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Big Bang

Big Bang#

Before 1929 the belief was the universe was static and eternal. In 1929, Edwin Hubble, discovered that galaxies are not static but are flying away from earth at incredible speeds. The first evidence of the big bang.

Hubble’s law - is the observation in physical cosmology that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds proportional to their distance.

Meaning everything started from a single point.

13.7 billion years ago - is the calculation of the age of the universe.

Gravity was defined at that moment of the big bang. Too little gravity there will be no collisions - no galaxies formed. Too much and everything goes into black holes.

the universe created from nothing - empty space - expanding faster than the speed of light. Nothing - a void - empty space - can achieve faster than speed of light.

Universe is cooling

Energy converted into matter: E = mc^2

Nuclear explosion - small amount of matter converted into huge amount of energy. When universe created the opposite happened.

380_000 years after the big bang the universe started to become transparent, before that it was milky. Atoms get their electrons.