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Formed from Nebulas - a star nursery - dust and gas

Formed with hydrogen, gravity and time

Gravity compression that causes sufficient heat for nuclear fusion

Gravity is compressing the outer layers of the star…it is a controlled explosion

Light travels at 1080 million kms an hour. A beam of light could go around the earth 7 times in 1 second.

Most stars are so far away the light can take years

When fusion weakens gravity closes in - it expands into a red giant. The hydrogen burnt up - it starts using helium which fuses into carbon. The star disintegrates…leaving a core - the white dwarf. Fusion process has stopped.

With larger stars the iron core blows up - a supernova. The iron on earth may be from a killed stare.

Material from deep inside a stars core - heavier elements are forged. Gold, silver and platinum. So little time for elements to form - they are the rarest in the universe.

The Sun#

148_800_000 kms away

1 million times bigger than earth

1 million kms in diameter

5 billion year old son

Light from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach us.

Photons can take thousands of years to get from the core of the sun to the surface due to collisions.

Solar storms could damage earth They can fry communication satellites

solar magentic fields die out as solar flares, or some blow up creating big radiation which can hit us in minutes

16 light years away, 3 times smaller than our sun it spins 9 times faster. Magentic field is 100 times stronger. EV Leserti.

Most solar systems have 2 stars (suns) in their galaxy. We are lucky to have a single sun. EW Sipii. A parasite so half of other star is dark.

Takes 8 minutes for light to hit us from sun

The sun is a rarely small star.

250 light years away…Bellatrix. 6 times bigger than the sun, 4000 times brighter. But will die young.

5 billion more years for the sun as it is stable

4 billion years ago the solar wind rips off it’s atmosphere and bakes the planet

Cosmic waves are lots of cosmic particles created when a star explodes. The suns magnetic field is pulled by the solar wind creating a heliosphere that shields us from harmful galactic rays from the cosmos.

Other Stars#

  • Etta Carena - 5 million times larger than the Sun
  • Beetlejuice - 300 times larger than etta carene
  • VY Calus Majoris - 1 billion times bigger than our sun