 12, 13, 55, 78]

It works for nearly all built-in types, but won’t for your custom class if it the class cannot be compared.

Example Tool class:

class Tool:
    def __init__(self, name, weight): = name
        self.weight = weight

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Tool({!r}, {self.weight}'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tools = [
        Tool('level', 3.5),
        Tool('hammer', 1.25),
        Tool('screwdriver', 0.5),
        Tool('chisel', 0.25),


You will get an error:

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Tool' and 'Tool'

Often there is an attribute of the class that can be used for ordering, for this sort() accepts a key parameter - that is expecter to be a function. In this case we will use the lambda keywork to represent the name.

tools.sort(key=lambda x:
[Tool('chisel', 0.25, Tool('hammer', 1.25, Tool('level', 3.5, Tool('screwdriver', 0.5]

You can use any attribute that has a natural order.

They can also be used to transform and sort in one, eg. for a string type lambda x: x.lower()

What about sorting on more than 1 criteria:

  • Tuples are comparable by default and have a natural ordering, meaning that they implement all of the special methods, such as __lt__, that are required by the sort method.

You can take advantage of this by sorting the tuple:

tools.sort(key=lambda x: (x.weight,
[Tool('chisel', 0.25, Tool('screwdriver', 0.5, Tool('hammer', 1.25, Tool('level', 3.5]

One disadvantage is they must all be in ascedning order or descending (with the reverse=True paramter)

tools.sort(key=lambda x: (x.weight,, reverse=True)
[Tool('level', 3.5, Tool('hammer', 1.25, Tool('screwdriver', 0.5, Tool('chisel', 0.25]

More edge cases in the book…

15. Be Cautious when Relying on Dict Insertion Ordering#

In Python3.5 and prior - iterating over dictionary would return keys in random order. The order of iteration would not match the order of insertion.

Functions keys, values, items and popitem would also show this behaviour - prior to python 3.6.

There are many repercussions to this change.

**kwargs would come in any order.

Classes also use the dict type for their instance dictionaries __dict__

collections used to be the goto for OrderedDict class that preserved insertion ordering - it may still be preferable over python’s dict due to the speed.

Python makes it easy to define custom container types for standard protocols list, dict and others.

Python is not statically typed - so most code relies on duck typing - where an object’s behaviour is its defacto type - instead of rigid class hierachies.

When you don’t get the dict object but a similar duck typed object you have 3 options:

  1. Change your program to expect different objects
  2. Check the expected type and raise an Exception if it is different
  3. Use a type annotation to ensure it is a dict instance and not a MutableMapping with mypy

Then check it with static analysis: python3 -m mypy --strict

16. Prefer get over in and KeyError to handle Missing Dict Keys#

counters = {
    'pumpernickel': 2,
    'sourdough': 1,

count = counters.get(key, 0)
counters[key] = count + 1

There is a Counter class with a built-in colletions module

If you wanted to know who voted for each type:

votes = {
    'baguette': ['Bob', 'Alice'],
    'ciabatta': ['Coco', 'Deb'],
key = 'brioche'
who = 'Elmer'

if key in votes:
    names = votes[key]
    votes[key] = names = []


You could also use:

names = votes.get(key)
if names is None:
    votes[key] = names = []

or with an assignment expression:

if (names := votes.get(key)) is None:
    votes[key] = names = []


Not the most readable

setdefault fetches the value of a key - if it isn’t repsent it assigns the default value provided.

names = votes.setdefault(key, [])

setdefault is not self explanatory - it should be get_or_set so new developers would understand faster and without having to look at the docs.

Important that a new default value is set directly for each key and not copied. If the value assigned is modified after being set as the default it will change the key value.

There are only a few circumstances in which using setdefault is the shortest way to handle missing dictionary keys, such as when the default values are cheap to construct, mutable, and there’s no potential for raising exceptions (e.g., list instances).

17. Prefer defaultdict Over setdefault to Handle Missing Items in Internal State#

For the instance where you are creating a mechanism for storing countries and cities:

class Visits:
    def __init__(self): = {}

    def add(self, country, city):
        city_set =, set())

hiding setdefault from the caller - a nicer interface for the caller

visits = Visits()
visits.add('Russia', 'Yekaterinburg')
visits.add('Tanzania', 'Zanzibar')

{'Russia': {'Yekaterinburg'}, 'Tanzania': {'Zanzibar'}}

Using defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

class Visits:
    def __init__(self): = defaultdict(set)

    def add(self, country, city):[country].add(city)

visits = Visits()
visits.add('England', 'Bath')
visits.add('England', 'London')

>>> defaultdict(<class 'set'>, {'England': {'London', 'Bath'}})

18. Know how to construct key dependent values with __missing__#

For example, say that I’m writing a program to manage social network profile pictures on the filesystem. I need a dictionary to map profile picture pathnames to open file handles so I can read and write those images as needed.

You can subclass the dict type and implement the missing special method to add custom logic for handling missing keys

class Pictures(dict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        value = open_picture(key)
        self[key] = value
        return value

pictures = Pictures()
handle = pictures[path]
image_data =
  • The setdefault method of dict is a bad fit when creating the default value has high computational cost or may raise exceptions.
  • The function passed to defaultdict must not require any arguments


Functions enable you to break large programs into smaller, simpler pieces with names to represent their intent. They improve readability and make code more approachable. They allow for reuse and refactoring.

19. Never Unpack more than 3 Variables when functions return Multiple Values#

One effect of unpacking is it allows python functions to return more than 1 value

def get_stats(numbers):
    minimum = min(numbers)
    maximum = max(numbers)
    return minimum, maximum

lengths = [63, 73, 72, 60, 67, 66, 71, 61, 72, 70]

minimum, maximum = get_stats(lengths) # Two return values

Unpacking more than 3 makes it easy to reorder them - causing hard to spot bugs.

# Correct:
minimum, maximum, average, median, count = get_stats(lengths)

# Oops! Median and average swapped:
minimum, maximum, median, average, count = get_stats(lengths)

The line line might become very long - PEP8 forces next line - hurting readability

Never unpack more than 3 - if you do want to unpack more than 3 you are better off defining a lightweight class or namedtuple

20. Prefer Raising Exceptions to Returning None#

Use List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter#

List comprehensions derive one list from another

>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> [x**2 for x in numbers]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]

Preferable over using map that requires a lambda

squares = map(lambda x: x ** 2, a)

You can also use lsit comprehensions to filter with an if:

[x**2 for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0]

which can be achieved with map and filter:

alt = map(lambda x: x**2, filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, a))

There are also list comprehensions for dict and set

chile_ranks = {'ghost': 1, 'habanero': 2, 'cayenne': 3}
# dict comprehension
rank_dict = {rank: name for name, rank in chile_ranks.items()}
# set comprehensoin
chile_len_set = {len(name) for name in rank_dict.values()}

Avoid More Than Two Expressions in List Comprehensions#

List comprehensions support multiple loops

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] flat = [x for row in matrix for x in row]

and multiple if conditions

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
b = [x for x in a if x > 4 if x % 2 == 0]
c = [x for x in a if x > 4 and x % 2 == 0]

You can also use conditions at each level:

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] filtered = [[x for x in row if x % 3 == 0]             for row in matrix if sum(row) >= 10] print(filtered)

But this is horrendous for someone else to comprehend

Consider Generator Expressions for Large Comprehensions#

  • List comprehensions create a new list with at most the same number of values in the input sequence
  • For large inputs this may cause the program to crash due to memory usage
  • To solve this, Python provides generator expressions, a generalization of list comprehensions and generators
  • generator expressions evaluate to an iterator that yields one item at a time from the expression

When you’re looking for a way to compose functionality that’s operating on a large stream of input, generator expressions are the best tool for the job

it = (len(x) for x in open(‘/tmp/my_file.txt’))

gen = (print(i) for i in [9,1,2,3,3,]) print(next(gen))

Take Advantage of Each Block in try/except/else/finally#

Finally Blocks#

Use try...finally when you want exceptions to propagate up but you also want to run cleanup code when exceptions occur.

handle = open('/tmp/random_data.txt')  # May raise IOError
    data =  # May raise UnicodeDecodeError
    handle.close()        # Always runs after try:
Else Blocks#
  • When the try block doesn’t raise an exception, the else block will run.
  • The else block helps you minimize the amount of code in the try block and improves readability

    def load_json_key(data, key):     try:         result_dict = json.loads(data)  # May raise ValueError     except ValueError as e:         raise KeyError from e     else:         return result_dict[key]

If decoding is successful the result key is returned if there is a KeyError that propagtes up to the caller

Everything together Try…Except…Else…Finally#
UNDEFINED = object()

def divide_json(path):
    handle = open(path, 'r+')   # May raise IOError
        data =    # May raise UnicodeDecodeError
        op = json.loads(data)   # May raise ValueError
        value = (op['numerator'] / op['denominator'])
        # May raise ZeroDivisionError
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        return UNDEFINED
        op['result'] = value
        result = json.dumps(op)
        handle.write(result)    # May raise IOError
        return value
        handle.close() # Always runs


Best organisation tool that help break up large programs into smaller pieces. They improve readibility and make code more approachable.

Prefer Exceptions to Returning None#

There’s a draw for Python programmers to give special meaning to the return value of None

A helper function that divides one number by another. In the case of dividing by zero, returning None seems natural because the result is undefined.

def divide(a, b):
        return a/b
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return None

Using the function:

result = divide(x, y)
if result is None:
    print('Invalid inputs')

The problem is what if the numerator is 0 and denominator not zero, that returns 0. Then when you evaluate in an if condition and look for false istead of is None

That is why returning None is error prone

There are two ways to fix this, the first is returning a two tuple of (success_flag, result) The problem is that some will just ignore that with the _ for unused variables

The better way is to not return None at all, rather raise an exception and have them deal with it.

def divide(a, b):
        return a / b
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        raise ValueError('Invalid inputs') from e

I would even not raise the ValueError

It is then handled better on the caller (no check for None):

x, y = 5, 2
    result = divide(x, y)
except ValueError:
    print('Invalid inputs')
    print('Result is %.1f'.format(result))

Result is 2.5

Raise eceptions instead of returning None

Know How Closures Interact with Variable Scope#

  • closures: functions that refer to variables from the scope in which they were defined
  • functions are first class objects: you can refer to them directly, assign them to variables, pass them as arguments to other functions

When you reference a variable the python interpreter resolves the reference in this order: 1. Current function’s scope 2. Any enclosing scopes 3. Scope of the module containing the code (global scope) 4. The built-in scope (python built in functions: len, str, etc.)

If none of these find the reference a NameError is raised.

Assigning a value to a variable works differently. If the variable is already defined in the current scope, then it will just take on the new value. If the variable doesn’t exist in the current scope, then Python treats the assignment as a variable definition

def sort_priority2(numbers, group):
    found = False         # Scope: 'sort_priority2'
    def helper(x):
        if x in group:
            found = True  # Scope: 'helper' -- Bad!
            return (0, x)
        return (1, x)
    return found

So how do you get the data out:

The nonlocal statement is used to indicate that scope traversal should happen upon assignment for a specific variable name. It won’t go up the module level.

def sort_priority3(numbers, group):
    found = False
    def helper(x):
        nonlocal found
        if x in group:
            found = True
            return (0, x)
        return (1, x)
    return found
  • It’s complementary to the global statement, which indicates that a variable’s assignment should go directly into the module scope.
  • When your usage of nonlocal starts getting complicated, it’s better to wrap your state in a helper class.
  • By default, closures can’t affect enclosing scopes by assigning variables.
  • Avoid nonlocal

A class can be used to make it much easier to read:

class Sorter(object):
    def __init__(self, group): = group
        self.found = False

    def __call__(self, x):
        if x in
            self.found = True
            return (0, x)
        return (1, x)

sorter = Sorter(group)
assert sorter.found is True

Consider Generators Instead of Returning Lists#

Take getting the indices of words in a sentence:

def index_words(text):
    result = []
    if text:
    for index, letter in enumerate(text):
        if letter == ' ':
            result.append(index + 1)
    return result
  • It is dense and noisy
  • One line for creating result list and one for returning it
  • It requires all results to be stored in the list before being returned (inefficent use of memory)

The better way is to use a generator. When called, generator functions do not actually run but instead immediately return an iterator.

With each call to __next__ of the iterator, it will advance to the next yield expression

def index_words_iter(text):
    if text:
        yield 0
    for index, letter in enumerate(text):
        if letter == ' ':
            yield index + 1
  • It is easier to read as references to the result list have been eliminated
  • The iterator returned by the generator can be converted with list()
  • Done line by line especially useful in a stream of reading from a file

Be Defensive when Iterating over Arguments#

An iterator only produces its results a single time

If you iterate over an iterator or generator that has already raised a StopIteration exception, you won’t get any results the second time around

Using out previous example:

address = 'Four score and seven years ago...'
word_iterator = index_words_iter(address)


[0, 5, 11, 15, 21, 27]

Also no exception is raised as python functions are looking for the StopIteration exception during normla operation. They don’t know the difference between an Iterator with no output and an iterator whose output has been exhausted.

One way to fix this is to copy the results of the iterator but the output could be large and cause your program to crash.

The better way to achieve the same result is to provide a new container class that implements the iterator protocol

The iterator protocol is how Python for loops and related expressions traverse the contents of a container type. When Python sees a statement like for x in foo it will actually call iter(foo). The iter built-in function calls the foo.__iter__ special method in turn. The __iter__ method must return an iterator object (which itself implements the __next__ special method). Then the for loop repeatedly calls the next built-in function on the iterator object until it’s exhausted (and raises a StopIteration exception). It sounds complicated, but practically speaking you can achieve all of this behavior for your classes by implementing the __iter__ method as a generator

class WordIndexer:
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def __iter__(self):
        if self.text:
            yield 0
        for index, letter in enumerate(self.text):
            if letter == ' ':
                yield index + 1

calling it with:

word_index = WordIndexer(address)
print(list( word_index))
print(list( word_index))

Now WordIndex is a class that implements the Iterator Protocal (A conatiner for an iterator). Now we need to ensure that the iterator to a function is not an iterator:

def normalize_defensive(numbers):
    '''When an iterator object is passed into iter() it returns the iterator,
    when a container is entered a new iterator is returned each time'''
    if iter(numbers) is iter(numbers):
        raise TypeError('Must supply a container')

Reduce Visual Noise with Variable Positional Arguments#

Optional positional arguments (*args) can make a function call more clear and remove visual noise.

Take this example:

def log(message, values):
    if not values:
        values_str = ', '.join(str(x) for x in values)
        print('{}: {}'.format(message, values_str))

To just print out my message, I have to send an empty []

log('My numbers are', [1, 2])
log('hello world', [])

You can tell python it is an optional parameters with:

def log(message, *values):

and then call it with:

log('hello world')

You would need to change how you send values in though:

favorites = [7, 33, 99]
log('Favorite colors', *favorites)

The *favourites tells python to pass items from the sequence as positional arguments:

*favourites == (7, 33, 99)
favourites == ([7, 33, 99],)

There are a few problems:

  1. The variable arguments are always turned into a tuple before they are passed to your function.

This could consume alot of memory on a generator as it is turned into a tuple.

Functions that accept *args are best for situations where you know the number of inputs in the argument list will be reasonably small

  1. You can’t add new positional arguments to your function in the future without migrating every caller

Ie. adding def log(sequence, message, *values): will break an existing call to log('hello world')

Bugs like this are hard ot track down.

Therefore you should use keyword only arguments when extending a function already accepting *args

Provide Optional Behavior with Keyword Arguments#

All positional arguments in python can also be called with keywords. They can be called:

def remainder(number, divisor):
    return number % divisor

assert remainder(20, 7) == 6
assert remainder(20, divisor=7) == 6
assert remainder(number=20, divisor=7) == 6
assert remainder(divisor=7, number=20) == 6

One way it cannot be called is with:

assert remainder(number=20, 7) == 6

as that raises: SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

Also each argument must be specified once:

remainder(20, number=7)

gives: TypeError: remainder() got multiple values for argument 'number'

  • Keyword arguments make function calls clearer to new readers of code
  • They can have default values - reducing repetitive code and reducing noise (gets difficult with complex defaults)
  • They provide a powerful way to extend a function’s parameters while maintaining backwards compatibility with existing callfs

With a default period of per second:

def flow_rate(weight_diff, time_diff, period=1):
    return (weight_diff / time_diff) * period

would be preferable to:

def flow_rate(weight_diff, time_diff, period):
    return (weight_diff / time_diff) * period

You could also extend this without breaking existing calls with:

def flow_rate(weight_diff, time_diff,               period=1, units_per_kg=1):     return ((weight_diff / units_per_kg) / time_diff) * period

The only problem with this is that optional arguments period and units_per_kg may still be specified as positional arguments.

pounds_per_hour = flow_rate(weight_diff, time_diff, 3600, 2.2)

The best practice is to always specify optional arguments using the keyword names and never pass them as positional arguments.

Use None and Docstrings to specify dynamic default arguments#

Sometimes you need to use a non-static type as a keyword arguments defualt value

For example when logging a message oyu want to include the time and date of the log:

def log(message,
    print('{}: {}'.format(when, message))

log('Hi there!')
log('Hi again!')

>>> 2018-07-13 21:34:08.251207: Hi there!
>>> 2018-07-13 21:34:08.251207: Hi again!

Remember is only run once, when the function is defined

The convension for achieving the desired result is to set when=None and document how to use the function is a docstring.

def log(message, when=None):
    '''Log a message with a timestamp

        message: Message to print
        when: datetime of when the message occured
            Default to present time
    when = if when is None else when
    print('{}: {}'.format(when, message))

The None arugment is especially important for arguments that are mutable. Say you want to decode some json with a default:

def decode(data, default={}):
        return json.loads(data)
    except ValueError:
        return default

foo = decode('bad data')
foo['stuff'] = 5
bar = decode('also bad data')
foo['jink'] = '45'
print('Foo:', foo)
print('bar:', bar)

>>> Foo: {'stuff': 5, 'jink': '45'}
>>> bar: {'stuff': 5, 'jink': '45'}

Unforunately both foo and bar are both equal to the default parameter. They are the same dictionary object being modified.

The fix is setting default=None

Change it like:

def decode(data, default=None):
    if default is None:
        default = {}
        return json.loads(data)
    except ValueError:
        return default
  • Use None as the default argument for keyword arguments that have a dynamic value
  • Keyword arguments are evaluated once, at module load time

Enforce Clarity with Keyword-Only Arguments#

Say you have a function with signature:

def safe_division(number, divisor, ignore_overflow, ignore_zero_division): …

Expecting the ignore_overflow and ignore_zero_division flags to be boolean. You can call it:

>>> result = safe_division(1, 0, False, True)
>>> result = safe_division(1, 10**500, True, False)

It is not clear what the boolean flags are and it is easy to confuse them. One way to change this is to default them to false and callers must say which flags they want to switch. The problem is you can still call it with:

safe_division(1, 10**500, True, False)

In python 3 you can demand clarity with keyword only arguments. These arguments can only be supplied by keyword never by position.

You do this using the * symbol in the argument list, which indicates the end of positional arguments and the beginning of keyword-only arguments.

def safe_division_c(number, divisor, *, ignore_overflow=False, ignore_zero_division=False):

Now calling it badly:

safe_division_c(1, 10**500, True, False)
>>> TypeError: safe_division_c() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given

Classes and Inheritance#

Python supports inheritance (acquiring attribute and methods from a parent class), polymorphism (A way for multiple classes to implement their own unique versions of a method) and encapsulation (Restricting direct access to an objects attributes and methods)

Prefer Helper functions over bookkeeping with tuples and dictionaries#

When a class is getting very complex with many dictionaries and tuples within then it time to use classes, a hierachy of classes.

This is a common problem when scope increases (at first you didn’t know you had to keep track of such and such). It is important to remember that more than one layer of nesting is a problem.

  • Avoid dictionaries that contain ditionaries
  • It makes your code hard to read
  • It makes maintenance difficult

Breaking it into classes:

  • helps create well defined interfaces encapsulating data
  • A layer of abstraction between your interfaces and your concrete implementations

Extending tuples is also an issue, as associating more data now cause an issue with calling code. A namedtuple in the collections module does exactly what you need…defining a tiny immutable data class.

Limitations of namedtuple:

  • You cannot specify default argument values. With a handful of optional values a class is a better choice.
  • Attributes are still accessible by numerical indices and iteration

A complete example:

Grade = collections.namedtuple('Grade', ('score', 'weight'))

class Subject(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._grades = []

    def report_grade(self, score, weight):
        self._grades.append(Grade(score, weight))

    def average_grade(self):
        total, total_weight = 0, 0
        for grade in self._grades:
            total += grade.score * grade.weight
            total_weight += grade.weight
        return total / total_weight

class Student(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._subjects = {}

    def subject(self, name):
        if name not in self._subjects:
            self._subjects[name] = Subject()
        return self._subjects[name]

    def average_grade(self):
        total, count = 0, 0
        for subject in self._subjects.values():
            total += subject.average_grade()
            count += 1
        return total / count

class Gradebook(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._students = {}

    def student(self, name):
        if name not in self._students:
            self._students[name] = Student()
        return self._students[name]


book = Gradebook()
albert = book.student('Albert Einstein')
math = albert.subject('Math')
math.report_grade(80, 0.10)
>>> 80.0

It may have become longer but it is much easier to read

Accept Functions for Simple Interfaces Instead of Classes#

Python’s built-in API’s let you customise behavious by passing in a function. Like the list, sort function that takes a key argument to determine the order.

Ordering by length:

names = ['Socrates', 'Archimedes', 'Plato', 'Aristotle']
names.sort(key=lambda x: len(x))

>>> ['Plato', 'Socrates', 'Aristotle', 'Archimedes']

Functions are ideal for hooks as tehy are easier to describe and simpler to define than classes. Ie. better than using Abstract Class

  • Functions are often all you need to interact(interface) between simple components
  • The __call__ special method enables instances of a class to behave like plain old python functions
  • When you need a function to maintain state consider providing a class that provides a __call__

Refer to the book for more information…

Use @classmethod Polymorphism to construct methods generically#

Polymorphism is a way for multiple classes in a hierachu to implement their own unique version of a method.

This allows many classes to fulfill the same interface or abstract base class while providing different functionality

Say you want a common class to represent input data for a MapReduce function, you create a common class to represent this.

class InputData(object):
    def read(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

There is one version of a concrete subclass that reads from a file on disk:

class PathInputData(InputData):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path

    def read(self):
        return open(self.path).read()

Now you could also have a class that reads from the network

Now we want a similar setup for a MapReduce worker to consume input data in a standard way

class Worker(object): def init(self, input_data): self.input_data = input_data self.result = None

def map(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

def reduce(self, other):
    raise NotImplementedError

Remember a concrete class is a class where all methods are completely implemented. An abstract class is one where functions are not fully defined (An abstract of a class).

The concrete subclass of Worker:

class lineCountWorker(Worker):
    def map(self):
        data = = data.count('\n')

    def reduce(self, other):
        self.result += other.result

Now the big hurdle…What connects these pieces?

I have a set of classes with reasonable abstractions and interfaces, but they are only useful once the class is constructed. What is responsible for building the objects and orchestrating the map reduce?

We can manually build this with helper functions:

def generate_inputs(data_dir):
    for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
        yield PathInputData(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

def create_workers(input_list):
    workers = []
    for input_data in input_list:
    return workers

def execute(workers):
    threads = [Thread( for w in workers]
    for thread in threads: thread.start()
    for thread in threads: thread.join()

    first, rest = workers[0], workers[1:]
    for worker in rest:
    return first.result

def mapreduce(data_dir):
    inputs = generate_inputs(data_dir)
    workers = create_workers(inputs)
    return execute(workers)

There is a big problem here. The functions are not generic at all. If you write a different type of InputData or Worker subclass you would have to rewrite all of these functions. This boils down to needing a generic way to construct objects.

In other languages you could solve this problem with constructor polymorphism, making each subclass of InputData have a special constrcutor that can be used generically.

The problem is that python only has a single constructor method: __init__. It is unreasonable to require each subclass to have a compatible constructor.

The best way to solve this is with: @classmethod polymorphism

Python class method polymorphism extends to whole classes, not just their constructed objects.

Remember polymorphism means to take on different forms

class GenericInputData(object): def read(self): raise NotImplementedError

def generate_inputs(cls, config):
    raise NotImplementedError

generate_inputs takes a dictionary of configuration parameters than the concrete class must interpret.

class PathInputData(GenericInputData): def init(self, path): self.path = path

def read(self):
    return open(self.path).read()

def generate_inputs(cls, config):
    data_dir = config['data_dir']
    for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
        yield cls(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

Similarly, I can make the create_workers helper part of the GenericWorker class. Here, I use the input_class parameter, which must be a subclass of GenericInputData, to generate the necessary inputs. I construct instances of the GenericWorker concrete subclass using cls() as a generic constructor.

class GenericWorker(object):
    # ...
    def map(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reduce(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def create_workers(cls, input_class, config):
        workers = []
        for input_data in input_class.generate_inputs(config):
        return workers

The call to input_class.generate_inputs is the class polymorphism. Also the cls(input_data) provides an alternate way to instantiate instead of using __init__ directly.

We can then just change the parent class:

class LineCountWorker(GenericWorker):

and finally rewrite mapreduce to be more generic:

def mapreduce(worker_class, input_class, config):

workers = worker_class.create_workers(input_class, config)     return execute(workers)

Calling the function now requires more parameters:

with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
    config = {'data_dir': tmpdir}
    result = mapreduce(LineCountWorker, PathInputData, config)

Initialise Parent classes with Super#

Calling the parent class __init__ mthod can ead to unpredictable behaviour especially with multiple inheritance as the __init__.

Python 2.2 introduced super and set the MRO - Method Resolution Order. Python 3 introduced super with no arguments and it should be used because it is clear, concise and always does the right thing.

Use Multiple Inheritance Only for Mix-in utility Classes#

Python makes multi-inheritance possible and traceable, but is better to avoid it altogether.

If you want the encapsultion and convenience of multiple inheritance, use a mixin instead. A mixin is a small utility class that only defines a set of additional methods a class should provide.

Mixin classses don’t define their own instance attributes and don’t require their __init__ constructor to be called.

Example: you want the ability to convert a python object from its in-memory representation to a dictionary ready for serialisation.

class ToDictMixin(object):
    def to_dict(self):
        return self._traverse_dict(self.__dict__)

    def _traverse_dict(self, instance_dict):
        output = {}
        for key, value in instance_dict.items():
            output[key] = self._traverse(key, value)
        return output

    def _traverse(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(value, ToDictMixin):
            return value.to_dict()
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            return self._traverse_dict(value)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            return [self._traverse(key, i) for i in value]
        elif hasattr(value, '__dict__'):
            return self._traverse_dict(value.__dict__)
            return value

Using it:

class BinaryTree(ToDictMixin):
    def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
        self.value = value
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

tree = BinaryTree(10, left=BinaryTree(7, right=BinaryTree(9)),

right=BinaryTree(13, left=BinaryTree(11)) ) print(tree.to_dict())

The mixin methods can also be overriden.

Alot more to read on this in the book…

Prefer public attributes of private ones#

In python there are only 2 attribute visibility types: private and public.

class MyObject(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.public_field = 5
        self.__private_field = 10

    def get_private_field(self):
        return self.__private_field

Public attribues can be accessed with dot notation:

my_obj = MyObject()

Private fields start with a double underscore __ and can be accessed by methods of the containing class.


Directly accessing a private atrribute gives an error:

>>> AttributeError: 'MyObject' object has no attribute '__private_field'
  • Class methods can access private attributes because they are declared within the class block]
  • A subclass cannot access it’s parent classes private fields

The python compiler just does a check on the calling class name, thereforethis works:

class MyChildObject(MyObject):

>>> 10

but if MyChildObject held the get_private_field() method it would fail.

If you look at the __dict__ of a object you can see parent attributes:

(Pdb) my_child_obj.__dict__
{'public_field': 5, '_MyObject__private_field': 10}

and accessing them is easy:


Why isn’t visibility restricted? The python motto:

“We are all consenting adults here.”

The benfits of being open outweigh the downsides of being closed.

To minimise the damage of accessing internals unknowingly follow the PEP8 naming conventions. Fields prefixed with underscore(_protected_fields) are protected meaning external users of the class should proceed with caution.

By choosing private fields you are making subclass overrides and extensions cumbersome and brittle. Then if these private references will break due to the hierachy changing.

It is better to allow subclasses to do more by using _protected attributes. Make sure to document their importance and that they be treated as immutable.

Inherit from for custom Container Types#

Much of python is defining classes, data and how they relate. Each python class is a container of some kind. Oftentimes when creating a sequence you will extend (inherit from) list.

But what about a BinaryTree that you want to allow indexing for, that isn’t a list but is similar.

class BinaryNode(object):     def init(self, value, left=None, right=None):         self.value = value         self.left = left         self.right = right

You can access an item with obj.__getitem__(0) ie. obj[0]

class IndexableNode(BinaryNode):     def _search(self, count, index):         # …         # Returns (found, count)

def getitem(self, index):         found, _ = self._search(0, index)         if not found:             raise IndexError(‘Index out of range’)         return found.value

But then you would also need implementations of __len__, count and index

You should use an abstract base class (abc) from collections:

from import Sequence

Then once you implement the __gettitem__ and __len__ the other methods come for free.

  • You can still inherit directly from python’s container types list and dict for simple cases

Metaclasses and Attributes#

Metaclass let you intercept python’s class statement to provide special behviour each time it is defined.

Remember to follow the rule of least surprise

Use Plain attributes instead of Get and Set Methods#

These can be done in python and may be seen as good to:

  • encapsulate functionality
  • validate usage
  • define boundaries

In python, you never need to do this. Always start with simle public attributes.

If you need special behaviour you can us @property and the setter method. This also helps to add validation and type checking.

class BoundedResistance(Resistor):
    def __init__(self, ohms):

    def ohms(self):
        return self._ohms

    def ohms(self, ohms):
        if ohms <= 0:
            raise ValueError('%f ohms must be > 0' % ohms)
        self._ohms = ohms

Don’t set other attributes in getter property methods. Only modify related object state in setters

If you are doing something slow and complex, rather do it in a normal method. People are expecting this to behave like a property.

Consider @property Instead of Refactoring Attributes#

“One advanced but common use of @property is transitioning what was once a simple numerical attribute into an on-the-fly calculation”

Check the book for a good example…

  • Use @propertyto give existing instance attributes new functionality
  • Make incremental progress towards better data models
  • Consider refactoring a class when using a @property too regularly

Use Descriptors for reusable @property methods#

The big problem with @property is reuse. The methods it decorates cannot be reused for multiple attributes in the same class or external classes.

Take the example:

class Exam(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._writing_grade = 0
        self._math_grade = 0

    def _check_grade(value):
        if not (0 <= value <= 100):
            raise ValueError('Grade must be between 0 and 100')

    def writing_grade(self):
        return self._writing_grade

    def writing_grade(self, value):
        self._writing_grade = value

    def math_grade(self):
        return self._math_grade

    def math_grade(self, value):
        self._math_grade = value

We are duplicating properies and the grade validations. The better way to do this is to use a descriptor, that describes how attribute access is interpreted by the language. * Provide __get__ and __set__ methods to reuse grade validation behaviour. * They are better than mixins at this because you can reuse the same logic for many attributes in the same class.

The class implementing descriptor:

class Grade(object):
    def __get__(*args, **kwargs):
        # ...

    def __set__(*args, **kwargs):
        # ...

The exam:

class Exam(object):
    # Class attributes
    math_grade = Grade()
    writing_grade = Grade()
    science_grade = Grade()

Assigning properties:

exam = Exam()
exam.writing_grade = 40

# Which is really
Exam.__dict__['writing_grade'].__set__(exam, 40)



# Which is really
print(Exam.__dict__['writing_grade'].__get__(exam, Exam))

In short, when an Exam instance doesn’t have an attribute named writing_grade, Python will fall back to the Exam class’s attribute instead. If this class attribute is an object that has __get__ and __set__ methods, Python will assume you want to follow the descriptor protocol.

There are still many gotchas here you can go through in the book…

Use getattr, getattribute, and setattr for Lazy Attributes#

Read the book…

Validate subclasses with Meta Classes#

  • Use metaclasses to ensure that subclasses are well formed at the time they are defined, before objects of their type are constructed.
  • The __new__ method of metaclasses is run after the class statement’s entire body has been processed.

Register Class Existence with Metaclasses#

Hectic topic…read the book

Annotate Class Attributes with Metaclasses#


Concurrency and Parrallelism#

Concurrency is when a computer does many different things seemingly at the same time. Interleaving execution of a program making it seem like it is all being done the same time.

Parallelism is actually doing many different things at the same time.

Concurrency provides no speedup for the total work.

These topics are a bit too hectic for now… you are welcome to read the book…I will leave the headings here

Use Subprocess to manage Child processes#

Read full details in the book…

Use Threads for Blocking I/O, Avoid Parrallelism#

Read full details in the book…

Use Lock to Prevent Data Races in Threads#

Read full details in the book…

Use Queue to Coordinate Work between Threads#

Read full details in the book…

Consider Coroutines to Run Many Functions Concurrently#

Read full details in the book…

Consider concurrent.futures for True Parrallelism#

Read full details in the book…Item 41

Built-in Modules#

Python takes a batteries included approach to the standard library. Some of these built-in modules are closely intertwined with idiomatic python they may as well be part of the language specification.

Define Function Decorators with functools.wraps#

Decorators have the ability to run additional code before or after any calls to the function they wrap. This allows them to access and modify input arguments and return values.

Say you want to print aruments and return values for a recursive function call:

def trace(func):
    '''Decorator to display input arguments and return value'''
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(f'{ func.__name__ }({ args },{ kwargs }) -> { result}')
        return result
    return wrapper

You can apply this function with the @ symbol

def fibonacci(n):
    '''Return the n-th fibonacci number'''
    if n in (0, 1):
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

The @ symbol is equivalent to calling: fibonacci = trace(fibonacci)

Testing it:

result = fibonacci(3)


fibonacci((1,),{}) -> 1
fibonacci((0,),{}) -> 1
fibonacci((2,),{}) -> 2
fibonacci((1,),{}) -> 1
fibonacci((3,),{}) -> 3

There is however an unintended side effect, the function returned does not think it is called fibonacci.

<function trace.<locals>.wrapper at 0x108a0fbf8>

The trace function returns the wrapper it defines. The wrapper function is what is assigned to the fibonacci name with the decorator. The problem is that is undermines debuggers and object serialisers.

For example the help is useless:

>>> from test import fibonacci
>>> help(fibonacci)
Help on function wrapper in module test:

wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

The solution is to use the wraps helper function from the functools built-in module. This is a decorator that helps you write decorators

Applying it to wrapper copies the important metadata about the innner function to the outer function. The important part below is @wraps(func)

from functools import wraps

def trace(func):
    '''Decorator to display input arguments and return value'''
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)

Now help() works well

In [1]: from test import fibonacci
In [2]: help(fibonacci)
Help on function fibonacci in module test:

    Return the n-th fibonacci number

Consider contextlib and with statements for reuasable try/finally behaviour#

The with statement in python is used to indicate when code is running in a special context.

lock = Lock()
with lock:
    print('Lock is held')

is equivalent to:

    print('Lock is held')

The with is better asit eliminates the need to write repetitive code.

It’s easy to make your objects and functions capable of use in with statements by using the contextlib built-in module. This module contains the contextmanager decorator, which lets a simple function be used in with statements. This is much easier than defining a new class with the special methods __enter__ and __exit__ (the standard way).

There is more information in the book…Item 43

Make pickle reliable with copyreg#

The pickle built in module can serialize python objects into a strema of bytes and deserialise back into python objects. Pickle byte streams houldn’t be used to communicate between untrusted parties. The purpose of pickle is to communicate between 2 programs you control over binary channels.

The pickle module’s serialization format is unsafe by design. The serialized data contains what is essentially a program that describes how to reconstruct the original Python object. This means a malicious pickle payload could be used to compromise any part of the Python program that attempts to deserialize it. In contrast, the json module is safe by design. Serialized JSON data contains a simple description of an object hierarchy. Deserializing JSON data does not expose a Python program to any additional risk. Formats like JSON should be used for communication between programs or people that don’t trust each other.

Say you have a class tracking the state of a game for a player:

class GameState(object):
    '''Track the state of you game'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.level = 0
        self.lives = 4

You use and save the state of a player:

state = GameState()
state.level += 1
state.lives -= 1

state_path = '/tmp/game_state.bin'
with open(state_path, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(state, f)

You can later resume the game state with:

state_path = '/tmp/game_state.bin'
with open(state_path, 'rb') as f:
    state_after = pickle.load(f)


But what if you add a new field to the state class? Serialising and deserialising a GameState instance will work but resuming the old state will not have the points attribute.

Even though the instance is of the GameState type.

Fixing these issues requires copyreg

Default attribute values#

You can set default attribute values:

def __init__(self, lives=4, level=0, points=0):

To use this constuctor for pickling, create a helper function that takes a GameState object and turns it into a tuple of parameters for the copyregmodule. The returned tuple contains the function and paramters to use when unpickling:

def pickle_game_state(game_state):
    kwargs = game_state.__dict__
    return unpickle_game_state, (kwargs,)

Now I need unpickle_game_state that takes serialised data and parameters and returns a GameState object

def unpickle_game_state(kwargs):
    return GameState(**kwargs)

Now register them with copyreg:

import copyreg, pickle
copyreg.pickle(GameState, pickle_game_state)

Unfortunately this worked for new objects, but did not work for me when deserialising the old saved pickle file. The unpickle_game_state function was not run.

There is more info in the book on versioning of classes and providing stable import paths…

Use datetime instead of local clocks#

UTC Coordinated Universal Time is the standard timezone independent representation of time. It is good for computers but not great for humans as they need a reference point.

Use datetime with the help of pytz for conversions. The old time module should be avoided.

The time module#

The localtime function from the time built-in module lets you convert unix time (from epock in seconds) to local time of the home computer.

from time import localtime, mktime, strftime, strptime

now = 1407694710
local_tuple = localtime(now)

time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
time_str = strftime(time_format, local_tuple)

time_tuple = strptime(time_str, time_format)
utc_now = mktime(time_tuple)

>>> 2014-08-10 20:18:30
>>> 1407694710.0

The problem comes when converting time to other timezones. The time module uses the host platform/operating system and this has different formats and missing timezones.

If you must use time, only use it for converting unixtime to the local pc time, in all other times use datetime

The datetime module#

You can use datetime to convert a time to your local timezone:

now = datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 10, 18, 18, 30)
now_utc = now.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
now_local = now_utc.astimezone()

Datetime lets you change timezones but it does not hold the definitions of the rules for the timezones.

Enter pytz

pytz holds the timezone information of every timezone you might need. To use pytz effectively always convert first to UTC then to the target time.

Top tip, you can get all timezones with: pytz.all_timezones

In this example I convert a sydney flight arrivcal time into utc (note all these calls are required):

import datetime
import pytz

time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
arrival_sydney = '2014-05-01 05:33:24'
sydney_dt_naive = datetime.datetime.strptime(arrival_sydney, time_format)
sydney = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney')
sydney_dt = sydney.localize(sydney_dt_naive)
utc_dt = pytz.utc.normalize(sydney_dt.astimezone(pytz.utc))

>>> 2014-04-30 19:33:24+00:00

Now I can convert that UTC time to Johannesburg time:

jhb_timezone = pytz.timezone('Africa/Johannesburg')
jhb_dt = jhb_timezone.normalize(utc_dt.astimezone(jhb_timezone))

>>> 2014-04-30 21:33:24+02:00

Use Built-in algorithms and data structures#

When implementing programs with non-trivial amounts of data eventually you see slowdowns. Most likely due to you not using the most suitable alorithms and data structures. On top of speed, these algorithms also make life easier.

Double Ended Queue#

The deque class from the collections module is a double ended queue. Ideal for a FIFO (First in, firsdt out) queue

from collections import deque
fifo = deque()
x = fife.popleft()

list also contains a sequence of items, you can insert or remove items from the end in constant time. Inserting and removing items from the head of the list takes liner time O(n) and constant time for a deque O(1)

Ordered Dictionary#

Standard dictionaries are unordered. Meaning the same dict can have different orders of iteration.

The OrderedDict class from the collections module is a special type of dictionary that keeps track of the order keys were inserted. Iteracting through it has predictable behaviour.

a = OrderedDict()
a['one'] = 1
a['two'] = 2
b = OrderedDict()
b['one'] = 'red'
b['two'] = 'blue'

for number, colour in zip(a.values(), b.values()):
    print(number, colour)
Default Dictionary#

Useful for bookeeping and tracking statistics.

With dictionaries you cannot assume a key is present, making it difficult to increase a counter for example:

stats = {}
key = 'my_counter'
if key not in stats:
    stats['key'] = 0
stats['key'] += 1

defaultdict automatically stores a default value when a key does not exist, all you need to do is to provide a function for when a key does not exist. In this case int() == 0

from collections import defaultdict
stats = defaultdict(int)
stats['my_counter'] += 1
Heap Queue#

Heaps are useful for maintaining a priority queue. The heapq module provides functions for creating heaps in standard list types with functions like heappush, heappop amd nsmallest.

Remember items are always removed with highest priority first (lowest number):

a = []
heapq.heappush(a, 5)
heapq.heappush(a, 3)
heapq.heappush(a, 7)
heapq.heappush(a, 4)


Accessing the list with list[0] always returns the smallest item:

assert a[0] == nsmallest(1, a)[0] == 3

Calling the sort method on the list maintains the heap invariant.

print('Before:', a)
print('After: ', a)

Before: [3, 4, 7, 5]
After:  [3, 4, 5, 7]

list takes linear time, heap sort logarithmic.


Search for an item in a list takes linear time proportional to it’s length when you call the index method.

The bisect module’s function bisect_left provides an efficient binary search through a sequence of srted items. The value it returns is the insertion point of the value into the sequence.

x = list(range(10**6))
i = x.index(991234)
i = bisect_left(x, 991234)

Teh binay search is logarithmic.

Iterator Tools#

itertools contains a large number of functions for organising and interacting with iterators.

There are 3 main categories:

  1. Linking iterators together:

    • chain - Combines multiple iteractors into a single sequential iterator
    • cycle - Repeat’s an iterators items forever
    • tee - Splits a single iterator into multiple parrallel iterators
    • zip_longest - zip for iterators of differing lengths
  2. Filtering:

    • islice - slices an iteractor by numerical indexes without copying
    • takewhile - returns items from an iteractor while predicate condition is true
    • dropwhile - returns items from an iteractor when previous function returns False he first time
    • filterfalse - Returns items from iteractor when predicate function returns false
  3. Comnbinations:

    • product - returns cartesian product of items from an iterator
    • permutations - returns ordered permutations of length N with items from an iterator
    • combination - returns ordered combinations of length N with unrepeated items from an iterator

Use decimal when precision is paramount#

rate = 1.45
seconds = 3*60 + 42
cost = rate * seconds / 60

print(round(cost, 2))

With floating point math and rounding down you get:


This wont do. The Decimal class provides fixed point math of 28 decimal points by default. It gives you more precision and control over rounding.

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_UP
rate = Decimal('1.45')
seconds = Decimal('222')  # 3*60 + 42
cost = rate * seconds / Decimal('60')
rounded = cost.quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)



Using the quantize method this way also properly handles the small usage case for short, cheap phone calls. So it still returns 0 if it is zero, but 001 if it is 0.000000000001.

Know where to find Community built modules#

Python has a central repo of modules called pypi, that are maintained by the community.


There are language features in python to help you construct well defined API’s with clear interface boundaries. The python community has established best practices that maximise the maintainability over time. You need to be deliberate in your collaboration goal.

Write docstrings for every function, class and module#

Documentation is very important due to the dynamic nature of the language. Unlike other languages the documentation from source is available when a program runs.

You can add documentation imeediately after the def statement of a function:

def palindrom(word):
    '''Return True if the given word is a palindrome'''
    return word == word[::-1]

You can retrive the docstring with:



  • Makes interactive development easier with ipython and using the help function
  • A standard way of defining documentation makes it easier to build tools to convert it into more appealing formats like html: Like sphinx or readthedocs
  • First class, accessible and good looking documentation encourages people to write it
Documenting Modules#

Each module should ahve a top level doc string.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Single sentence describing modules purpose

The paragraphs that follow should contain details that all
users should know about

It is a good place to highlight important features:

Usage information for command line utilities
Documenting Classes#

Each class should have a docstring highlighting public attributes and methods, along with guidance on interating with protected attributes etc.


class Player(object):
    """Represents a player of the game.

    Subclasses may override the 'tick' method to provide
    custom animations for the player's movement depending
    on their power level, etc.

    Public attributes:
    - power: Unused power-ups (float between 0 and 1).
    - coins: Coins found during the level (integer).
Documenting Functions#

Every public method and function should have a docstring. Similar to other docstrings with arguments at the end.


def find_anagrams(word, dictionary):
    """Find all anagrams for a word.

    This function only runs as fast as the test for
    membership in the 'dictionary' container. It will
    be slow if the dictionary is a list and fast if
    it's a set.

        word: String of the target word.
        dictionary: Container with all strings that
            are known to be actual words.”
        List of anagrams that were found. Empty if
        none were found.
  • If your function has no arguments and a simple return value, a single sentence description is probably good enough.
  • If your function uses *args and **kwargs use documentation to describe their purpose.
  • Default values should be mentioned
  • Generators should describe what the generator yields

Use packages to organise modules and provide stable APIs#

As the size of a codebase grows it is natural to reogranise its structure into smaller functions. You may find yourself with so many modules that another layer is needed. For that python provides packages which are modules containing other modules.

In most cases packages are created by putting a file into a directory. Once that is present you can import modules from that package:


from mypackage import utils

Packages let you divide modules into seperate namespaces.

from analysis.utils import inspect as analysis_inspect
from frontend.utils import inspect as frontend_inspect

When functions have the same name you can imports them as a different name

Even better is to avoid the as altogether and access the function with the package.module.function way

Stable API#

Python provides a strict, stable API for external consumers. You will want to provide stable functionality that does not change between releases.

Say you want all functions in my_module.utils and my_module.models to be accessible via my_module.

You can, add a

__all__ = []
from . models import *
__all__ += models.__all__
from . utils import *
__all__ += utils.__all__”


from . models import Projectile

__all__ = ['simulate_collision']



__all__ = ['Projetile', ]

class Projectile:

Try avoid using import * as they can overwrite names existing in your module and they hide the source fo names of functions to new readers

Define a root exception to insulate callers from APIs#

Python has a built-in hierarchy of exceptions for the language and standard library. There’s a draw to using the built-in exception types for reporting errors instead of defining your own new types

Sometimes raising a ValueError makes sense but it is much more powerful for an API to define its own hierachy of exceptions.

class Error(Exception):
    """Base-class for all exceptions raised by this module."""

class InvalidDensityError(Error):
    """There was a problem with a provided density value.""”

Having a root exception lets consumers of your API catch exceptions you raise on purpose.

eg: We are specifically catching the my_module.Error

    weight = my_module.determine_weight(1, -1)
except my_module.Error as e:
    logging.error('Unexpected error: %s', e)

These root exceptions:

  • Let callers know there is a problem with the usage of the API
  • If an exception is not caught properly it will propagate all the way up to an except - bringing attention to the consumer (Catching the Python Exception base class can help you find bugs)
  • They help find bugs in your API code - so other exeptions (non-root) are one’s you did not intend to raise
  • Futureproof’s API when expanding
    class NegativeDensityError(InvalidDensityError):
        """A provided density value was negative."""

The calling code will still work as it catches the parent InvalidDensityError

Know How to Break Circular Dependencies#

When collaborating with others you will have a mutual independency between modules.

You have a dialog module, importing app:

import app

class Dialog(object):
    def __init__(self, save_dir):
        self.save_dir = save_dir
    # ...

save_dialog = Dialog(app.prefs.get('save_dir'))

def show():
    # ...

The app modules contains a prefs object that also imports the dialog class:

import dialog

class Prefs(object):
    # ...
    def get(self, name):
        # ...

prefs = Prefs()

It is a circular dependency if you try to use the app module you will get:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'prefs'

So how does python’s import work?…In depth first order:

  1. Searches for your module in sys.path
  2. Loads the code and ensures it compiles
  3. Creates corresponding empty module object
  4. Inserts the module into sys.modules
  5. Runs the code in the module object to define its contents

The attributes of a module aren’t defined until the code runs in step 5. But a module can be loaded immediately after it is inserted into sys.modules

The app module imports dialog. The dialog module imports app.

app.prefs raises the error because app is just an empty shell at this point.

The best way to fix this is to ensure that prefs is at the bottom of the dependency tree.

Here are 3 approaches to breaking the circular dependency:

Reordering Imports#

Import dialog at the bottom of app:

class Prefs(object):
    # ...

prefs = Prefs()

import dialog  # Moved

This will avoid the AttributeError but it goes against PEP8

Import, Configure, Run#

Have modules minimise side effects at import time. Have modules only define functions, classes and constants Avoid running any functions at import time.

Then each module provides a configure function once all other modules have finished importing.

import app

class Dialog(object):
    # ...

import dialog

class Prefs(object):
    # ...

prefs = Prefs()

def configure():
    # ...

import app
import dialog


Then your should:

  1. Import
  2. Configure
  3. Run

This can make your code harder to read but will allow for the dependency injection design pattern.

Dynamic Import#

The simplest is to use an import statement in a function. A dynamic import as the importing is done when the program is running.

class Dialog(object):
    # ...

save_dialog = Dialog()

def show():
    import app  # Dynamic import

It requires no structural changes to the way modules are defined and imported. There are downsides: the cost can be bad especially inside loops, by delaying execution there may be surprising failures at runtime.

Use Virtual Environments for isolated and reproducible Deendencies#

Potencially use pipenv in this case…


Consider Module-scoped code to configure deployment environments#

When putting things into production you have to rely on database configurations and these can be handled by your module, take a test and produciton database.

You can override parts of your program at startup time to provide different functionality:

import db_connection
db = db_connection.Database()

import db_connection
db = db_connection.Database()

The only difference is the value of TESTING

Then in your code you can decide which db to use with:

import __main__

class TestingDatabase(object):
    # ...

class RealDatabase(object):
    # ...

if __main__.TESTING:
    Database = TestingDatabase
    Database = RealDatabase

Once your deployment environments get complicated, you should consider moving them out of Python constants (like TESTING) and into dedicated configuration files. Tools like the configparser built-in module let you maintain production configurations separate from code, a distinction that’s crucial for collaborating with an operations team.

Another example is if you know your program works differently based on the host platform, you can inspect the sys module.

import sys

class Win32Database(object):
    # ...

class PosixDatabase(object):
    # ...

if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
    Database = Win32Database
    Database = PosixDatabase

You can also get environment variables with: os.environ

Use repr Strings for Debugging Output#

print will get you surprisingly far when debugging.

The problem is that these human readable results don’t show the type.

>>> print('5')
>>> print(5)

You always want to see the repr version which is the printable representation of an object.

>>> print(repr('5'))
>>> print(repr(5))

The repr of a class is not partocularly helpful although if you have control of th class you can define your own __repr__ method to display the object:

class BetterClass(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        # ...

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'BetterClass(%d, %d)' % (self.x, self.y)

When you don’t hve control over the class you can check the object’s instance dictionary with obj.__dict__

Test Everything with unittest#

So many people don’t do this (you should start with the test)

  • Python doesn’t have static type checking, so the compiler doesn’t stop the program when types are wrong.
  • You don’t knwo whether functions will be defined at runtime.

This is a blessing by most python dev’s because of the productivity gained from the brevity and simplicity.

Also type safety isn’t everything and code needs to be tested. You should always test your code no matter what language it is written in.

In python the only way to have any confidence in your code is to write tests, there is no veil of static type checking to make you feel safe.

Tests are easy to write in python due to the same dynamic features like easily overridable behaviours. Tests are insurance, giving you confidence your code is correct but also making it harder for future modification and refactoring to burden functionality.

The simplesdt way to write a tesdt is by using unittest.

See more on writing Unit Tests

For more advance testing libraries see pytest and nose

Consider Interactive Debugging with pdb#

Everyone encounters bugs. Writing tests isolates code but does not help you find the root cause of issues.

You should use pythons built-in interactive debugger

Other programming languages make you put a breakpoint on a certain line. The python debugger differs in that you directly initiate the debugger in the code.

All you need to do is add: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

def complex_func(a, b, c):
    # ...
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

As soon as the statement runs, execution is paused and you can inspect local variables. You can use locals, help and import.

inspecting current state:

  • bt - Print the traceback of the current execution stack
  • up - Move the scope up, to caller of current function
  • down - Move scope down one level on function call

Resuming execution:

  • step - Run the program till the next line stopping in next function called
  • next - Run the next line, do not stop when the next function is called
  • return - Run the program until the current function returns
  • continue - continue running until the next breakpoint.

Profile Before Optimising#

Slowdowns can be obscure. The best thing to do is ignore intuition and directly measure the performance of a program before you try optimise it.

Python provides a built in profiler.

Lets try it on this insertion sort:

from random import randint
max_size = 10**4
data = [randint(0, max_size) for _ in range(max_size)]
test = lambda: insertion_sort(data)

def insertion_sort(data):
    result = []
    for value in data:
        insert_value(result, value)
    return result

def insert_value(array, value):
    for i, existing in enumerate(array):
        if existing > value:
            array.insert(i, value)

Python provides profile in pure python and cProfile a C-extension with low overhead.

Ensure to only test the portion of the code you have control over, not external systems.

import cProfile
from pstats import Stats

profiler = cProfile.Profile()
stats = Stats(profiler)

Also a nice visualizer is snakeviz

python -m cProfile -o expiring_dict_test
snakeviz expiring_dict_test


$ python
        20003 function calls in 2.167 seconds

Ordered by: cumulative time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     1    0.000    0.000    2.167    2.167<lambda>)
     1    0.004    0.004    2.167    2.167
 10000    2.142    0.000    2.163    0.000
  9988    0.020    0.000    0.020    0.000 {method 'insert' of 'list' objects}
    12    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
    1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
  • ncalls - Number of calls to function during profiling period
  • tottime - Number of seconds spent executing the function `9not other functions it calls)
  • percall - Average time spent in seconds spent in function per call
  • cumtime - Cumulative sends in call including other calls
  • cumtimepercall - Average seconds spent including other calls

You can see the time spent in insert_value is the biggest time waster

from bisect import bisect_left

def insert_value(array, value):
    i = bisect_left(array, value)
    array.insert(i, value)

Now the results:

        30003 function calls in 0.067 seconds

Ordered by: cumulative time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    1    0.000    0.000    0.067    0.067<lambda>)
    1    0.007    0.007    0.067    0.067
10000    0.008    0.000    0.060    0.000        10000    0.028    0.000    0.028    0.000 {method 'insert' of 'list' objects}
10000    0.024    0.000    0.024    0.000 {built-in method _bisect.bisect_left}
    1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

Sometimes for more complex issues you can use stats.print_callers()

Use tracemalloc to Understand Memory Usage and Leaks#

More about this in the book…Item 59


  • “Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python (Effective Software Development Series).” - Brett Slatkin