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Python For Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis Notes#

What Data?#

  • Tabular like a CSV or excel
  • Multi-dimensional arrays (matrices)
  • Related data tables
  • Evenly spaced out time series

Why Python?#

Not from the book

Because it is the best.

Python can be used at any stage research to prototyping to production systems.

Why not python?#

It’s maximum performance is not great due to it being interpreted and not compiled. The GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) prevents the interpreter from running more than 1 instruction at a time. Developer time is more important than CPU time in most cases so it is a good tradeoff.

Essential Python Libraries#


Numerical python provides data structures, algorithms and library glue for scientific applications using numerical data.

  • A fast multi-dimensional arrray ndarray
  • Functions for perofming element-wise and array-wise operations
  • Tools for writing datasets to disk
  • Linear algebra, fourier transform and random number generation
  • A mature C Api to enable python extensions and native C and C++ code to access the numpy array.

It is a container for using and manipulating data, more efficient than built-in python data structures. C can run operations on a numpy array without copying data into an in-memory representation


Provides high level data strcutures and functions that make working with tabular data fast, easy and expressive. It’s primary data structure is a DataFrame - a tabular column-oriented data structure with row and column labels. It provides the tools for data manipulation, preparation and cleaning.

  • Labeled axis with data alignments
  • Integrated time series
  • Same data structure for time series and non-time series data
  • Arithmetic and reductions would pass on meta data
  • Flexible handling of missing data
  • Operations similar to those in db’s

The name pandas is derived from panel data an econometrics term and Python Analysis Data


Most popular python library for creating plots and other 2d visualisations. It is well suited for creating publication ready charts.

iPython and Jupyter#

The interative python interpreter, it maximises developer productivity by allowing interactive exploration execute-explore as opposed to edit-compile-run. Data analysis involves a lot of trial and error, that is why it works well.

Jupyter is a language agnostic interactive computing tool. It provides an interactive code book called a notebook.


A collection of packages addressing a number of problem domains in scientific computing

  • scipy.integrate - Numerical integrations routines and differential equation solvers
  • scipy.linalg - Linear algebra routines
  • scipy.optimize - Function optimizers and root finding algorithms
  • scipy.signal - Signal processing tools
  • scipy.sparse - Sparse matrices and sparse linear system solvers
  • scipy.special - Wrapper around SPECFUN A fortran library.
  • scipy.stats - Continuous and discrete probability distributions, density functions, samplers, statistical and descriptive tests.
  • scipy.weave - Tools for using C++ to accelerate array computations


A general purpose machine learning toolkit for python programmers.


  • classification - SVM, nearest neighbors, random forest
  • Regression - Lasso, Ridge regression, Logistic
  • Clustering - k-means, special clustering
  • Dimensionality reduction - PCA, feature selection, matrix factorisation
  • Preprocessing - Feature extraction, normalisation


A statistical analysis package for classical statistics and econometrics.


  • Regression models: linear regression, generalised linear models, robust linear models, linear mixed effect models.
  • ANOVA - Analysis of variance
  • Time series analysis - AR, ARMA, ARIMA, VAR
  • Nonparametric methods: kernel density estimation, kernel regressino
  • Visualisation of statistical model results

Tasks in this book#

Interacting with the Outside world#

Reading and writing various file formats


Cleaning, munging, combining, normalising, reshaping, slicing, dicing and transforming data for analysis.


Applying mathematical and statistical operations to groups of data sets to derive new data sets

Modeling and computation#

Connecting your data to statistical models, machine learning algorithms.


Creating interactive or static graphical visualisations or textual summaries

Import Conventions#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import sklearn as sk
import statsmodels as sm

As it is bad practice to from numpy import *


Munge/Munging/Wrangling - Manipulating unstructured or messy data into a structured clean form

Chapter 2: Python, iPython and Jupyter Notebooks#

Python Interpreter#

Python is interpreted, that is it executes code line by line.

Enter the interpreter with (provided python is installed)


exit it with:

>>> exit()

Running programs from the terminal

$ python
Hello world

Many data scientists make use of ipython, an interactive python shell that gives you tab completion features, lets you run files and pretty prints output


You can use %run to execute scripts within a shell:

In [1]: %run
Hello world

Ipython basics#

Get a quick reference


Basic variable assignment

In [5]: a = 5

In [6]: a
Out[6]: 5

Printing data is nicer eg:

In [10]: data = {i : np.random.randn() for i in range(7)}

In [11]: data
{0: 0.6470083582639674,
1: -0.07424180544449763,
2: 1.017173940313301,
3: 0.5332176226383887,
4: 0.4663520822888573,
5: 0.9544131609184705,
6: -1.2202876585351747}

Jupyter Notebook#

A notebook, an interactive document for code, text, markdown and visualisations

The jupyer notebook interacts with kernels, which are implementations of the interactive computing protocols of various programming languages.

Start a notebook:

$ jupyter notebook

It will usually open the browser automatically at: http://localhost:8888/tree

Jupyter can also be used on a remote computer

Create a new python 3 notebook:

File -> New -> Python3

Execute code:

Shift + Enter

The extensions is .ipynb for python notebooks

You can use Tab to complete partially completed commands or paths


Use ? before or after any command:

In [6]: ?any
Signature: any(iterable, /)
Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable.

If the iterable is empty, return False.
Type:      builtin_function_or_method

This is object introspection, it shows us the docstring.

Using ?? will show the source code if possible.

You can also use it to search for functions

In [8]: import numpy as np

In [9]: np.*load*?

The %run Command#

Any file can be run as a python program in your interactive shell.

In [550]: %run

The script is run in the empty namespace same as running it from the shell. (No existing imports will be used)

To include in the current namespace:

%run -i

In jupyter you can also load the code in a file using:


Interrupting running code#

You can use Ctrl + C which causes a KeyBoardInterrupt when code execution seems stuck.

When a piece of Python code has called into some compiled extension modules, pressing will not cause the program execution to stop immediately in all cases

Executing code from the clipboard#

Copy the code and in a jupyter notebook use:


Or to edit before pasting


Terminal Keyboard Shortcut#

Has some emacs style shortcuts (boooh!)

  • ctrl-p or up-arrow: previous command
  • ctrl-n or down-arrow: next command
  • ctrl-r: reverse history search
  • ctrl-shift-p: paste from clipboard
  • ctrl-c: cancel executing code
  • ctrl-a: go to beginning of line
  • ctrl-e: go to end of line
  • ctrl-k: delete from cursor to end of line
  • ctrl-u: discard all text from current line
  • ctrl-l: clear screen

Exceptions and Tracebacks#

With %run you may get an exception. It has alot more context that standard python interpreter, set with %xmode.

You can use %pdb or %debug to step into things.

Magic Commands#

All commands that start with % (not available to standard python interpreter)

For example use %timeit to check execution time:

In [13]: a = np.random.randn(100, 100)

In [14]: %timeit, a)
26.5 µs ± 805 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

You can use help ? on magic methods:


You can use then without the % provided no variables with the same name with %automagic

  • %quickref - quick reference card
  • %magic - detailed docs for magic commands
  • %hist - Print command input history
  • %pdb - Automatically enter debugger on excpetion
  • %paste - Execute code from clipboard
  • %cpaste - Manually paste in code from clipboard
  • %reset - Delete all variables and names defined in the interactive namespace.
  • %page obejct - page through an object (like less)
  • %run - Execute a python script
  • %prun statement - execute a command in the profiler
  • %time statement - output length of time for statement
  • %timeit - Run a statement multiple times and get execution time
  • %who - Show variables defined in namespace
  • %xdel variable - delete variable from context

Jupyter Magic Commands#

Often loaded by third party extensions, use %%

Eg. Creating a cython extension in jupyter


cimport numpy as cnp

def sum_arr(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float64] arr):
    cdef int i
    cdef double total = 0
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        total += arr[i]

    return total

Can be run with:

In [2]: arr = np.random.randn(1000000)

In [3]: sum(arr)
Out[3]: 340.78566319852672

I got the following error:

UsageError: Cell magic `%%cython` not found.

The above did not work apparently you should use %load_ext Cython but that didn’t work for me either. Also there might be an error in the book sum(arr) should be sum_arr(arr)

Matplotlib integration#

Using %matplotlib or in Jupyter %matplotlib inline.

I didn’t even do that though, ust executed:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Python Language Basics#


  • use indentation, not braces (white spaces are very important)
  • a colon denates the start of an (indented) block
  • It makes thing cosmetically constant and easier to read through (a convention)
  • Default to 4 spaces
  • Semicolon is still used rarely for statements on a single line: eg. x = 5; y = 6; z = 1;
  • Everything is an object - every number, string, class, module or function is an obejct and has a type()
  • Variables are passed by reference be default.
  • The type of an object is stored in the object itself. Python is a strongly-typed language

    5 + ‘5’ Traceback (most recent call last): File ““, line 1, in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘str’

  • In python, operations are carried out stricly or immediately (not lazily or when it is needed like Haskell). Python uses generators for more efficient evaluation.

  • In python 3, Unicode has become a first class string type.
  • In python a module is simply a file


PI = 3.14159

def f(x):
    return x + 2

Used in another file:

import some_module
result = some_module.f(5)
pi = some_module.PI

the same as:

from some_module import f, g, PI
result = g(5, PI)
Binary Operators#
a + b   Add a and b
a - b   Subtract b from a
a * b   Multiply a by b
a / b   Divide a by b
a // b  Floor-divide a by b, dropping any fractional remainder
a ** b  Raise a to the b power
a & b   True if both a and b are True. For integers, take the bitwise AND.
a | b   True if either a or b is True. For integers, take the bitwise OR.
a ^ b   For booleans, True if a or b is True, but not both. For integers, take the bitwise EXCLUSIVE-OR.
a == b  True if a equals b
a != b  True if a is not equal to b
a <= b, a < b   True if a is less than (less than or equal) to b
a > b, a >= b   True if a is greater than (greater than or equal) to b
a is b  True if a and b reference same Python object
a is not b  True if a and b reference different Python objects
Mutable and immutable#

Most python objects are mutable: lists, dicts and numpy arrays. This means their contents can be changed.

Some objects are immutable, once they are treated their contents cannot be changed. Like a tuple.

a = (10, 15, 20) a[1] = 40 Traceback (most recent call last): File ““, line 1, in TypeError: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment a (10, 15, 20)

Scalar Types#
None    The Python “null” value (only one instance of the None object exists)
str String type. Holds Unicode (UTF-8 encoded) strings.
bytes   Raw ASCII bytes (or Unicode encoded as bytes)
float   Double-precision (64-bit) floating point number. Note there is no separate double type.
bool    A True or False value
int Arbitrary precision signed integer.
Dates and Time#
Type    Description
%Y  4-digit year
%y  2-digit year
%m  2-digit month [01, 12]
%d  2-digit day [01, 31]
%H  Hour (24-hour clock) [00, 23]
%I  Hour (12-hour clock) [01, 12]
%M  2-digit minute [00, 59]
%S  Second [00, 61] (seconds 60, 61 account for leap seconds)
%w  Weekday as integer [0 (Sunday), 6]
%U  Week number of the year [00, 53]. Sunday is considered the first day of the week, and days before the first Sunday of the year are “week 0”.
%W  Week number of the year [00, 53]. Monday is considered the first day of the week, and days before the first Monday of the year are “week 0”.
%z  UTC time zone offset as +HHMM or -HHMM, empty if time zone naive
%F  Shortcut for %Y-%m-%d, for example 2012-4-18
%D  Shortcut for %m/%d/%y, for example 04/18/12

Convert a string time to a datetime object: (String - Parse - Time )

In [108]: datetime.strptime('20091031', '%Y%m%d')
Out[108]: datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 31, 0, 0)

Format a datetime as a string: (String - format - time)

In [107]: dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')
Out[107]: '10/29/2011 20:30

Rounding time down to minute:

In [109]: dt.replace(minute=0, second=0)
Out[109]: datetime.datetime(2011, 10, 29, 20, 0)

A lot more stuff in the book, I recommend reading it

Chapter 3: Built In Data Structures, Functions and Files#


One dimensinal, fixed length, immutable sequence of python objects.

>>> tup = 4, 5, 6
>>> tup
(4, 5, 6)


>>> tup = (4, 5, 6)

A nested tuple:

>>> nested_tup = (3, 5, 6), (7, 8)
>>> nested_tup
((3, 5, 6), (7, 8))

Convert a list to a tuple:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> tuple(a)
(1, 2, 3)

Elements can be accessed with square brackets and an index:

>>> nested_tup[1]
(7, 8)

tuples can be concatenated with + and multiplied with *

You can unpack tuples by assigning a tuple like-object:

>>> a, b = nested_tup
>>> a
(3, 5, 6)
>>> b
(7, 8)


>>> a, (b, c,) = nested_tup
>>> a
(3, 5, 6)
>>> b
>>> c

Too many values raises a ValueError but you can catch the rest with *the_rest:

>>> values = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
>>> first, second, rest = values
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)

>>> first, second, *the_rest = values
>>> first
>>> second
>>> the_rest
[3, 4, 5, 6]

Count occurances of an element:

>>> the_rest.count(3)


Variable length, one-dimensional and are mutable (can be modified in place)

>>> list_ = [1, 2, 3, None]
>>> list_
[1, 2, 3, None]


>>> list(nested_tup)
[(3, 5, 6), (7, 8)]

Add elements:

In [39]: b_list.append('dwarf')

Insert elements at specified location:

In [41]: b_list.insert(1, 'red')

Take an element out by index:

In [43]: b_list.pop(2)

Take an element out by value, ie. remove all occurances of:

In [46]: b_list.remove('foo')

Check if a list contains element:

>>> None in list_

Concatenating lists:

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> z = x + y
>>> z
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4]

or extend:

>>> x.extend([5, 6, 7])
>>> x
[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]

extend is less expensive that + and assignment.


Can be sorted in place with sort():

>>> x = [5, 7, 3, 9, 99]
>>> x.sort()
>>> x
[3, 5, 7, 9, 99]

You can also supply a function to sort using the key kwarg:

>>> x = ['hello', 'world', 'lets', 'be', 'friends']
>>> x.sort(key=len)
>>> x
['be', 'lets', 'hello', 'world', 'friends']

Binary search and maintaining sorted list#

import bisect
>>> x
[3, 5, 7, 9, 99]

bisect.bisect calculates where it should be inserted

>>> bisect.bisect(x, 2)

bisect.insort actually does the inserting

>>> bisect.insort(x, 2)
>>> x
[2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 99]

The honus is on you to ensure the list is sorted already. It is too expensive for bisect to do it.


You can select portions of the list or any list-like types (tuples, numpy arrays, pandas series)

>>> x
[2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 99]
>>> x[2:4]
[5, 7]


Looping over a list and keeping the index

>>> for index, value in enumerate(x):
...     print(index, value)
0 2
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 99


Returns a new sorted list

>>> sorted([7, 1, 2, 6, 0, 3, 2])
[0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7]


Zip pairs up 2 lists with each other creating a zip object that when cast to a list becomes a list of tuples:

>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3]
>>> words = ['one', 'two', 'three']
>>> combined = zip(numbers, words)
>>> combined
<zip object at 0x10f850148>
>>> list(combined)
[(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three')]

The most common use of it is iterating over both lists together which you can do with:

>>> for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(numbers, words)):
...     print(i, a, b)
0 1 one
1 2 two
2 3 three


Creates an iterator of the reverse of the list:

>>> list(reversed([7, 1, 2, 6, 0, 3, 2]))
[2, 3, 0, 6, 2, 1, 7]


A flexibly sized collection key-value pairs, where keys and values are python objets. Also known as a hash map or associative array

empty_dict = {}

Create with elements:

my_dict = {'a': 'some value', 'b': [1, 2, 3, 4], 7: 'an integer'}

Access an element with []:

>>> my_dict['a']
'some value'

Check if a dict contains a key:

>>> 'c' in my_dict
>>> 'a' in my_dict

Keys can be deleted with del or pop:

>>> del my_dict['a']
>>> my_dict
{'b': [1, 2, 3, 4], 7: 'an integer'}

>>> b = my_dict.pop('b')
>>> b
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Get all keys or all values:

>>> list(my_dict.keys())
['a', 'b', 7]
>>> list(my_dict.values())
['some value', [1, 2, 3, 4], 'an integer']

Concatenating with + does not work:

>>> my_a = {'a': 1, 'b':2}
>>> my_b = {'c': 3, 'd': 4}
>>> my_c = my_a + my_b
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'dict'

You can merge 2 dicts together with update():

>>> my_a
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

There is another way to create a new list:

>>> my_c = dict(my_a.items() | my_b.items())
>>> my_c
{'c': 3, 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}

Creating dicts from sequences:

mapping = {}
for key, value in zip(key_list, value_list):
    mapping[key] = value

Default Values#

get() and pop() can return default values.

value = some_dict.get(key, default_value)
>>> my_c.get('e', 5)

Even better might be to use defaultdict

Valid dict keys#

A key is only valid if it can be hashable, you can check if an object is hashable with hash()

>>>,10,11), 10, 11)
>>> my_dict
{'a': 'some value', 'b': [1, 2, 3, 4], 7: 'an integer'}
>>> my_dict[,10,11)] = 3
>>> my_dict[[3, 4, 5]] = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'


A set is an unordered collection of unique elements

>>> {2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1}
{1, 2, 3, 4}


>>> set([2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1])
{1, 2, 3, 4}

It supports mathemtical operations like union (or):

>>> a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
>>> b = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
>>> a | b
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

Intersection (and):

>>> a & b
{3, 4, 5}


>>> a - b
{1, 2}

Exclusive or:

>>> a ^ b
{1, 2, 6, 7, 8}

There are inplace counterparts to keep the returned set that are more efficient:

c = a.copy()
c |= b


c &= b

Check if is a subset:

In [24]: a.issubset(b)
Out[24]: False

In [25]: a.issubset(c)
Out[25]: True

Sets are equal if there contents are equal:

In [26]: {1, 2, 3} == {3, 2, 1}
Out[26]: True

Set Operations#

Function    Alternate Syntax    Description
a.add(x)    N/A Add element x to the set a
a.clear()   N/A Reset the set a to an empty state, discarding all of its elements.
a.remove(x) N/A Remove element x from the set a
a.pop() N/A Remove an arbitrary element from the set a, raising KeyError if the set is empty.
a.union(b)  a | b   All of the unique elements in a and b.
a.update(b) a |= b  Set the contents of a to be the union of the elements in a and b.
a.intersection(b)   a & b   All of the elements in both a and b.
a.intersection_update(b)    a &= b  Set the contents of a to be the intersection of the elements in a and b.
a.difference(b) a - b   The elements in a that are not in b.
a.difference_update(b)  a -= b  Set a to the elements in a that are not in b.
a.symmetric_difference(b)   a ^ b   All of the elements in either a or b but not both.
a.symmetric_difference_update(b)    a ^= b  Set a to contain the elements in either a or b but not both.
a.issubset(b)   N/A True if the elements of a are all contained in b.
a.issuperset(b) N/A True if the elements of b[…]

List, Set and Dict Comprehensions#

List comprehensions allow us to concisely form a new list by filtering an existing list

The basic form:

[expr for val in collection if condition]

Equavalent to:

result = []
for val in collection:
    if condition:


In [30]: strings = ['a', 'as', 'bat', 'car', 'dove', 'python']

In [31]: [x.upper() for x in strings if len(x) > 2]
Out[31]: ['BAT', 'CAR', 'DOVE', 'PYTHON']

Dict comp:

dict_comp = {key-expr : value-expr for value in collection if condition}

Set comp:

set_comp = {expr for value in collection if condition}

Functions, Namespace and Scope#

Functions can access variables from local and global scope. In python this is called a namespace.

Variables by default are assigned to the local namespace

Local variables are declared within a function. You can declare global variables within a function, but you need to use the global keyword.

def global_array():
    global a
    a = []

Returning Multiple Values#

def f():
    a = 5
    b = 6
    c = 7
    return a, b, c

a, b, c = f()

Pretty much the same as tuple unpacking discussed earlier

Functions are objects#

You can use functions as arguments to other functions

def remove_punctuation(value):
    return re.sub('[!#?]', '', value)

You can use map, that applies a function to a collection.

In [23]: map(remove_punctuation, states)

Anonymous Lambda functions#

Don’t use these


def short_function(x):
    return x * 2

if equivalent to

equiv_anon = lambda x: x * 2

Closures: Functions that return Functions#

A dynamically generated function returned by another function

A key property is that the returned function has access to the variables in the local namespace it was created


In [32]: def make_closure(a):
    ...:     def closure():
    ...:         print('I know the secret: {}'.format(a))
    ...:     return closure

In [33]: closure = make_closure(5)

In [34]: closure()
I know the secret: 5

You can even mutate values in that local scope, one limitation is that you cannot create new variables. So best to modify an existing list or dict. Or you can make use of the nonlocal keyword.

Args and Kwargs#

A functions func(a, b, c, d=some, e=value) are packed up into a tuple and a dict.

a, b, c = args
d = kwargs.get('d', d_default_value)
e = kwargs.get('e', e_default_value)

which is done behind the scenes. You can therefore send variables into a function that aren’t in the signature.

Alot more hectic stuff in the book…generators etc.

Files and Operating Systems#

Most examples in this book will use pandas.read_csv to import data files. However it is good to know how it is done:

Open a file for reading or writing:

In [1]: path = './hello_world.txt'

In [2]: f = open(path)

By default the file is opening in r mode (read only).

You can iterate over it:

In [4]: for line in f:

…: print(line)

If we had done f = open(path, 'w') a new empty file would have overwritten that file.

Using x would work to create a file and skip if it already existed.

You can read a certain number of characters or the whole thing:

In [3]:
Out[3]: 'Hello\nWorld\n\nWhoopee!!\n'

Or reset it, once it is read no more characters are read:

In [8]:
Out[8]: 'He'

You can read it in binary mode;

In [9]: f = open(path, 'rb')

In [10]:
Out[10]: b'Hello\nWorld\n\nWhoopee!!\n'

You can check where read is with:

In [11]: f.tell()
Out[11]: 23

Go to another location with seek:

In [12]:
Out[12]: 2

In [13]:
Out[13]: b'llo\nWorld\n\nWhoopee!!\n'

File Modes#

Mode    Description
r   Read-only mode
w   Write-only mode. Creates a new file (erasing the data for any file with the same name)
x   Write-only mode. Creates a new file, but fails if the file path already exists.
a   Append to existing file (create it if it does not exist)
r+  Read and write
b   Add to mode for binary files, that is 'rb' or 'wb'
t   Text mode for files (automatically decoding bytes to unicode). This is the default if not specified. Add t to other modes to use this, that is 'rt' or 'xt

File Methods#

read([size])    Return data from file as a string, with optional size argument indicating the number of bytes to read
readlines([size])   Return list of lines in the file, with optional
lines([size])   Return list of lines in the file, with optional size argument
readlines([size])   Return list of lines (as strings) in the file
write(str)  Write passed string to file.
writelines(strings) Write passed sequence of strings to the file.
close() Close the handle
flush() Flush the internal I/O buffer to disk
seek(pos)   Move to indicated file position (integer).
tell()  Return current file position as integer.
closed  True if the file is closed.

Chapter 4: Numpy Basics#

Numerical Python. Most important foundational packages for numerical computing.


  • ndarray - An efficient multi-dimensional array providing fast array-oriented and flexible broadcasting
  • Mathemtical functions on all elements, no loops
  • Tools for reading and writing to disc and working with memory mapped files
  • Linear algebra, random number generation
  • A C Api for connecting with C, C++ and FORTRAN

Knowing numpy will help you use pandas more effectiely.

For datascience:

  • Fast vectorised array operations
  • Effecient descriptive statistics (aggregate and summary)
  • Data alignment and relational DB manipulation

pandas provides time series manipulation not found in numpy

Designed for efficiency on large arrays of data

my_arr = np.arange(1000000)
my_list = list(range(1000000))

In [20]: %timeit for _ in range(10): my_arr2 = my_arr * 2
20.1 ms ± 949 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

In [21]: %timeit for _ in range(10): my_list2 = [x * 2 for x in my_list]
769 ms ± 14.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


An N-dimensinal array object for homogenous (the sametype) data, that lets you perform scalar operations on it (which really applies these operations to each element)

In [1]: import  numpy as np

In [2]: data = np.random.randn(2, 3)

In [3]: data
array([[-0.33620461,  1.62919406, -0.75813031],
    [ 0.47703292,  0.67547306, -0.03832895]])

In [4]: data * 10
array([[-3.36204611, 16.29194062, -7.5813031 ],
    [ 4.77032922,  6.75473056, -0.38328952]])

In [5]: data + 10
array([[ 9.66379539, 11.62919406,  9.24186969],
    [10.47703292, 10.67547306,  9.96167105]])


A tuple indicating the size of each dimension

In [7]: data.shape
Out[7]: (2, 3)


In [9]: data.dtype
Out[9]: dtype('float64')

An array, numpy array and ndarray are the same thing in this book


Number of array dimensions

In [28]: data.ndim
Out[28]: 2

Creatng NdArrays#

Use the array function.

In [11]: numbers = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5678]

In [13]: number_array = np.array(numbers)

In [14]: number_array
Out[14]: array([0.1   , 0.2   , 0.3   , 0.5678])

Nested sequences will be converted into a multi-dimensional array

In [15]: numbers = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

In [16]: multi_arr = np.array(numbers)

In [17]: multi_arr
array([[1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6]])

You can create array’s of zeroes and ones with, zeros and ones

In [29]: np.zeros(10)
Out[29]: array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

In [33]: np.ones((10, 10))
array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])

It is not safe to assume np.empty will return zeroes. It will return unintialised garbage values.

In [34]: np.empty((2, 3, 2))
array([[[ 1.72723371e-077, -4.34288275e-311],
        [ 2.96439388e-323,  2.22028315e-314],
        [ 2.20432227e-314,  2.26173552e-314]],

    [[ 2.20290004e-314,  2.20304074e-314],
        [ 2.26375497e-314,  2.20285084e-314],
        [ 2.20285084e-314,  8.34402697e-309]]])

arange, is the numpy array equivalent of python’s range:

In [35]: np.arange(10)
Out[35]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])


The source of numpys flexibility in working with other systems and programming languages.

In [36]: arr1 = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32)

In [37]: arr2 = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32)

In [38]: arr1.dtype
Out[38]: dtype('float32')

In [40]: arr2.dtype
Out[40]: dtype('int32')

Knowing exact number of bits is not required, just a general idea of the type: int, float, decimal, str is ok.

You can cast to another datatype with astype:

In [42]: arr1.dtype
Out[42]: dtype('float32')

In [43]: int_arr = arr1.astype(np.int32)

In [44]: int_arr.dtype
Out[44]: dtype('int32')

Decimal part will be truncated

A ValueError is raised if casting fails.

Calling astype always creates a new array

Operations between Arrays and Scalars#

You can do operations on an ndarray without loops, called vectorization.

In [45]: arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3,], [4, 5, 6]])

In [46]: arr
array([[1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6]])

In [47]: arr * arr
array([[ 1,  4,  9],
    [16, 25, 36]])

In [48]: arr - arr
array([[0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0]])

In [49]: 1/ arr
array([[1.        , 0.5       , 0.33333333],
    [0.25      , 0.2       , 0.16666667]])

In [50]: arr ** 0.5
array([[1.        , 1.41421356, 1.73205081],
    [2.        , 2.23606798, 2.44948974]])

Operations between different sized arrays is called broadcasting.

Basic INnexing and Slicing#

They work the same as python lists.

In [51]: arr = np.arange(10)

In [52]: arr[5]
Out[52]: 5

In [53]: arr[2:3]
Out[53]: array([2])

In [54]: arr
Out[54]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

In [55]: arr[2:3] = 33

In [56]: arr
Out[56]: array([ 0,  1, 33,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9])

Importantly, the slices on nparray are not copies of the data, merely views. Therefore modiifation on a copied slive will modify the original ndarray.

Numpy is performance oriented and not so eager to make frivolous copies

To copy a slice you must explicity use copy():

arr_slice = arr[2:3].copy()

Multi dimensional arrays can be accessed recursively or via comma seperated numbers:

In [74]: arr2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

In [76]: arr2d[2]
Out[76]: array([7, 8, 9])

In [77]: arr2d[2][0]
Out[77]: 7

In [78]: arr2d[2, 0]
Out[78]: 7

Multi-dimensional sliving is hectic…read the book for more info

Boolean Indexing#

Say we have names and data:

names = np.array(['Bob', 'Joe', 'Will', 'Bob', 'Will', 'Joe', 'Joe'])
data = np.random.randn(7, 4)

We can run boolean expressions against the ndarray and it will be applied element-wise

In [82]: names == 'Joe'
Out[82]: array([False,  True, False, False, False,  True,  True])

The boolean array can be used to index another array axis (provided the axis it is slicing is the same size)

In [83]: data[names == 'Joe']
array([[-1.61727753e-03,  1.11134244e+00,  3.17965850e-01,
    [ 1.71907497e+00,  5.76550942e-01, -1.09187824e+00,
    [ 4.16526723e-01,  2.90342599e-02, -1.77285758e+00,

If you wanted to use multiple boolean conditions with AND and OR, remember to sue brackets around each condition:

    In [85]: (names == 'Joe') | (names == 'Will')
    Out[85]: array([False,  True,  True, False,  True,  True,  True])

Selecting data from an array with boolean indexing always creates a copy of the data

Only | and & work not their reserved keyword equivalents

You can then set data of the returned arrray

In [93]: data[names == 'Joe'] = 4

In [94]: data
array([[-0.80941878, -0.9509764 , -0.27128519,  1.30517233],
    [ 4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ],
    [ 2.35196404, -0.60165119, -1.00170882, -1.25451698],
    [-1.2806518 ,  0.42240918, -0.57464507, -1.22217808],
    [-0.26818876, -0.32669154,  2.20744615, -0.95180174],
    [ 4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ],
    [ 4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ,  4.        ]])

Fancy Indexing#

Fancy Indexing is indexing using integer arrays

arr = np.empty((8, 4))

for i in range(8):
    arr[i] = i

In [100]: arr
array([[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    [1., 1., 1., 1.],
    [2., 2., 2., 2.],
    [3., 3., 3., 3.],
    [4., 4., 4., 4.],
    [5., 5., 5., 5.],
    [6., 6., 6., 6.],
    [7., 7., 7., 7.]])

To select a subset of rows in a particular order:

In [104]: arr[[2, 4, 5, 6]]
array([[2., 2., 2., 2.],
    [4., 4., 4., 4.],
    [5., 5., 5., 5.],
    [6., 6., 6., 6.]])

Using multiple indices:

In [105]: arr = np.arange(32).reshape((8, 4))

In [106]: arr
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
    [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
    [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
    [12, 13, 14, 15],
    [16, 17, 18, 19],
    [20, 21, 22, 23],
    [24, 25, 26, 27],
    [28, 29, 30, 31]])

In [107]: arr[[1, 2, 3], [0, 3, 1]]
Out[107]: array([ 4, 11, 13])

The resulting copy returned elements (1, 0), (2, 3) and (3, 1)

Fancy indexing always copies the data

Transposing arrays nd swapping indices#

Transposing returns a view, not a copy.

Arrays have the transpose method and the special T attribute.

In [109]: arr = np.arange(15).reshape((5, 3))

In [110]: arr
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
    [ 3,  4,  5],
    [ 6,  7,  8],
    [ 9, 10, 11],
    [12, 13, 14]])

In [111]: arr.T
array([[ 0,  3,  6,  9, 12],
    [ 1,  4,  7, 10, 13],
    [ 2,  5,  8, 11, 14]])

Calculating the inner matrix product( whatever that means):

In [114]:, arr)
array([[270, 300, 330],
    [300, 335, 370],
    [330, 370, 410]])

Higher dimensional arrays can be given an array of axis numbers to transpose around:

In [115]: arr = np.arange(16).reshape((2, 2, 4))

In [116]: arr
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7]],

    [[ 8,  9, 10, 11],
        [12, 13, 14, 15]]])

In [117]: arr.transpose((1, 0, 2))
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 8,  9, 10, 11]],

    [[ 4,  5,  6,  7],
        [12, 13, 14, 15]]])

swapaxes takes a pair of axis to swap:

In [118]: arr
array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7]],

    [[ 8,  9, 10, 11],
        [12, 13, 14, 15]]])

In [119]: arr.swapaxes(1, 2)
array([[[ 0,  4],
        [ 1,  5],
        [ 2,  6],
        [ 3,  7]],

    [[ 8, 12],
        [ 9, 13],
        [10, 14],
        [11, 15]]])

Universal Functions#

A ufunc universal function performs elementwise operations on data in ndarrays.

unaray ufuncs#


In [120]: arr = np.arange(10)

In [121]: np.sqrt(arr)
array([0.        , 1.        , 1.41421356, 1.73205081, 2.        ,
    2.23606798, 2.44948974, 2.64575131, 2.82842712, 3.        ])

np.exp() - Calculate exponential

In [124]: np.exp(arr)
array([1.00000000e+00, 2.71828183e+00, 7.38905610e+00, 2.00855369e+01,
    5.45981500e+01, 1.48413159e+02, 4.03428793e+02, 1.09663316e+03,
    2.98095799e+03, 8.10308393e+03])


abs, fabs, sqrt, square, exp, log, log10, sign, ceil, floor, rint, modf, isnan, isfinite, isinf, cos, cosh, sin, sinh, tan, tanh, logical_not

Binary Functions#

np.maximum(arr) - Gives the element-wise maximum

In [126]: x = np.random.randn(8)

In [127]: y = np.random.randn(8)

In [128]: x
array([ 1.0055233 , -0.15194186,  0.89593432,  0.40450036, -0.21771624,
        0.61883328, -1.18958781, -1.13737865])

In [129]: y
array([-0.84924147, -0.79931119,  1.11336264, -0.19901553, -0.33127759,
    -0.48134005,  0.17885233,  1.33822367])

In [130]: np.maximum(x, y)
array([ 1.0055233 , -0.15194186,  1.11336264,  0.40450036, -0.21771624,
        0.61883328,  0.17885233,  1.33822367])


add, subtract, multiple, divide, power, maximum, minimum, mod, copysign, greater, greater_equal, less, not_equal, logical_and, logical_or, logical_xor

Loop Free Programming#

np.meshgrid takes two 1D arrays and produces two 2D matrices corresponding to all pairs of (x, y) in the two arrays.

In [131]: arr = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01) # 1000 equally spaced

In [135]: xs, ys = np.meshgrid(arr, arr)

z = np.sqrt(xs ** 2 + ys ** 2)

plt.imshow(z,; plt.colorbar()
plt.title("Image plot of $\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$ for a grid of values")

Expressing Conditional Logic as Array Operations#

Getting the value from different arrays depending on a boolean array

xarr = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5])
yarr = np.array([2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5])
cond = np.array([True, False, True, True, False])
result = [(x if c else y) for x, y, c in zip(xarr, yarr, cond)]

In [7]: result
Out[7]: [1.1, 2.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.5]

The problem with the above is it will be slow as it is being done by python, it also won’t work with multidimensional arrays. Better to make use of where:

In [8]: result = np.where(cond, xarr, yarr)

In [9]: result
Out[9]: array([1.1, 2.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.5])

Mathematical and Statistical Methods#

Get normally distributed random data:

In [10]: arr = np.random.randn(400)


In [12]: arr.mean()
Out[12]: 0.02312549029816819


In [13]: np.mean(arr)
Out[13]: 0.02312549029816819


In [14]: arr.sum()
Out[14]: 9.250196119267276

The above functions take an options axis argument



Cumsum and Cumprod#

Cumulative sum and cumulative product produce an array of intermediate results


In a multidimensional array, accumulation returns an array of the same size it is calculated along the specified axis:

In [20]: arr = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]])

In [21]: arr
array([[0, 1, 2],
    [3, 4, 5],
    [6, 7, 8]])

In [22]: arr.cumsum(0)
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
    [ 3,  5,  7],
    [ 9, 12, 15]])

as opposed to:

In [23]: arr.cumsum()
Out[23]: array([ 0,  1,  3,  6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36])

Available methods#

sum, mean, std, var, min, max, argmin, argmax, cumsum, cumprod

Methods of Boolean Arrays#

Sum is often used to count True values

In [24]: arr = np.random.randn(100)
In [28]: (arr > 0).sum()
Out[28]: 48

Other methods:

  • any() checks if any are True
  • all() checks if all are true

    In [29]: (arr > 0).any() Out[29]: True

    In [30]: (arr > 0).all() Out[30]: False


Can be sorted in place with arr.sort():

In [31]: arr = np.random.randn(10)
In [32]: arr
array([ 0.71608056,  1.34479278,  1.41800966, -0.48860031, -0.56617617,
    -1.42766719, -0.30723866, -0.91101707,  1.70796963, -0.09524445])

In [33]: arr.sort()

In [34]: arr
array([-1.42766719, -0.91101707, -0.56617617, -0.48860031, -0.30723866,
    -0.09524445,  0.71608056,  1.34479278,  1.41800966,  1.70796963])

A multidimensional array can sorted along the axis:

0 would be column-wise and 1 would be row wise…eg:

In [45]: arr = np.random.randn(2, 3)

In [46]: arr
array([[ 0.28019483, -0.05325257, -2.63604385],
       [-0.24228228, -0.63299377, -1.84148469]])

In [47]: arr.sort(0)

In [48]: arr
array([[-0.24228228, -0.63299377, -2.63604385],
       [ 0.28019483, -0.05325257, -1.84148469]])

Finding a quantile:

In [49]: large_arr = np.random.randn(1000)

In [50]: large_arr.sort()

In [51]: large_arr[int(0.05 * len(large_arr))]
Out[51]: -1.6273103628065735

This gives the 5% quantile

Unique and Other set logic#

np.unique returns sorted unique values in an array

In [52]: names = np.array(['Bob', 'Joe', 'Will', 'Bob', 'Will', 'Joe', 'Joe'])

In [55]: np.unique(names)
Out[55]: array(['Bob', 'Joe', 'Will'], dtype='<U4')

Testing membership of one array in another:

In [56]: values = np.array([6, 0, 0, 3, 2, 5, 6, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9])

In [57]: np.in1d(values, [6, 7, 9])
array([ True, False, False, False, False, False,  True,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True])

Other methods:

unique(x), itersect1d(x, y), union1d(x, y), in1d(x, y), setdiff1d(x, y), setxor1d(x, y)

File Input and Output#

np.load and are the workhorses of saving and loading from disk. Files are saved uncompressed with extension .npy

In [58]: arr = np.arange(10)

In [59]: arr
Out[59]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

In [60]:'some_array', arr)

In [61]: %pwd
Out[61]: '/Users/stephen/projects/fixes'

In [62]: np.load('some_array.npy')
Out[62]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

You can save multiple arrays in a zip with savez()

np.savez('array_archive.npz', a=arr, b=arr)

Linear Algebra#

Matrix multiplication, decompositions, determinants and other square matrix math.

Multiplying 2, 2-dimensional arrays with * is an element-wise product instead of a matrix dot product. That is the reason there is a function dot, an array method and a function in the numpy namespace for matrix multiplication.

In [197]: x = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])

In [198]: y = np.array([[6., 23.], [-1, 7], [8, 9]])

In [199]: x
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
    [ 4.,  5.,  6.]])

In [200]: y
array([[  6.,  23.],
    [ -1.,   7.],
    [  8.,   9.]])

In [68]:
array([[ 28.,  64.],
    [ 67., 181.]])

You can use @ as an infix operator that performs matrix multiplication

In [69]: x @ np.ones(3)
Out[69]: array([ 6., 15.])

numpy.linalg has a standard set of matrix decompositions and things like determinant and inverse.

It is a bit over scope at this stage…read the book

Pseudorandom Number Generation#

numpy.random supplements the standard python random library.

You can get a random array 4 x 4 with a normal distribution using normal:

In [71]: samples
array([[-0.5007292 , -0.34324411, -0.22568356,  0.6718186 ],
    [-1.10226626,  1.36328937,  0.87324304,  0.62881017],
    [ 0.12820656,  0.7683322 ,  1.45949403,  1.93611694],
    [ 0.63583831, -2.30817119, -1.42783868, -0.79192873]])

Random Functions#

Function    Description
seed    Seed the random number generator
permutation Return a random permutation of a sequence, or return a permuted range
shuffle Randomly permute a sequence in place
rand    Draw samples from a uniform distribution
randint Draw random integers from a given low-to-high range
randn   Draw samples from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 (MATLAB-like interface)
binomial    Draw samples from a binomial distribution
normal  Draw samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution
beta    Draw samples from a beta distribution
chisquare   Draw samples from a chi-square distribution
gamma   Draw samples from a gamma distribution
uniform Draw samples from a uniform [0, 1) distribution

Random Walks#

More on Random Walks in the book

Chapter 5: Getting Started with Pandas#

Pandas contains data structures and data manipulation tools designed to make data cleaning and analysis fast and easy.

Import convention:

import pandas as pd

Data Structures#

Pandas two workhorse data structures are: DataFrame and Series


A one-dimensional array-like object containing a sequence of values of a single type and associated labels, called an index.

In [2]: series = pd.Series([1, 4, 6, 7, 8])

In [3]: series
0    1
1    4
2    6
3    7
4    8
dtype: int64

Labels on the left, values on the right

Get the values of a series as an array:

In [5]: series.values
Out[5]: array([1, 4, 6, 7, 8])

Get the index of the series:

In [7]: series.index
Out[7]: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=5, step=1)

Often you want to set data with labels:

In [8]: series = pd.Series([4, 5, 6],['a', 'b', 'c'])

In [9]: series
a    4
b    5
c    6
dtype: int64

Select a single value:

In [11]: series['b']
Out[11]: 5

Select multiple values:

In [12]: series[['b', 'c']]
b    5
c    6
dtype: int64

Filtering, scalar multiplication and pplying math functions will preserve the index link:

In [15]: series[series > 4]
b    5
c    6
dtype: int64

In [16]: series * 2
a     8
b    10
c    12
dtype: int64

In [19]: np.exp(series)
a     54.598150
b    148.413159
c    403.428793
dtype: float64

You can think of a series as a fixed length, ordered dict.

Check if a label / index exists:

In [20]: 'b' in series
Out[20]: True

Creating a series from a python dict:

In [23]: p_data = {'Gauteng': 5900, 'Western Cape': 3200, 'Northern Cape': 200}

In [24]: province_series = pd.Series(p_data)

In [25]: province_series
Gauteng          5900
Western Cape     3200
Northern Cape     200
dtype: int64

You can ignore an index and set the order with the index kwarg:

In [26]: province_series = pd.Series(p_data, index=['Northern Cape', 'Western Cape'])

In [27]: province_series
Northern Cape     200
Western Cape     3200
dtype: int64

If a corresponding value for the index is not found you get a NaN

In [28]: province_series = pd.Series(p_data, index=['Northern Cape', 'Western Cape', 'KwaZulu Natal'])

In [29]: province_series
Northern Cape     200.0
Western Cape     3200.0
KwaZulu Natal       NaN
dtype: float64

NaN stands for Not a Number, which in pandas shows NA or missing values.

pandas.isnull and pandas.notnull should be used to detet missing values.

In [30]: pd.isnull(province_series)
Northern Cape    False
Western Cape     False
KwaZulu Natal     True
dtype: bool

Data Alignment can be thought of as a Database JOIN

The series and index have a name attribute, which integrates with other pandas fucntionality.

In [32]: = 'FF+ Voters'

In [33]:
Out[33]: 'FF+ Voters'

In [36]: = 'Province'

An index can be altered in-place:

In [37]: series.index = ['Eastern', 'Western', 'Northern']

In [38]: series
Eastern     4
Western     5
Northern    6
Name: FF+ Voters, dtype: int64


Rectangular table of data, with an ordered colletin of columns that can be different types. It has row and column labels.

Under the hood it is stored as one or more two-dimensional blocks.

You can use hierachical indexing to represent higher dimensional data.

Creating a dataframe from a dict of of equal length lists or numpy arrays.

In [41]: data = {'province': ['gauteng', 'limpopo', 'northern cape'], 'year': ['2000', '2001', '2002'], 'pop': ['10000', '20000', '30000']}

In [42]: frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

In [43]: frame
        province  year    pop
0        gauteng  2000  10000
1        limpopo  2001  20000
2  northern cape  2002  30000

To view the first few rows use head():

In [44]: frame.head()
        province  year    pop
0        gauteng  2000  10000
1        limpopo  2001  20000
2  northern cape  2002  30000

Use columns to re-arrange the columns in that order:

In [45]: frame = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['province', 'pop', 'year'])

In [46]: frame
        province    pop  year
0        gauteng  10000  2000
1        limpopo  20000  2001
2  northern cape  30000  2002

If you pass a column that does not exist, it will be created with missing values:

In [51]: frame = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['province', 'pop', 'year', 'dest'])

In [52]: frame
        province    pop  year dest
0        gauteng  10000  2000  NaN
1        limpopo  20000  2001  NaN
2  northern cape  30000  2002  NaN

Get the columns:

In [53]: frame.columns
Out[53]: Index(['province', 'pop', 'year', 'dest'], dtype='object')

Retrieve a single column as a series:

In [55]: frame.year
0    2000
1    2001
2    2002
Name: year, dtype: object


In [56]: frame['year']
0    2000
1    2001
2    2002
Name: year, dtype: object

It is more precise to use the index notation (not property dot-notation)

Columns can be modified with assignment of a scalar

In [61]: frame['pop'] = 100

In [62]: frame
        province  pop  year dest
0        gauteng  100  2000  NaN
1        limpopo  100  2001  NaN
2  northern cape  100  2002  NaN

or a numpy array vector

In [67]: frame['pop'] = np.arange(3.)

In [68]: frame
        province  pop  year dest
0        gauteng  0.0  2000  NaN
1        limpopo  1.0  2001  NaN
2  northern cape  2.0  2002  NaN

When assigning an array, the length must much the dataframe’s

Assigning a column that does not exist will create a new column

the del keyword will delete columns

In [71]: del frame['dest']

In [72]: frame
        province  pop  year
0        gauteng    0  2000
1        limpopo    1  2001
2  northern cape    2  2002

Create a new column with a boolean expression

In [75]: frame['is_gauteng'] = frame['province'] == 'gauteng'

In [76]: frame
        province  pop  year  is_gauteng
0        gauteng    0  2000        True
1        limpopo    1  2001       False
2  northern cape    2  2002       False

The column returned much liek a numpy array is a view, not a copy. Therefore any inplace modification will result in an update to the dataframe.

Another common scenario is nested dicts, which will take outer dict keys as column labels and inner dict keys as row indices.

You can transpose (swap) a dataframes columns and rows.

with T:

In [77]: frame.T
                0        1              2
province    gauteng  limpopo  northern cape
pop               0        1              2
year           2000     2001           2002
is_gauteng     True    False          False

Set the index and column names: = 'year' = 'province'

View the values of a dataframe as a 2-d numpy array:

In [83]: frame.values
array([['gauteng', 0, '2000', True],
    ['limpopo', 1, '2001', False],
    ['northern cape', 2, '2002', False]], dtype=object)

If the datatypes are different, the dtype=object

Index Objects#

Index objects hold axis labels and other meta data like axis names.

In [5]: obj = pd.Series(range(3), index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

In [6]: obj.index
Out[6]: Index(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object')

Index objects are immutable so they cannot be changed by the user

Immutability makes it easier to share index objects among data structures.

Types of Indexes:

  • Index - array of python objects
  • Int64Index - integer values
  • Float64Index - float values for hierachical indexes
  • MultiIndex - array of tuples
  • RangeIndex - Spaced sequence
  • CategoricalIndex - An index of values with category
  • DateTimeIndex - Nanosecond timestamps using numpy’s datetime64
  • PeriodIndex - Timespans

Essential Functionality#


Create a new obejct conformed to a new index

In [7]: obj = pd.Series([4.5, 7.2, -5.3, 3.6], index=['d', 'b', 'a', 'c'])
In [8]: obj2 = obj.reindex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
In [9]: obj
d    4.5
b    7.2
a   -5.3
c    3.6
dtype: float64
In [10]: obj2
a   -5.3
b    7.2
c    3.6
d    4.5
e    NaN
dtype: float64

For ordered data like timeseries it might be useful to fill in values with the ffill method

In [11]: obj3 = pd.Series(['red', 'green', 'blue'], index=[1, 3, 5])
In [14]: obj3
1      red
3    green
5     blue
dtype: object

In [15]: obj3.reindex(range(6), method='ffill')
0      NaN
1      red
2      red
3    green
4    green
5     blue
dtype: object

bfill on the other hand fills backwards:

In [17]: obj3.reindex(range(6), method='bfill')
0      red
1      red
2    green
3    green
4     blue
5     blue
dtype: object

reindex an alter the (row) index, columns or both.

In [18]: frame = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3)), index=['a', 'b', 'c'],
    ...: columns=['gauteng', 'northern cape', 'limpopo'])

In [19]: frame
gauteng  northern cape  limpopo
a        0              1        2
b        3              4        5
c        6              7        8

In [20]: frame2 = frame.reindex(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

In [21]: frame2
gauteng  northern cape  limpopo
a      0.0            1.0      2.0
b      3.0            4.0      5.0
c      6.0            7.0      8.0
d      NaN            NaN      NaN

Columns are reindexed using the columns keyword:

In [22]: frame.reindex(columns=['western cape', 'mpumalanga', 'kwazulu natal'])
western cape  mpumalanga  kwazulu natal
a           NaN         NaN            NaN
b           NaN         NaN            NaN
c           NaN         NaN            NaN

Re-indexing can be done better with the label indexing loc:

In [24]: frame.loc[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['gauteng', 'limpopo', 'northern cape']]
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/ipython:1: FutureWarning:
Passing list-likes to .loc or [] with any missing label will raise
KeyError in the future, you can use .reindex() as an alternative.

See the documentation here:
gauteng  limpopo  northern cape
a      0.0      2.0            1.0
b      3.0      5.0            4.0
c      6.0      8.0            7.0
d      NaN      NaN            NaN

Dropping Entries from index#

Use drop:

In [28]: frame2
gauteng  limpopo  northern cape
a      0.0      2.0            1.0
b      3.0      5.0            4.0
c      6.0      8.0            7.0
d      NaN      NaN            NaN

In [29]: frame2.drop('b')
gauteng  limpopo  northern cape
a      0.0      2.0            1.0
c      6.0      8.0            7.0
d      NaN      NaN            NaN

drop a column:

In [30]: frame2.drop(columns=['gauteng', 'northern cape'])
a      2.0
b      5.0
c      8.0
d      NaN

Modify in place without returning a value, use inplace=True:

frame2.drop(columns=['gauteng', 'northern cape'], inpalce=True)

Indexing, Selection and Filtering#

Indexing works the same as a numpy array except you can use things other than integers.

loc and iloc (integer label selection) enable you to select a subset of rows and columns with numpy notation

data.loc['Colorado', ['two', 'three']]
data.iloc[[1, 2], [3, 0, 1]]

Arithmetic and Data Alignment#

Adding series or dataframes with create a new series or dataframe with NaN values for those that dont exist in both.

You can fill values with:

df1.add(df2, fill_value=0)

Also works with reindex

Operations between a series and a dataframe are called broadcasting

Function application and mappings#

In [165]: frame
            b         d         e
Utah   -0.204708  0.478943 -0.519439
Ohio   -0.555730  1.965781  1.393406
Texas   0.092908  0.281746  0.769023
Oregon  1.246435  1.007189 -1.296221

In [166]: np.abs(frame)
            b         d         e
Utah    0.204708  0.478943  0.519439
Ohio    0.555730  1.965781  1.393406
Texas   0.092908  0.281746  0.769023
Oregon  1.246435  1.007189  1.296221

Sorting and Ranking#

On a series index use sort_index:


In a dataframe you can sort the whole thing or just a single axis:




You can set to ascending or descending order:

frame.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)

You can sort values with, you guesed it, sort_values()

Nan values are sent to the end by default.

In a dataframe you can sort by 1 or more columns:



frame.sort_values(by=['a', 'b'])

Ranking is similar to sorting, it gives numbers representing where the value should rank in sorting:

In [32]: series = pd.Series([1, 6, -5, -6, 7, 8, 10, -5])

In [33]: series.rank()
0    4.0
1    5.0
2    2.5
3    1.0
4    6.0
5    7.0
6    8.0
7    2.5
dtype: float64

Rank based on the order they appear in the data (whatever that means):

In [36]: series.rank(method='first')
0    4.0
1    5.0
2    2.0
3    1.0
4    6.0
5    7.0
6    8.0
7    3.0
dtype: float64

Tie breaking methods:

average, min, max, first, sense

Duplicate Index values#

Unique axis labels are not mandatory

In [37]: obj = pd.Series(range(5), index=['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'])

In [38]: obj
a    0
a    1
b    2
b    3
c    4
dtype: int64

Check of the index is unique:

In [39]: obj.index.is_unique
Out[39]: False

Selecting an index will return both values:

In [40]: obj['a']
a    0
a    1
dtype: int64

Descriptive Statistics#


In [41]: frame
gauteng  northern cape  limpopo
a        0              1        2
b        3              4        5
c        6              7        8

In [42]: frame.sum()
gauteng           9
northern cape    12
limpopo          15
dtype: int64


In [43]: frame.sum(axis=1)
a     3
b    12
c    21
dtype: int64

Set an NaN value:

In [56]: frame.loc['a', 'gauteng'] = 'NaN'

In [57]: frame
gauteng  northern cape  limpopo
a     NaN              1        2
b       3              4        5
c       6              7        8

So you can choose to not skipna values which is True by default:

In [58]: frame.mean(axis=1)
a    1.5
b    4.5
c    7.5
dtype: float64

In [59]: frame.mean(axis=1, skipna=False)
a    1.5
b    4.5
c    7.5
dtype: float64

no difference in the above case

describe the frame:

In [63]: frame.describe()
    northern cape  limpopo
count            3.0      3.0
mean             4.0      5.0
std              3.0      3.0
min              1.0      2.0
25%              2.5      3.5
50%              4.0      5.0
75%              5.5      6.5
max              7.0      8.0

It will return alternate data if it is non-numeric


count, describe, min, max, sum, mean, median, prod, var, std, skew, kurt, cumsum, diff

Correlation and Covariance#

Lets consider some stock price close and volume for these summary statistics.

We need:

pip install pandas_datareader

Lets get the data:

import pandas as pd
import as web

all_data = {ticker: web.get_data_yahoo(ticker) for ticker in ['AAPL', 'IBM', 'MSFT', 'GOOG']}

price = pd.DataFrame({ticker: data['Adj Close'] for ticker, data in all_data.items()})
volume = pd.DataFrame({ticker: data['Volume'] for ticker, data in all_data.items()})

In [9]: price.head()
                AAPL         IBM       MSFT        GOOG
2010-01-04  27.095369  102.944206  24.827723  311.349976
2010-01-05  27.142210  101.700638  24.835745  309.978882
2010-01-06  26.710482  101.039986  24.683319  302.164703
2010-01-07  26.661104  100.690277  24.426620  295.130463
2010-01-08  26.838356  101.700638  24.595085  299.064880

Compute the percentage changes in the price:

In [10]: returns = price.pct_change()

In [11]: returns.tail()
                AAPL       IBM      MSFT      GOOG
2018-10-17 -0.004321 -0.076282 -0.002613 -0.004985
2018-10-18 -0.023374 -0.026110 -0.019962 -0.024846
2018-10-19  0.015230 -0.011107  0.001475  0.007804
2018-10-22  0.006110  0.007126  0.008927  0.004287
2018-10-23  0.009427  0.009152 -0.013956  0.002297

The corr method of Series computes the correlation of the overlapping, non-NA, aligned-by-index values in two Series. cov computes the covariance.

In [15]: returns['MSFT'].corr(returns['IBM'])
Out[15]: 0.4723006230591393

In [16]: returns['MSFT'].cov(returns['IBM'])
Out[16]: 8.074798783252494e-05

Using these methods on the DataFrame returns a correlation or covariance matrix.

In [17]: returns.cov()
        AAPL       IBM      MSFT      GOOG
AAPL  0.000251  0.000069  0.000094  0.000105
IBM   0.000069  0.000145  0.000081  0.000073
MSFT  0.000094  0.000081  0.000201  0.000111
GOOG  0.000105  0.000073  0.000111  0.000231

In [18]: returns.corr()
        AAPL       IBM      MSFT      GOOG
AAPL  1.000000  0.362561  0.419753  0.436144
IBM   0.362561  1.000000  0.472301  0.396107
MSFT  0.419753  0.472301  1.000000  0.513596
GOOG  0.436144  0.396107  0.513596  1.000000

You can do pair-wise corrlation with corrwith:

In [20]: returns.corrwith(returns['GOOG'])
AAPL    0.436144
IBM     0.396107
MSFT    0.513596
GOOG    1.000000
dtype: float64

correlation of percentage changes with volume:

In [21]: returns.corrwith(volume)
AAPL   -0.066129
IBM    -0.173960
MSFT   -0.087216
GOOG   -0.017287
dtype: float64

Unique Values, Value Counts and Membership#

In [22]: obj = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b' ])

In [23]: uniques = obj.unique()

In [24]: uniques
Out[24]: array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object)

Unique values are not retruned in sorted order but can be sorted after the fact if needed

value_counts() computes a series containing value frequencies:

In [25]: obj.value_counts()
b    5
c    3
a    3
dtype: int64

It is sorted in descending order for convenience

You can use value_counts() from the package

In [26]: pd.value_counts(obj, sort=False) Out[26]: b 5 a 3 c 3 dtype: int64

Membership check with isin():

In [27]: mask = obj.isin(['b', 'c'])

In [28]: mask
0     False
1      True
2      True
3      True
4      True
5      True
6     False
7      True
8     False
9      True
10     True
dtype: bool

In [29]: obj[mask]
1     b
2     c
3     c
4     b
5     b
7     b
9     c
10    b
dtype: object

Index.get_indexer gives you an index array from an array of possible non-distinct values into another array of distinct values

In [30]: unique_vals = obj.unique()

In [31]: unique_vals
Out[31]: array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object)

In [32]: pd.Index(unique_vals).get_indexer(obj)
Out[32]: array([0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1])

Chapter 6: Data Loading, Storage and File Formats#

Reading and writing data in text formats#

Python is good for working with text and file mungingdue to its:

  • simple syntax for interacting with files
  • lightweight built-in datastructures
  • convenient language features (tuple packing and unpacking)

Reading data into a dataframe:

  • read_csv - comma seperated values
  • read_table - load delimited data from a file (\t is default delimiter)
  • read_fwf - load dat from file with fixed width column format
  • read_clipboard - Reads data from clipboard (from webpages)
  • read_excel - Read tabular data from excel xls
  • read_hdf - Read from HDF5
  • read_html - Read from <table>s in an html document
  • read_json - Reads from json (javascript object notation) string
  • read_msgpack - read from MessagePack binary format
  • read_pickle - read an object from python pickle format
  • read_sas - Read a SAS dataset
  • read_sql - Read the result on a sql query (using SQLALchemy) as a pandas Dataframe.
  • read_stata - Read from a stata file format
  • read_feather - Read from feather file format

Data is messy in the real world and hence there are many options available to read_csv for example for neatening data.

type inference means you don’t need to explicitly specify the data type of the columns for numeric, integer, boolean or string. Dates however do require a bit of effort

In [1]: !cat ex1.csv

In [3]: df = pd.read_csv('ex1.csv')

In [4]: df
a   b   c   d message
0  1   2   3   4   hello
1  5   6   7   8   world
2  9  10  11  12     foo

We could have also used:

In [7]: df = pd.read_table('ex1.csv', delimiter=',')

If your data does not have headers (the first line), you can specify none and let pandas default:

df = pd.read_csv('ex1.csv', headers=None)

or set them with:

df = pd.read_csv('ex1.csv', headers=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'message'])

Hierachical data can be split using index_col:

In [11]: !cat csv_mindex.csv

In [13]: parsed = pd.read_csv('csv_mindex.csv', index_col=['key1', 'key2'])

In [14]: parsed
        value1  value2
key1 key2
one  a          1       2
     b          3       4
     c          5       6
     d          7       8
two  a          9      10
     b         11      12
     c         13      14
     d         15      16

In some cases a file may not have a delimiter, perhaps it is just whitespace in that case you can give it a regular expression to the sep kwarg:

In [23]: list(open('ex2.txt'))
['            A         B         C\n',
' aaa -0.264438 -1.026059 -0.619500\n',
' bbb  0.927272  0.302904 -0.032399\n',
' ccc -0.264273 -0.386314 -0.217601\n',
' ddd -0.871858 -0.348382  1.100491\n']

In [24]: result = pd.read_table('ex2.txt', sep='\s+')

In [25]: result
            A         B         C
aaa -0.264438 -1.026059 -0.619500
bbb  0.927272  0.302904 -0.032399
ccc -0.264273 -0.386314 -0.217601
ddd -0.871858 -0.348382  1.100491

You can skip certain rows with skiprows=[0, 3, 4]

Handling missing values in pandas is important. Missing data is usually an empty string or a sentinel value: NA, -1.#IND, NULL

The na_values kwarg can take a list or set of strings to consider mssing values:

result = pd.read_csv('examples/ex5.csv', na_values=['NULL'])

Different NA sentinels can be specified for each column in a dict:

sentinels = {'message': ['foo', 'NA'], 'something': ['two']
pd.read_csv('examples/ex5.csv', na_values=sentinels)

Some Other Arguments#

  • path - location or url of object
  • sep or delimiter - character sequence or regular expression to seperate data in rows
  • comment - character to split comment out at end of lines
  • parse_dates - Attemptt o parse data to datetime, can give a list of columns to try. It is False by default.

Reading Text Files in Pieces#

For large files you may want to work on small chunks of a file at a time, and not have the entire file in memory.

Check the book

Writing Data out to Text Format#

Data can be exported to a file using panda’s to_csv function.

In [28]: df.to_csv('out.csv')

In [29]: !cat out.csv

You can use a different seperator and write to stdout with:

In [30]: import sys

In [31]: df.to_csv(sys.stdout, sep='|')

Missing values are shown as empty strings to use something else use na_rep='NULL'

Both row and columnlabels are written by default, this can be disabled with:

index=False and header=False

You can also specify which columns you want to write:

In [32]: df.to_csv('out.csv', columns=['a', 'b', 'message'])

In [33]: !cat out.csv

Manually working with delimited formats#

Sometimes you receive a csv with malformed lines

In [35]: !cat ex7.csv

For any file with a single character delimiter you can use pythons’s csv module:

In [36]: import csv

In [37]: f = open('ex7.csv')

In [38]: reader = csv.reader(f)

In [39]: for line in reader:
    ...:     print(line)
['“a"', 'b', 'c']
['1', '2', '3']
['1', '2', '3', '4”\n']

From there you can do the wrangling you need

Defining a new csv format with a different delimiter, string quoting or line termination convension is done by defining a subclass of csv.Dialect

class my_dialect(csv.Dialect):
    line_terminator = '\n'
    delimiter = ';'
    quote_char = '"'
    quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL

reader = csv.reader(f, dialect=my_dialect)

Individual parameters can be given as keywords:

reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='|')

Files with fixed multi-character delimiters won’t be able to use csv

To write csv files:

with open('mydata.csv', 'w') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, dialect=my_dialect)
    writer.writerow(('one', 'two', 'three'))
    writer.writerow(('1', '2', '3'))
    writer.writerow(('4', '5', '6'))
    writer.writerow(('7', '8', '9'))

JSON Data#

JSON (Javascript Object Notation) has become a standard for sending data over HTTP. It is nearly valid python code except for its null value null and nuances like not allowing trailing commas. All the keys in a JSON object must be strings.

We will make use of the built-in json module.

To convert a json string to a python, use json.loads:

obj = """
{"name": "Wes",
"places_lived": ["United States", "Spain", "Germany"],
"pet": null,
"siblings": [{"name": "Scott", "age": 29, "pets": ["Zeus", "Zuko"]},
            {"name": "Katie", "age": 38,
            "pets": ["Sixes", "Stache", "Cisco"]}]

In [45]: import json
In [46]: result = json.loads(obj)
In [47]: result
{'name': 'Wes',
'places_lived': ['United States', 'Spain', 'Germany'],
'pet': None,
'siblings': [{'name': 'Scott', 'age': 29, 'pets': ['Zeus', 'Zuko']},
{'name': 'Katie', 'age': 38, 'pets': ['Sixes', 'Stache', 'Cisco']}]}

json.dumps converts a python object back to json:

In [48]: as_json = json.dumps(obj)

In [49]: as_json
Out[49]: '"\\n{\\"name\\": \\"Wes\\",\\n \\"places_lived\\": [\\"United States\\", \\"Spain\\", \\"Germany\\"],\\n \\"pet\\": null,\\n \\"siblings\\": [{\\"name\\": \\"Scott\\", \\"age\\": 29, \\"pets\\": [\\"Zeus\\", \\"Zuko\\"]},\\n              {\\"name\\": \\"Katie\\", \\"age\\": 38,\\n          \\"pets\\": [\\"Sixes\\", \\"Stache\\", \\"Cisco\\"]}]\\n}\\n"'

You can pass a list of JSON objects to the DataFrame constructor:

In [51]: siblings = pd.DataFrame(result['siblings'], columns=['name', 'age'])

In [52]: siblings
    name  age
0  Scott   29
1  Katie   38

pd.read_json automatically converts json datasets into a Series or DataFrame.

data = pd.read_json('examples/example.json')

To export data from pandas to json use to_json:


XML and HTML: Web Scraping#

Python has a few libraries to read and write data: lxml, Beautiful Soup and html5lib

Pandas has the built-in read_html which automatically parses tables out of html files into a DataFrame. By default it find and parses data in <table> tags.

In [3]: tables = pd.read_html('fdic_failed_bank_list.html')

Returns a list

In [9]: type(tables)
Out[9]: list

The data is held in elements of that list:

In [14]: failures = tables[0]

In [15]: failures.head()
                    Bank Name             City  ST        ...                        Acquiring Institution        Closing Date       Updated Date
0                   Allied Bank         Mulberry  AR        ...                                 Today's Bank  September 23, 2016  November 17, 2016
1  The Woodbury Banking Company         Woodbury  GA        ...                                  United Bank     August 19, 2016  November 17, 2016
2        First CornerStone Bank  King of Prussia  PA        ...          First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company         May 6, 2016  September 6, 2016
3            Trust Company Bank          Memphis  TN        ...                   The Bank of Fayette County      April 29, 2016  September 6, 2016
4    North Milwaukee State Bank        Milwaukee  WI        ...          First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company      March 11, 2016      June 16, 2016

[5 rows x 7 columns]

We can compute the number of bank failures per year:

In [16]: close_timestamps = pd.to_datetime(failures['Closing Date'])

In [18]: close_timestamps.dt.year.value_counts()
2010    157
2009    140
2011     92
2012     51
2008     25
2013     24
2014     18
2002     11
2015      8
2016      5
2004      4
2001      4
2007      3
2003      3
2000      2
Name: Closing Date, dtype: int64

Parsing XML with lxml.objectify#

Read the book…

Binary Data Formats#

One of the easiest ways to store data (serialisaton) is using python’s pickle. It is efficient and stores data in binary.

In [19]: frame = pd.read_csv('ex1.csv')

In [21]: frame
a   b   c   d message
0  1   2   3   4   hello
1  5   6   7   8   world
2  9  10  11  12     foo

In [23]: frame.to_pickle('frame_pickle')

Any pickled object can be read by pickle directly or with pd.read_pickle:

Pickle is recommended for short term storage. It is hard to gaurentee that the format will be stable over time.

Other formats HDF5 and MessagePack as well as Feather can be checkout out in the book

Reading Microsoft Excel Files#

Excel 2003 and higher. You use it with pd.ExcelFile and pd.read_excel.

Internally these tools add on the xlrd and openpyxl packages. YOu will probably need to isntall these packages seperately.

First create the excel file:

In [2]: xlsx = pd.ExcelFile('ex1.xlsx')

In [3]: xlsx
Out[3]: < at 0x119658dd8>

Then read it with:

In [5]: pd.read_excel(xlsx)
a   b   c   d message
0  1   2   3   4   hello
1  5   6   7   8   world
2  9  10  11  12     foo

If you are reading a file with multiple sheets it is faster to create the file, otherwise you can simple pass the file path to pd.read_excel

To write to an excel file you must first create an ExcelWriter, then write data to it using to_excel:

In [9]: writer = pd.ExcelWriter('ex2.xlsx')
In [10]: frame.to_excel(writer)
In [11]:

Interacting with Web Apis#

A good package to familiarise yourself with is requests

We can pass data directly into a dataframe and extract fields of interest.

In [15]: url = ''

In [16]: resp = requests.get(url)

In [17]: resp
Out[17]: <Response [200]>

In [18]: data = resp.json()

In [19]: data[0]['title']
Out[19]: 'ENH: Implement IntervalIndex.is_overlapping'

In [20]: issues = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['number', 'title', 'labels', 'state'])

In [21]: issues
    number                                              title                                             labels state
0    23327        ENH: Implement IntervalIndex.is_overlapping  [{'id': 76812, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw3NjgxMg=...  open
1    23326         Data type of new assigned DataFrame column  [{'id': 76811, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw3NjgxMQ=...  open
2    23325  AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribu...                                                 []  open
3    23324  Rounding valid timestamps near daylight saving...  [{'id': 76811, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw3NjgxMQ=...  open
4    23323                 TST: Update sparse data generation  [{'id': 49182326, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw0OTE4...  open
5    23321           Support for partition_cols in to_parquet  [{'id': 685114413, 'node_id': 'MDU6TGFiZWw2ODU...  open
6    23320  BUG/TST: timedelta-like with Index/Series/Data...                                                 []  open

Interacting with Databases#

In a business setting most data will be stored in a relational database: SQLServer, PosgreSQL and MySQL.

It is much faster to use sqlalchemy instead of using native drivers.

pip install SQLAlchemy
pip install mysqlclient

Typically you would connect to a database with a url like:



engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase')
engine = create_engine('mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/foo')
engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@localhost/foo')
engine = create_engine('oracle://scott:tiger@')
engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@mydsn')

In [5]: queue_frame = pd.read_sql('select * from chart_queue', db)

Chapter 7: Data Cleaning and Preparation#

A significant amount of your time in data analysis and modelling is spent on data preparation: loading, cleaning, transforming and rearranging.

Apparently taking up to 80% of your codng time

Handling Missing Data#

All descriptive statistics exclude missing data by default.

The missing sentinel value for floating points is NaN which is imperfect but functional.

In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [2]: import numpy as np

In [5]: string_data = pd.Series(['Aardvark', 'Artichoke', np.nan, 'Avocado'])

In [6]: string_data.isnull()
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
dtype: bool

In pandas, we’ve adopted a convention used in the R languageby reffering to missing data as NA (Not Available). NA may mean data that does not exist or data that exists but was not observed (due to data collection problems).

The built-in python None value is also treated as NA in object arrays

In [7]: string_data[0] = None

In [8]: string_data
0         None
1    Artichoke
2          NaN
3      Avocado
dtype: object

In [10]: string_data.isnull()
0     True
1    False
2     True
3    False
dtype: bool

Filtering out Missing Data#

You can use isnull() and boolean indexing but dropna can also be helpful.

In [11]: from numpy import nan as NA

In [12]: data = pd.Series([1, NA, 3.5, 7])

In [13]: data.dropna()
0    1.0
2    3.5
3    7.0
dtype: float64

which is equivalent to:

In [15]: data[data.notnull()]
0    1.0
2    3.5
3    7.0
dtype: float64

On a dataframe dropna() drops all rows containing a missing value

Passing how=all will only drop rows where all the values are missing


To drop columns, do the same thing but where axis=1

data.dropna(axis=1, how='all')

Suppose you only want to keep rows containing a certain number of observations. For that you would use thresh:

In [16]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(7, 3))

In [17]: df
        0         1         2
0  0.871250 -1.434184  1.323816
1 -2.049019  1.685563 -0.028869
2 -0.284594 -1.658746 -0.893838
3 -0.306614 -0.045451  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

In [18]: df.iloc[:4, 1] = NA

In [19]: df
        0         1         2
0  0.871250       NaN  1.323816
1 -2.049019       NaN -0.028869
2 -0.284594       NaN -0.893838
3 -0.306614       NaN  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

In [20]: df.iloc[:2, 2] = NA

In [21]: df
        0         1         2
0  0.871250       NaN       NaN
1 -2.049019       NaN       NaN
2 -0.284594       NaN -0.893838
3 -0.306614       NaN  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

In [22]: df.dropna(thresh=3)
        0         1         2
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

In [23]: df.dropna(thresh=2)
        0         1         2
2 -0.284594       NaN -0.893838
3 -0.306614       NaN  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

Filling in Missing Data#

Calling fillna with a constant replaces missing values with that value:

In [24]: df.fillna(0)
        0         1         2
0  0.871250  0.000000  0.000000
1 -2.049019  0.000000  0.000000
2 -0.284594  0.000000 -0.893838
3 -0.306614  0.000000  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

You can use a different fill value for a different column with a dict:

In [28]: df.fillna({0: -1, 1: 0.5, 2: 0})
        0         1         2
0  0.871250  0.500000  0.000000
1 -2.049019  0.500000  0.000000
2 -0.284594  0.500000 -0.893838
3 -0.306614  0.500000  0.072289
4  1.253934  0.242588  0.802684
5  1.301810 -1.869278  0.492717
6  0.307062 -0.273495 -0.468776

You can change it inplace with inplace=True instead of retruning a new object

The same indexing methods available can be used with fillna:

In [30]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6, 3))

In [31]: df.iloc[2:, 1] = NA; df.iloc[4:, 2] = NA

In [32]: df
        0         1         2
0  0.427217 -0.321663  0.806618
1 -0.918541  1.607939 -0.374820
2 -0.720018       NaN -0.989154
3  0.740126       NaN  0.176258
4 -0.920978       NaN       NaN
5  0.449166       NaN       NaN

In [33]: df.fillna(method='ffill')
        0         1         2
0  0.427217 -0.321663  0.806618
1 -0.918541  1.607939 -0.374820
2 -0.720018  1.607939 -0.989154
3  0.740126  1.607939  0.176258
4 -0.920978  1.607939  0.176258
5  0.449166  1.607939  0.176258

and limit:

In [34]: df.fillna(method='ffill', limit=2)
        0         1         2
0  0.427217 -0.321663  0.806618
1 -0.918541  1.607939 -0.374820
2 -0.720018  1.607939 -0.989154
3  0.740126  1.607939  0.176258
4 -0.920978       NaN  0.176258
5  0.449166       NaN  0.176258

You could also fill data with the mean:

In [35]: data = pd.Series([1.0, NA, 3.5, NA, 7])

In [36]: data.fillna(data.mean())
0    1.000000
1    3.833333
2    3.500000
3    3.833333
4    7.000000
dtype: float64

Data Transformation#

Removing Duplicates#

The duplicated() method returns a boolean series of whether each row is duplicated or not:

df.duplicated() == True

To get a dataframe with duplciates dropped:


Both methods consider all of the columns by default.

Suppose you want to filter only on a certain column:


The first occurance is kept by default, if you want to keep the last use the kwarg keep='last'

Transforming Data Using a Function or Mapping#

In [39]: data = pd.DataFrame({'food': ['bacon', 'pulled pork', 'bacon', 'pastrami', 'corned beef', 'Bacon', 'Pastrami'],
...: 'ounces': [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3,]})
In [40]: data
        food  ounces
0        bacon     4.0
1  pulled pork     3.0
2        bacon    12.0
3     pastrami     6.0
4  corned beef     7.5
5        Bacon     8.0
6     Pastrami     3.0

Suppose you wanted to add a column for the animal a type of meat comes from:

meat_to_animal = {
    'bacon': 'pig',
    'pulled pork': 'pig',
    'pastrami': 'cow',
    'corned beef': 'cow',

The map method on a series accepts a function or dict-like mapping, but there is a problem some meats are capitalised.

In [42]: data[‘animal’] = data[‘food’].str.lower().map(meat_to_animal)

In [43]: data
        food  ounces animal
0        bacon     4.0    pig
1  pulled pork     3.0    pig
2        bacon    12.0    pig
3     pastrami     6.0    cow
4  corned beef     7.5    cow
5        Bacon     8.0    pig
6     Pastrami     3.0    cow

We could have also used a function:

In [45]: data['animal'] = data['food'].map(lambda x: meat_to_animal[x.lower()])

Replaceing Values#

Take this data:

In [48]: data = pd.Series([1., -999., 2., -999., -1000., 3.])

In [49]: data
0       1.0
1    -999.0
2       2.0
3    -999.0
4   -1000.0
5       3.0
dtype: float64

Say that -999 is a sentinel for missing data. To replace this with data pandas understands we can use replace:

In [50]: data.replace(-999, np.NAN)
0       1.0
1       NaN
2       2.0
3       NaN
4   -1000.0
5       3.0
dtype: float64

You can replace multiple values:

In [51]: data.replace([-999, -1000], np.NAN)
0    1.0
1    NaN
2    2.0
3    NaN
4    NaN
5    3.0
dtype: float64

Multiple specific replacements:

In [52]: data.replace({-999: 0 , -1000: np.NAN})
0    1.0
1    0.0
2    2.0
3    0.0
4    NaN
5    3.0
dtype: float64

Renaming axis#

transform = lambda x: x[:4].upper()


data.rename(index=str.title, columns=str.upper) data.rename(index={‘OHIO’: ‘INDIANA’}, inplace=True)

Discretisation and Binning#

Continuous data is often seperated into bins

Say you have ages:

In [53]: ages = [20, 22, 25, 27, 21, 23, 37, 31, 61, 45, 41, 32]

In [54]: ages
Out[54]: [20, 22, 25, 27, 21, 23, 37, 31, 61, 45, 41, 32]

In [55]: bins = [18, 25, 35, 60, 100]

You then use the cut function

In [56]: cats = pd.cut(ages, bins)

In [57]: cats
[(18, 25], (18, 25], (18, 25], (25, 35], (18, 25], ..., (25, 35], (60, 100], (35, 60], (35, 60], (25, 35]]
Length: 12
Categories (4, interval[int64]): [(18, 25] < (25, 35] < (35, 60] < (60, 100]]

The object returned is a special Categorical object

In [58]:
Out[58]: array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1], dtype=int8)

In [59]: cats.categories
IntervalIndex([(18, 25], (25, 35], (35, 60], (60, 100]]

In [60]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(18, 25]     5
(35, 60]     3
(25, 35]     3
(60, 100]    1
dtype: int64

Consistent with mathemtical notation: a parenthesis ( means that side is open while a square bracket means closed ] (inclusive). You can set which side is open or closed with right=False

In [61]: cats = pd.cut(ages, bins, right=False)

In [62]: cats
[[18, 25), [18, 25), [25, 35), [25, 35), [18, 25), ..., [25, 35), [60, 100), [35, 60), [35, 60), [25, 35)]
Length: 12
Categories (4, interval[int64]): [[18, 25) < [25, 35) < [35, 60) < [60, 100)]

If you give cut an integer instead of explicit bin edges it will computer equal length bins based on minimum and maximum values in the data.

In [64]: data = np.random.randn(20)

In [65]: data
array([ 0.31992007, -1.37057101, -0.78414082,  1.41844717, -0.29812797,
        0.9521121 ,  0.82879956,  2.77438651,  0.75959752, -1.31259677,
        0.51138379, -0.32840281,  1.81732981, -0.52482447,  0.72973532,
        0.49750981, -0.56058252, -0.25608326,  0.28111671,  2.05995848])

In [66]: pd.cut(data, 4, precision=2)
[(-0.33, 0.7], (-1.37, -0.33], (-1.37, -0.33], (0.7, 1.74], (-0.33, 0.7], ..., (-0.33, 0.7], (-1.37, -0.33], (-0.33, 0.7], (-0.33, 0.7], (1.74, 2.77]]
Length: 20
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-1.37, -0.33] < (-0.33, 0.7] < (0.7, 1.74] < (1.74, 2.77]]

A similar related function qcut, cuts bins based on quantiles. Depending on the distribution of the data using cut will not usually result in each bin having the same amount of data points.

qcut uses sample quantiles instead, by definition you receive roughly equal sized bins.

In [67]: data = np.random.randn(1000)

In [68]: cats = pd.qcut(data, 4)

In [69]: cats
[(-0.647, 0.0519], (0.719, 3.005], (-0.647, 0.0519], (-0.647, 0.0519], (-0.647, 0.0519], ..., (0.719, 3.005], (0.0519, 0.719], (0.719, 3.005], (-0.647, 0.0519], (0.719, 3.005]]
Length: 1000
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-3.189, -0.647] < (-0.647, 0.0519] < (0.0519, 0.719] <
                                    (0.719, 3.005]]

In [70]: pd.value_counts(cats)
(0.719, 3.005]      250
(0.0519, 0.719]     250
(-0.647, 0.0519]    250
(-3.189, -0.647]    250
dtype: int64

You can pass your own quantiles (values from 0 to 1):

In [71]: cats = pd.qcut(data, [0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1])

In [72]: cats.value_counts()
(-3.189, -1.305]    100
(-1.305, 0.0519]    400
(0.0519, 1.257]     400
(1.257, 3.005]      100
dtype: int64

Detecting and Filtering Outliers#

Filtering or transforming outliers is largely a matter of applying array operations.

In [73]: data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 4))

In [74]: data.describe()
                0            1            2            3
count  1000.000000  1000.000000  1000.000000  1000.000000
mean     -0.007788    -0.010025     0.029215     0.011847
std       0.983244     1.028296     1.004748     1.009238
min      -3.015770    -3.204882    -3.727639    -2.709379
25%      -0.650793    -0.670933    -0.699211    -0.655731
50%      -0.028469    -0.024508     0.036163    -0.006192
75%       0.675486     0.668831     0.762269     0.694783
max       3.156981     3.034008     2.976704     3.516318

Suppose you want to find the values in a column exceeding 3 in magnitude:

In [76]: col[np.abs(col)> 3]
218    3.128675
509    3.011054
699    3.516318
Name: 3, dtype: float64

To select all the rows have a magnitude greater than 3, use any

In [77]: data[(np.abs(data) > 3).any(1)]
            0         1         2         3
187 -3.015770 -0.028759 -0.087647  1.514852
218  0.677857  0.448257  0.334189  3.128675
313  3.156981 -0.842627 -0.762875  0.803619
487 -0.620277 -3.094748  0.769148 -0.081738
509  0.346854 -1.075202  0.175269  3.011054
640  0.538403 -3.204882 -2.088300  1.448109
697 -0.388438  1.511103 -3.727639  0.479053
699  0.580033  1.228524  1.146316  3.516318
953  1.060103  3.034008  0.980496  0.985401
962 -0.683237 -3.093548  0.467704  0.111335

You can set the values of the outliers, eg:

data[np.abs(data) > 3] = np.sign(data) * 3

np.sign returns -1 or 1 based on the sign of the values

Permutation and Random Sampling#

Permuting (random reordering) a series or rows in a dataframe is easy to do suing the numpy.random.permutations function.

You can create a sampler and then use df.take - return values in positional indexing

In [79]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(5 * 4).reshape((5, 4)))

In [80]: df
    0   1   2   3
0   0   1   2   3
1   4   5   6   7
2   8   9  10  11
3  12  13  14  15
4  16  17  18  19

In [81]: sampler = np.random.permutation(5)

In [82]: sampler
Out[82]: array([3, 0, 4, 1, 2])

In [83]: df.take(sampler)
    0   1   2   3
3  12  13  14  15
0   0   1   2   3
4  16  17  18  19
1   4   5   6   7
2   8   9  10  11

To get a random subset without replacement:

In [85]: df.take(np.random.permutation(len(df))[:3])
0  1   2   3
1  4  5   6   7
0  0  1   2   3
2  8  9  10  11

To generate a sample with replacement:

In [86]: bag = np.array([5, 7, -1, 6, 4])

In [87]: sampler = np.random.randint(0, len(bag), size=10)

In [88]: sampler
Out[88]: array([0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 2])

In [89]: draws = bag.take(sampler)

In [90]: draws
Out[90]: array([ 5,  5,  5,  5, -1,  7,  5,  6,  7, -1])

In [91]: bag
Out[91]: array([ 5,  7, -1,  6,  4])

Computing Indicator / Dummy Variables#

Another type of trasformation for statistical modelling and machine learning is converting a categorical variable into a “dummy” or “indicator” matrix.

More in the book about this

String Manipulation#

Most text handling in python is made easy with the built in string object and functions.

String Object Methods#

Split a broken string

In [92]: values = 'a,b,    guido'

In [93]: values.split(',')
Out[93]: ['a', 'b', '    guido']

It is often combined with strip() to trim whitespace and linebreaks

In [96]: pieces = [x.strip() for x in values.split(',')]

In [97]: pieces
Out[97]: ['a', 'b', 'guido']

These values can be concatenated

In [98]: first, second, third = pieces

In [99]: first + '::' + second + '::' + third
Out[99]: 'a::b::guido'

A more pythonic and faster way is using str.join():

In [101]: '::'.join(pieces)
Out[101]: 'a::b::guido'

This always feels like it is called in reverse

Detecting substring use in, but you can use find and index:

In [104]: 'guido' in values
Out[104]: True

In [105]: values.index(',')
Out[105]: 1

In [108]: values.find(':')
Out[108]: -1

index raises an exception if the string isn’t found. Found returns -1

Number of occurances of a string, use count:

In [109]: values.count(',')
Out[109]: 2

Substitution and removal of certain chars can use str.replace()

In [110]: values.replace(',', '::')
Out[110]: 'a::b::    guido'

Remove with an empty string:

In [111]: values.replace(',', '')
Out[111]: 'ab    guido'

Regular Expressions#

A way to search or match string patterns in text. Python’s re module is responsible for applying regilar expressions to strings.

3 categories:

  • pattern matching
  • substitution
  • splitting

Splitting a string by variable whitespace:

In [112]: import re

In [113]: text = 'Foo     Bar\t baz     \tqux'

In [115]: re.split('\s+', text)
Out[115]: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'baz', 'qux']

Split with one or more white spaces

The regular expression is first compiled and then apploied to the text. It is much more efficient to compile a regular expression to create a reusable opbject with re.compile()

In [117]: regex = re.compile('\s+')

In [118]: regex.split(text)
Out[118]: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'baz', 'qux']

If instead you want a list of all pattterns matching the regex:

In [119]: regex.findall(text)
Out[119]: ['     ', '\t ', '     \t']

To avoid verbose escaping with the \ character, it is better to use raw string literals eg. r’C:\x’ isntead of ‘C:\x’

match and search are closely related to findall:

  • search only returns the first match
  • match only matches the beginning of a string

Lets consider a block of text with email addresses:

In [120]: text = """Dave
    ...:         Steve
    ...:         Rob
    ...:         Ryan
    ...:         """

In [121]: pattern = r'[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}'

In [122]: regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

In [123]: regex.findall(text)
Out[123]: ['', '', '', '']

re.IGNORECASE makes the search case insensitive

search returns a special match objectfor the first email found. The match object only shows use the start and end characters.

In [124]: m =

In [125]: m
Out[125]: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(5, 20), match=''>

In [126]: text[m.start():m.end()]
Out[126]: ''

match returns None as it will only match if the string starts with a match

sub will return a new string with matches replaced:

In [127]: print(regex.sub('REDACTED', text))
        Steve REDACTED
        Rob REDACTED
        Ryan REDACTED

Suppose you want to group parts of the match, you should use parenthesis ():

In [130]: pattern = r'([A-Z0-9._%+-]+)@([A-Z0-9.-]+)\.([A-Z]{2,4})'

In [131]: regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

In [132]: m = regex.match('')

In [133]: m.groups()
Out[133]: ('abc', 'example', 'com')

findall will return tuples:

In [134]: regex.findall(text)
[('dave', 'google', 'com'),
('steve', 'gmail', 'com'),
('rob', 'gmail', 'com'),
('ryan', 'yahoo', 'com')]

sub has access to special symbols \1 and '\2 which correspond to matched groups

In [136]: regex.sub(r'Username: \1 Domain: \2 Suffix: \3', text)
Out[136]: 'Dave Username: dave Domain: google Suffix: com\n        Steve Username: steve Domain: gmail Suffix: com\n        Rob Username: rob Domain: gmail Suffix: com\n        Ryan Username: ryan Domain: yahoo Suffix: com\n        '

You can also name matched groups using the notation:



In [139]: pattern = r'(?P<username>[A-Z0-9._%+-]+)@(?P<domain>[A-Z0-9.-]+)\.(?P<suffix>[A-Z]{2,4})'

In [140]: regex = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.VERBOSE)

In [141]: m = regex.match('')

In [142]: m.groupdict()
Out[142]: {'username': 'abc', 'domain': 'example', 'suffix': 'com'}

Vectorised String Functions#

In [144]: data = {'Dave': '', 'Pat': '', 'elaine': '', 'petri': np.NaN}

In [145]: data = pd.Series(data)

In [146]: data
petri                  NaN
dtype: object

In [147]: data.isnull()
Dave      False
Pat       False
elaine    False
petri      True
dtype: bool

You can use string functoins using .str:

In [148]: data.str.upper()
Dave        DAVE@GMAIL.COM
Pat          PAT@YAHOO.COM
petri                  NaN
dtype: object

In [149]: data.str.contains('gmail')
Dave       True
Pat       False
elaine     True
petri       NaN
dtype: object

Regular expressions can be applied:

In [150]: data.str.findall(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Dave        [(dave, gmail, com)]
Pat          [(pat, yahoo, com)]
elaine    [(elaine, gmail, com)]
petri                        NaN
dtype: object


In [151]: matches = data.str.match(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

In [152]: matches
Dave      True
Pat       True
elaine    True
petri      NaN
dtype: object

Not sure what this does:

In [154]: matches.str.get(1)
Dave     NaN
Pat      NaN
elaine   NaN
petri    NaN
dtype: float64

You can also slive strings:

In [155]: data.str[:5]
Dave      dave@
Pat       pat@y
elaine    elain
petri       NaN
dtype: object

Chapter 8: Data Wrangling, Join, Combine and Reshape#

In many applications data is spread across different files or databases and arranged in a form that is difficult to analyse.

Hierachical Indexing#

Allows you to have multiple index levels on an axis.

It allows you to work with higher dimension data in a lower dimension form.

In [163]: data = pd.Series(np.random.randn(9), index = [['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd' ], [1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3]])

In [164]: data
a   1   -0.766229
    2    0.041728
3    0.114579
b   1   -0.726996
    3   -1.168821
c   1    0.851205
    2   -0.131947
d   2   -0.447351
    3    0.449313
dtype: float64

This is a series with MultiIndex as its index.

In [165]: data.index
MultiIndex(levels=[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, 3]],
        labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2]])

Partial Indexing is possible to select subsets:

In [166]: data['b']
1   -0.726996
3   -1.168821
dtype: float64

In [168]: data[['b', 'd']]
b   1   -0.726996
    3   -1.168821
d   2   -0.447351
    3    0.449313
dtype: float64

In [169]: data['b':'c']
b   1   -0.726996
    3   -1.168821
c   1    0.851205
    2   -0.131947
dtype: float64

Select the second element in the inner level from each outer level:

In [170]: data.loc[:, 2]
a    0.041728
c   -0.131947
d   -0.447351
dtype: float64

Hierachical indexing plays an important role in reshaping data and group-based operations like forming a pivot table.

This data could be rearranged into a dataframe using the unstack() method:

In [171]: data.unstack()
        1         2         3
a -0.766229  0.041728  0.114579
b -0.726996       NaN -1.168821
c  0.851205 -0.131947       NaN
d       NaN -0.447351  0.449313

The inverse operation is stack():

In [172]: data.unstack().stack()
a   1   -0.766229
    2    0.041728
3    0.114579
b   1   -0.726996
    3   -1.168821
c   1    0.851205
    2   -0.131947
d   2   -0.447351
    3    0.449313
dtype: float64

With a dataframe, each axis can have a hierachical index:

In [173]: frame = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)),
    ...: index=[['a', 'a', 'b', 'b',],[1, 2, 1, 2]],
    ...: columns=[['Ohio', 'Ohio', 'Colarado'], ['Green', 'Red', 'Green']])

In [174]: frame
    Ohio     Colarado
    Green Red    Green
a 1     0   1        2
  2     3   4        5
b 1     6   7        8
  2     9  10       11

Hierachical levels can have names. Don’t confuse index names for axis labels:

In [176]: frame.index.names = [‘key1’, ‘key2’]

In [177]: frame.columns.names = [‘state’, ‘colour’]

In [178]: frame
state      Ohio     Colarado
colour    Green Red    Green
key1 key2
a    1        0   1        2
     2        3   4        5
b    1        6   7        8
     2        9  10       11

With partial indexing:

In [179]: frame['Ohio']
colour     Green  Red
key1 key2
a    1         0    1
     2         3    4
b    1         6    7
     2         9   10

Reorderng and Sorting Levels#

swaplevel takes 2 level number or names and returns a new object with the levels interchanged.

In [180]: frame.swaplevel('key1', 'key2')
state      Ohio     Colarado
colour    Green Red    Green
key2 key1
1    a        0   1        2
2    a        3   4        5
1    b        6   7        8
2    b        9  10       11

sort_index can sort the values in a single level.

In [181]: frame.sort_index(level=1)
state      Ohio     Colarado
colour    Green Red    Green
key1 key2
a    1        0   1        2
b    1        6   7        8
a    2        3   4        5
b    2        9  10       11

Data selectino performance is much better on hierachically indexed objects if the index is alphabetically sorted starting from the outermost level. ie. the result of sort_index() or sort_index(level=0)

Summary Statistics by Level#

Many descricptive statistics have a level option to apply on a specific axis.

In [183]: frame
state      Ohio     Colarado
colour    Green Red    Green
key1 key2
a    1        0   1        2
     2        3   4        5
b    1        6   7        8
     2        9  10       11

In [185]: frame.sum(level='key2')
state   Ohio     Colarado
colour Green Red    Green
1          6   8       10
2         12  14       16

In [189]: frame.sum(level='colour', axis=1)
colour     Green  Red
key1 key2
a    1         2    1
     2         8    4
b    1        14    7
     2        20   10

It uses groupby

Indexing with dataframe’s columns#

In [190]: frame = pd.DataFrame({'a': range(7), 'b': range(7, 0 , -1), 'c': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two', 'two', 'two',], 'd': [0, 1, 2, 0, 1,
    ...: 2, 3]})

In [191]: frame
a  b    c  d
0  0  7  one  0
1  1  6  one  1
2  2  5  one  2
3  3  4  two  0
4  4  3  two  1
5  5  2  two  2
6  6  1  two  3

set_index will return a new dataframe that will use one or more of its columns as the inex:

In [192]: frame2 = frame.set_index(['c', 'd'])
In [193]: frame2
    a  b
c   d
one 0  0  7
    1  1  6
    2  2  5
two 0  3  4
    1  4  3
    2  5  2
    3  6  1

By default the columns are removed from the dataframe, though you can leave them in:

In [194]: frame.set_index(['c', 'd'], drop=False)
       a  b    c  d
c   d
one 0  0  7  one  0
    1  1  6  one  1
    2  2  5  one  2
two 0  3  4  two  0
    1  4  3  two  1
    2  5  2  two  2
    3  6  1  two  3

To undo this hierachical indexing use reset_index():

In [196]: frame2.reset_index()
    c  d  a  b
0  one  0  0  7
1  one  1  1  6
2  one  2  2  5
3  two  0  3  4
4  two  1  4  3
5  two  2  5  2
6  two  3  6  1

Integer Indexes#

There are subtle differences in integer indexing between python and numpy/pandas:

In [197]: ser = pd.Series(np.arange(3.))
In [198]: ser[-1]

gives an error:

KeyError: -1

Whereas with a non-integer index, there is no potencial for ambiguity:

In [200]: ser2 = pd.Series(np.arange(3.), index=['a', 'b', 'c'])

In [201]: ser2
a    0.0
b    1.0
c    2.0
dtype: float64

In [203]: ser2[-1]
Out[203]: 2.0

With an axis containing integers, data indexing with always be label-oriented. Use loc for label selection and iloc for integer selection

In [204]: ser[:1]
0    0.0
dtype: float64

In [205]: ser.iloc[:1]
0    0.0
dtype: float64

In [206]: ser.loc[:1]
0    0.0
1    1.0
dtype: float64

Combining and Merging Datasets#

The following ways:

  • pandas.merge - connects rows based on keys, similar to a db join
  • pandas.concat - concatenates or stacks objects together along an axis
  • combine_first - instance method that enables splicing together ovverlapping data to fill in missing data in one obejct with values in another

Database-style joins#

In [207]: df1 = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'b'], 'data1': range(7)})

In [208]: df2 = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['a', 'b', 'd'], 'data2': range(3)})

In [209]: df1
    key  data1
0   b      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   c      3
4   a      4
5   a      5
6   b      6

In [210]: df2
    key  data2
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   d      2

In [211]: pd.merge(df1, df2)
    key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      1      1
2   b      6      1
3   a      2      0
4   a      4      0
5   a      5      0

This is a many-to-one join as df2 only has single values for each key

If the column to join on is not specified merge uses the overlapping column names as keys.

It is good practice to to explicit, not implicit about what to join on:

In [213]: pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key')
    key  data1  data2
0   b      0      1
1   b      1      1
2   b      6      1
3   a      2      0
4   a      4      0
5   a      5      0

If the colum names are different on each dataframe, you can specify them seperately:

In [214]: df3 = pd.DataFrame({'lkey': ['b', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'b'], 'data1': range(7)})

In [215]: df4 = pd.DataFrame({'rkey': ['a', 'b', 'd'], 'data2': range(3)})

In [216]: pd.merge(df3, df4, left_on='lkey', right_on='rkey')
   lkey  data1 rkey  data2
0    b      0    b      1
1    b      1    b      1
2    b      6    b      1
3    a      2    a      0
4    a      4    a      0
5    a      5    a      0

By default, merge does an inner join which results in an intersection or the common set in the tables.

Other options are left, right and outer. outer takes the union by applying both left and right joins:

In [218]: pd.merge(df1, df2, how='outer')
   key  data1  data2
0   b    0.0    1.0
1   b    1.0    1.0
2   b    6.0    1.0
3   a    2.0    0.0
4   a    4.0    0.0
5   a    5.0    0.0
6   c    3.0    NaN
7   d    NaN    2.0

many-to-many joins have well-defined but not intuitive behaviour:

In [222]: df1
    key  data1
0   b      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   c      3
4   a      4
5   a      5
6   b      6

In [223]: df2
    key  data2
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   b      3
4   d      4

In [224]: pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key', how='left')
    key  data1  data2
0    b      0    1.0
1    b      0    3.0
2    b      1    1.0
3    b      1    3.0
4    a      2    0.0
5    a      2    2.0
6    c      3    NaN
7    a      4    0.0
8    a      4    2.0
9    a      5    0.0
10   a      5    2.0
11   b      6    1.0
12   b      6    3.0

Many-to-many joins form a cartesian product of the rows. There were 3 b’s in df1 and 2 b’s in df2 therefore in the merged dataframe there are 6 b’s.

In [225]: pd.merge(df1, df2, how='inner')
   key  data1  data2
0    b      0      1
1    b      0      3
2    b      1      1
3    b      1      3
4    b      6      1
5    b      6      3
6    a      2      0
7    a      2      2
8    a      4      0
9    a      4      2
10   a      5      0
11   a      5      2

To join with multiple keys, pass a list of column names:

In [226]: left = pd.DataFrame({'key1': ['foo', 'foo', 'bar'], 'key2': ['one', 'two', 'one'], 'lval': [1, 2, 3]})

In [227]: right = pd.DataFrame({'key1': ['foo', 'foo', 'bar', 'bar'], 'key2': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two'], 'rval': [4, 5, 6, 7]})
In [229]: left

    key1 key2  lval
0  foo  one     1
1  foo  two     2
2  bar  one     3

In [230]: right
    key1 key2  rval
0  foo  one     4
1  foo  one     5
2  bar  one     6
3  bar  two     7

In [228]: pd.merge(left, right, on=['key1', 'key2'], how='outer')
    key1 key2  lval  rval
0  foo  one   1.0   4.0
1  foo  one   1.0   5.0
2  foo  two   2.0   NaN
3  bar  one   3.0   6.0
4  bar  two   NaN   7.0

To determine which combination will appear in the results think of multiple keys as forming an array of tuples to be used as a single join key.

Overlapping column names can be addressed manually by renaming the axis labels. merge has a suffix option for specifying strings to append to overlapping key names:

In [231]: pd.merge(left, right, on='key1')
    key1 key2_x  lval key2_y  rval
0  foo    one     1    one     4
1  foo    one     1    one     5
2  foo    two     2    one     4
3  foo    two     2    one     5
4  bar    one     3    one     6
5  bar    one     3    two     7

In [232]: pd.merge(left, right, on='key1', suffixes=['_left', '_right'])
    key1 key2_left  lval key2_right  rval
0  foo       one     1        one     4
1  foo       one     1        one     5
2  foo       two     2        one     4
3  foo       two     2        one     5
4  bar       one     3        one     6
5  bar       one     3        two     7

Merging on Index#

Sometimes the merge keys are found in its index. To indicate which index should be used as the merge key use left_index=True or right_index=True or both.

In [233]: left1 = ({'key': ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'c'], 'value': range(6)})

In [245]: right1 = pd.DataFrame({'group_val': [3.5, 7]}, index=['a', 'b'])

In [240]: left1
   key  value
0   a      0
1   b      1
2   a      2
3   a      3
4   b      4
5   c      5

In [246]: right1
a        3.5
b        7.0

In [247]: pd.merge(left1, right1, left_on='key', right_index=True)
    key  value  group_val
0   a      0        3.5
2   a      2        3.5
3   a      3        3.5
1   b      1        7.0
4   b      4        7.0

You can do the union instead of intersection:

In [248]: pd.merge(left1, right1, left_on='key', right_index=True, how='outer')
key  value  group_val
0   a      0        3.5
2   a      2        3.5
3   a      3        3.5
1   b      1        7.0
4   b      4        7.0
5   c      5        NaN

Hierachically indexed data, things are more complicated as joining on index is innherantly a multiple key merge.

In this case you have to state the multiple keys to merge on. More in the book…

Concatenating along an axis#

Concatenating, binging or stacking

In [249]: arr = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
In [256]: arr
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
    [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
    [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])

In [257]: np.concatenate([arr, arr], axis=1)
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  0,  1,  2,  3],
    [ 4,  5,  6,  7,  4,  5,  6,  7],
    [ 8,  9, 10, 11,  8,  9, 10, 11]])

In a dataframe context:

  • Should we combine or use shared values on an index?
  • Do concatenated chunks of data need to be identifiable in the resulting object?
  • Does the concatenation axis contain data that needs to be preserved? In many cases the integer integer labels should be discarded.

The concat function in pandas provides a conistent way to do the above.

In [258]: s1 = pd.Series([0, 1], index=['a', 'b'])

In [259]: s2 = pd.Series([2, 3,4], index=['c', 'd', 'e'])

In [260]: s3 = pd.Series([5, 6], index=['f', 'g'])

In [263]: s1
a    0
b    1
dtype: int64

In [264]: s2
c    2
d    3
e    4
dtype: int64

In [265]: s3
f    5
g    6
dtype: int64


In [262]: pd.concat([s1, s2, s3])
a    0
b    1
c    2
d    3
e    4
f    5
g    6
dtype: int64

By default concat works along axis=0

If you pass axis=1 the result is a DataFrame:

In [266]: pd.concat([s1, s2, s3], axis=1)
    0    1    2
a  0.0  NaN  NaN
b  1.0  NaN  NaN
c  NaN  2.0  NaN
d  NaN  3.0  NaN
e  NaN  4.0  NaN
f  NaN  NaN  5.0
g  NaN  NaN  6.0

You can intersect with join=inner

alot more detailed stuff in the bool…like join_axes

Also combing data with an overlap is explained

Reshaping and Pivoting#

Reshaping with Hierachical Indexing#

stack rotates or pivots from the columns in the data to rows

unstack pivots from rows to columns

In [3]: data = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(2,3), index=pd.Index(['Ohio', 'Colarado']), columns=pd.Index(['one', 'two', 'three'], name='number'))

In [4]: data
number    one  two  three
Ohio        0    1      2
Colarado    3    4      5

stack() pivots the columns into rows, producing a series:

In [5]: result = data.stack()

In [6]: result
Ohio      one       0
        two       1
        three     2
Colarado  one       3
        two       4
        three     5
dtype: int64

You can rearrange the series back into a dataframe with unstack():

In [7]: result.unstack()
number    one  two  three
Ohio        0    1      2
Colarado    3    4      5

By default the innermost level is unstacked, you can choose a different level by giving the name or number:

In [8]: result.unstack(0)
        Ohio  Colarado
one        0         3
two        1         4
three      2         5

Unstacking might give missing data

Stacking filters out missing data, you can stop that by passing dropna=False:


The level unstacked becomes the lowest level in the result

Pivoting Long to Wide Format#

A comoon way of storing time series in a database and CSV is long or stacked format.

Lets load time series data and do some wrangling on it:

In [4]: data = pd.read_csv('macrodata.csv')

In [5]: periods = pd.PeriodIndex(year=data.year, quarter=data.quarter, name='data')

In [6]: data.head()
    year  quarter   realgdp  realcons  realinv  realgovt  realdpi    cpi     m1  tbilrate  unemp      pop  infl  realint
0  1959.0      1.0  2710.349    1707.4  286.898   470.045   1886.9  28.98  139.7      2.82    5.8  177.146  0.00     0.00
1  1959.0      2.0  2778.801    1733.7  310.859   481.301   1919.7  29.15  141.7      3.08    5.1  177.830  2.34     0.74
2  1959.0      3.0  2775.488    1751.8  289.226   491.260   1916.4  29.35  140.5      3.82    5.3  178.657  2.74     1.09
3  1959.0      4.0  2785.204    1753.7  299.356   484.052   1931.3  29.37  140.0      4.33    5.6  179.386  0.27     4.06
4  1960.0      1.0  2847.699    1770.5  331.722   462.199   1955.5  29.54  139.6      3.50    5.2  180.007  2.31     1.19

In [7]: data = pd.DataFrame(data.to_records(), columns=pd.Index(['realgdp', 'infl', 'unemp'], name='item'),
...: index=periods.to_timestamp('D', 'end'))

In [8]: data.head()
item         realgdp  infl  unemp
1959-03-31  2710.349  0.00    5.8
1959-06-30  2778.801  2.34    5.1
1959-09-30  2775.488  2.74    5.3
1959-12-31  2785.204  0.27    5.6
1960-03-31  2847.699  2.31    5.2

In [9]: ldata = data.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'value'})

In [10]: ldata.head()
        data     item     value
0 1959-03-31  realgdp  2710.349
1 1959-03-31     infl     0.000
2 1959-03-31    unemp     5.800
3 1959-06-30  realgdp  2778.801
4 1959-06-30     infl     2.340

This is long format as it is time series with multiple keys. Each row represents a single observation.

Data is frequently stored like this in MySQL db’s. In this case date (data) and item would be primary keys.

You may prefer a dataframe with one column per distinct date. The pivot method does this:

In [11]: pivoted = ldata.pivot('data', 'item', 'value')

In [13]: pivoted.head()
item        infl   realgdp  unemp
1959-03-31  0.00  2710.349    5.8
1959-06-30  2.34  2778.801    5.1
1959-09-30  2.74  2775.488    5.3
1959-12-31  0.27  2785.204    5.6
1960-03-31  2.31  2847.699    5.2

The first two arguments passed are the row and column index, then fianlly an optional value to fill the data.

More in the book omn pivoting mutliple keys with multiple values per keys - it will create a hierachical index.

Chapter 9: Plotting and Visualisation#

Informative visualisations (plots) is one of the most important tasks in data analysis. It may be part of the exploratory process: identifying outliers, ideas for models and data transformations.

For others building interactive visualisations for the web may be the end goal.

Matplotlib is desktop plotting package for creating two-dimensional publicationquality plots.

  • mplot3d for 3d plots
  • basemap for mappingand projections

The best way to follow along is with inline plotting in a jupyter notebook: %matplotlib line

matplot API Primer#

Import convention:

from matplotlib.pyplot import plt

First plot:


Libraries like seaborn and panda’s built-in plotting functions deal with the mundane tasks of creating plots, it is important to learn a bit about the api.

Figures and Subplots#

Plots in matplotlib reside within a Figure object.

Check the Chapter 9: Figures and Subplots Jupter Notebook Notes, which I will attempt to host if possible.

Chapter 10: Data Aggregation and Group Operations#

Categorising a data set and applying functions to each group is a critical part of the data analysis workflow. After loading, merging and preparing a dataset you may need to compute group statistics or pivot tables for visualisations.

SQL can be limited in this regard, you will learn:

  • Split a pandas object into pieces based on keys (functions, arrays or datadframe columns)
  • Computing group sumamry statistics
  • Apply transformations, linear regression, rank or subset per group.
  • Computer pivot tables and cross tabulation
  • Quantile analysis

GroupBy Mechanics#

Split-Apply-Combine for group operations was coined by R’s Hadley Wickham.

  1. Split the group based on one or more keys, on a specific axis (0 = rows, 1 = columns)
  2. A function is applied to each group producing a new value
  3. Finally the results of those functions are combined into a result object

For example summing the total spend at different shops (as the key) in a dataset

The keys do not need to be of the same type, it can be:

  • A list of array values the same length as teh axis being grouped
  • a column name in a dataframe
  • a dict or series corresponding to values on an axis
  • A function to be invoked on axis index or labels

    In [4]: df = pd.DataFrame({‘key1’: [‘a’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘b’, ‘a’], ‘keys2’: [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘one’, ‘two’, ‘one’], ‘data1’: np.random.randn(5), …: ‘data2’: np.random.randn(5)})

    In [5]: df Out[5]: key1 keys2 data1 data2 0 a one 0.148874 0.617623 1 a two 0.421171 0.352511 2 b one -0.566405 1.491486 3 b two 2.147993 -0.948390 4 a one 0.423003 -1.586536

Suppose you want to calculate the mean of the data1 column using the group labels from key1, one way:

In [6]: grouped = df['data1'].groupby(df['key1'])

In [7]: grouped
Out[7]: <pandas.core.groupby.groupby.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x11512f748>

The grouped variable is now a GroupBy object, it hasn;t calulated anything except some intermediate data about the group key df['key1'].

To calculate the mean:

In [8]: grouped.mean()
a    0.331016
b    0.790794
Name: data1, dtype: float64

The data (a series) has been aggregated according to the group key, producing a new series indexed by unique values in the key1 column.

In [19]: means = df['data1'].groupby([df['key1'], df['key2']]).mean()

In [20]: means
key1  key2
a     one     0.285939
      two     0.421171
b     one    -0.566405
      two     2.147993
Name: data1, dtype: float64

In this case we grouped by 2 keys and the resulting series now has a hierachical index

In [21]: means.unstack()
key2       one       two
a     0.285939  0.421171
b    -0.566405  2.147993

The group keys are Series but they could also be arrays of the correct length

In [22]: states = np.array(['Gauteng', 'Western Cape', 'Mpumalanga', 'Kwa-Zulu Natal', 'Northern Cape'])

In [23]: years = np.array([2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009])

In [26]: df['data1'].groupby([states, years]).mean()
Gauteng         2005    0.148874
Kwa-Zulu Natal  2008    2.147993
Mpumalanga      2007   -0.566405
Northern Cape   2009    0.423003
Western Cape    2006    0.421171
Name: data1, dtype: float64

Not sure what the hell I just did above

Frequently the grouping data is in your dataframe already:

In [28]: df.groupby('key1').mean()
        data1     data2
a     0.331016 -0.205467
b     0.790794  0.271548

or with 2 keys:

In [29]: df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']).mean()
            data1     data2
key1 key2
a    one   0.285939 -0.484456
     two   0.421171  0.352511
b    one  -0.566405  1.491486
     two   2.147993 -0.948390

In the single key example the key2 column is not shown, because it is not numeric data it is known as a nuisance column which is therefore excluded from the result

By default only numeric columns are aggregated.

A general useful method is size() which returns the size of each group

In [30]: df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']).size()
key1    key2
a       one     2
        two     1
b       one     1
        two     1
dtype: int64

All missing values are excluded from the result

Iterating over groups#

The GroupBy objext supports iteration, generating a sequence of tuples of the group name along with a chunk of data.

In [31]: for name, group in df.groupby('key1'):
    ...:     print(name)

In the case of multiple keys, he first element in the tuple will be a tuple of key values:

In [32]: for (k1, k2), group in df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']):
    ...:     print((k1, k2))
('a', 'one')
('a', 'two')
('b', 'one')
('b', 'two')

Of course you can cast the groups to a dict:

In [36]: dict(list(df.groupby('key1')))
{'a':   key1 key2     data1     data2
0    a  one  0.148874  0.617623
1    a  two  0.421171  0.352511
4    a  one  0.423003 -1.586536, 'b':   key1 key2     data1     data2
2    b  one -0.566405  1.491486
3    b  two  2.147993 -0.948390}

By default, groupby groups on axis=0 (rows)

You could however group on columns (axis=1):

In [38]: grouped = df.groupby(df.dtypes, axis=1)

In [39]: dict(list(grouped))
{dtype('float64'):       data1     data2
0  0.148874  0.617623
1  0.421171  0.352511
2 -0.566405  1.491486
3  2.147993 -0.948390
4  0.423003 -1.586536, dtype('O'):   key1 key2
0    a  one
1    a  two
2    b  one
3    b  two
4    a  one}

Selecting a Column or Subset of Columns#

Indexing a GroupBy object created from a DataFrame with a column name or array of column names has the effect of selecting those columns for aggregation:


is the same as:


For large datasets it my be desirable to aggregate only a few columns.

To compute means for just the data2 column and get the result as a dataframe we could write:

In [40]: df.groupby(['key1', 'key2'])[['data2']].mean()
key1 key2
a    one  -0.484456
     two   0.352511
b    one   1.491486
     two  -0.948390

The object returned is a grouped DataFrame if a list or array is passed and a grouped series if only the single column is passed as a scalar.

In [44]: type(df.groupby(['key1', 'key2'])['data2'])
Out[44]: pandas.core.groupby.groupby.SeriesGroupBy

In [45]: type(df.groupby(['key1', 'key2'])[['data2']])
Out[45]: pandas.core.groupby.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy

Grouping with Dicts and Series#

Grouping information may exist in a form other than an array

In [46]: people = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 5), columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], index=['Joe', 'Steve', 'Wes', 'Jim', 'Travis'],)

In [49]: people.iloc[2:3, [1, 2]] = np.NaN

In [50]: people
            a         b         c         d         e
Joe    -0.997165  0.194776 -0.565123  0.848180 -1.277432
Steve  -0.719995  1.353184 -1.120488  0.772741 -0.919065
Wes     1.513412       NaN       NaN -0.212853 -0.219539
Jim    -1.605091  0.283836  0.600302  1.887151  0.083196
Travis -0.915961 -0.331931 -1.177884  1.064124  1.125694

Now we have a mapping of columns to groups:

In [51]: mapping = {'a': 'red', 'b': 'red', 'c': 'blue', 'd': 'blue', 'e': 'red', 'f': 'orange'}

You can simply pass that to groupby:

In [52]: by_column = people.groupby(mapping, axis=1)

In [54]: by_column.sum()
            blue       red
Joe     0.283057 -2.079821
Steve  -0.347747 -0.285876
Wes    -0.212853  1.293874
Jim     2.487453 -1.238059
Travis -0.113760 -0.122198

The same holds true for series

In [55]: map_series = pd.Series(mapping)

In [56]: map_series
a       red
b       red
c      blue
d      blue
e       red
f    orange
dtype: object

In [57]: people.groupby(map_series, axis=1).count()
        blue  red
Joe        2    3
Steve      2    3
Wes        1    2
Jim        2    3
Travis     2    3

Grouping with Functions#

A function passed as the group key will be called once per index, the return value will be the group names.

Suppose you wanted to group people by the length of their name:

In [58]: people.groupby(len).sum()
        a         b         c         d         e
3 -1.088844  0.478612  0.035179  2.522479 -1.413775
5 -0.719995  1.353184 -1.120488  0.772741 -0.919065
6 -0.915961 -0.331931 -1.177884  1.064124  1.125694

Mixing functions with arrays, dicts or series is not a problem as everything is turned into an array internally.

In [59]: key_list = ['one', 'one', 'one', 'two', 'two']

In [60]: people.groupby([len, key_list]).min()
            a         b         c         d         e
3 one -0.997165  0.194776 -0.565123 -0.212853 -1.277432
  two -1.605091  0.283836  0.600302  1.887151  0.083196
5 one -0.719995  1.353184 -1.120488  0.772741 -0.919065
6 two -0.915961 -0.331931 -1.177884  1.064124  1.125694

Grouping by Index Levels#

For hierachically-indexed data you can aggregate using one of the levels of an axis’s index. To do that apss the level keyword:

In [63]: columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['US', 'US', 'US', 'JP', 'JP'], [1, 3, 5, 1, 3]], names=['country', 'tenor'])

In [64]: hier_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 5), columns=columns)

In [65]: hier_df
country        US                            JP
tenor           1         3         5         1         3
0        0.751653  0.196602  0.112632 -1.101248 -0.337879
1        0.040296 -0.983856 -0.300156  1.766771  0.637154
2       -0.949319 -0.454868 -0.202546 -0.003234 -0.700482
3        1.334632  1.579028  1.965208  0.671107 -0.627314

In [66]: hier_df.groupby(level='country', axis=1).count()
country  JP  US
0         2   3
1         2   3
2         2   3
3         2   3

Data Aggregation#

Any data transformation that produces scalar values from arrays, like sum, count, min and mean. You can have transformations of your own making.

For example quantile computes sample quantiles of a series or dataframes columns:

In [67]: df
    key1 key2     data1     data2
0    a  one  0.148874  0.617623
1    a  two  0.421171  0.352511
2    b  one -0.566405  1.491486
3    b  two  2.147993 -0.948390
4    a  one  0.423003 -1.586536

In [68]: grouped = df.groupby('key1')

In [69]: grouped['data1'].quantile(0.9)
a    0.422637
b    1.876553
Name: data1, dtype: float64

Quantile is a series method and is thus available on groupnby objects.

Groupby efficiently slices the data and calls the method on each piece

To use your own aggregation function, pass any function that aggregates an array to the agg or aggregate method:

In [71]: grouped.agg(peak_to_peak)
        data1     data2
a     0.274130  2.204160
b     2.714398  2.439876

describe works on grouped data:

In [72]: grouped.describe()
    data1                                                      ...        data2
    count      mean       std       min       25%       50%    ...          std       min       25%       50%       75%       max
key1                                                            ...
a      3.0  0.331016  0.157743  0.148874  0.285022  0.421171    ...     1.203364 -1.586536 -0.617013  0.352511      0.485067  0.617623
b      2.0  0.790794  1.919369 -0.566405  0.112195  0.790794    ...     1.725253 -0.948390 -0.338421  0.271548  0.881517  1.491486

[2 rows x 16 columns]

Custom aggregation functions are generally much slower than the optimized functions:

count, sum, mean, median, std, var, min, max, prod, first, last

Using tip data:

In [75]: tips = pd.read_csv('tips.csv')

In [76]: tips.head()
total_bill   tip smoker  day    time  size
0       16.99  1.01     No  Sun  Dinner     2
1       10.34  1.66     No  Sun  Dinner     3
2       21.01  3.50     No  Sun  Dinner     3
3       23.68  3.31     No  Sun  Dinner     2
4       24.59  3.61     No  Sun  Dinner     4

We create the tip_pct column:

In [78]: tips['tip_pct'] = tips['tip'] / tips['total_bill']

Column-wise nd multi-function application#

Group by sex and smoker:

In [90]: grouped = tips.groupby(['sex', 'smoker'])

In [91]: grouped_pct = grouped['tip_pct']

In [92]: grouped_pct.agg('mean')
sex     smoker
Female  No        0.156921
        Yes       0.182150
Male    No        0.160669
        Yes       0.152771
Name: tip_pct, dtype: float64

You can pass a list of functions you get a dataframe with column names taken from functions:

In [94]: grouped_pct.agg(['mean', 'std', peak_to_peak])
                mean       std  peak_to_peak
sex    smoker
Female  No      0.156921  0.036421      0.195876
        Yes     0.182150  0.071595      0.360233
Male    No      0.160669  0.041849      0.220186
        Yes     0.152771  0.090588      0.674707

You don’t have to accept those column names, lambda functions will have a name <lambda> which makes them hard to identify. You can pass a list of (name, function) tuples where the first element of each tuple is used as the column name

In [96]: grouped_pct.agg([('foo', 'mean'), ('bar', np.std)])
                    foo       bar
sex    smoker
Female  No      0.156921  0.036421
        Yes     0.182150  0.071595
Male    No      0.160669  0.041849
        Yes     0.152771  0.090588

With a dataframe you have more columns to apply functions to:

In [97]: functions = ['count', 'mean', 'max']

In [98]: result = grouped['tip_pct', 'total_bill'].agg(functions)

In [99]: result
            tip_pct                     total_bill
                count      mean       max      count       mean    max
sex    smoker
Female  No          54  0.156921  0.252672         54  18.105185  35.83
        Yes         33  0.182150  0.416667         33  17.977879  44.30
Male    No          97  0.160669  0.291990         97  19.791237  48.33
        Yes         60  0.152771  0.710345         60  22.284500  50.81

It gives a result with hierachical columns, which you can view:

In [100]: result['tip_pct']
            count      mean       max
sex    smoker
Female No         54  0.156921  0.252672
       Yes        33  0.182150  0.416667
Male   No         97  0.160669  0.291990
       Yes        60  0.152771  0.710345

Suppose you want to apply different functions to one or more columns:

In [101]: grouped.agg({'tip': np.max, 'size': sum})
                tip  size
sex    smoker
Female  No       5.2   140
        Yes      6.5    74
Male    No       9.0   263
        Yes     10.0   150

In [102]: grouped.agg({'tip': ['min', 'max', 'mean', 'std'], 'size': 'sum'})
                tip                           size
                min   max      mean       std  sum
sex    smoker
Female  No      1.00   5.2  2.773519  1.128425  140
        Yes     1.00   6.5  2.931515  1.219916   74
Male    No      1.25   9.0  3.113402  1.489559  263
        Yes     1.00  10.0  3.051167  1.500120  150

Returning Aggregated Data without Indexes#

Sometimes you don’t want an index coming back with results. You can disable this behaviour by passing as_index=False to groupby.

In [107]: tips.groupby(['sex', 'smoker'], as_index=False).mean()
    sex smoker  total_bill       tip      size   tip_pct
0  Female     No   18.105185  2.773519  2.592593  0.156921
1  Female    Yes   17.977879  2.931515  2.242424  0.182150
2    Male     No   19.791237  3.113402  2.711340  0.160669
3    Male    Yes   22.284500  3.051167  2.500000  0.152771

You can of course use reset_index() to achieve the same result

Apply: General split-apply-combine#

The most general purpose GroupBy method is apply(). apply splits the object into pieces, invokes the functions and then attempts to piece it back together.

Suppose you wantted to select the top 5 tip_pct values by group. First write a function that selects the rows with the largest values in a particular function:

In [110]: def top(df, n=5, column='tip_pct'):
    ...:     return df.sort_values(by=column)[-n:]

In [111]: top(tips, n=6)
        total_bill   tip     sex smoker  day    time  size   tip_pct
109       14.31      4.00  Female    Yes  Sat  Dinner     2  0.279525
183       23.17      6.50    Male    Yes  Sun  Dinner     4  0.280535
232       11.61      3.39    Male     No  Sat  Dinner     2  0.291990
67         3.07      1.00  Female    Yes  Sat  Dinner     1  0.325733
178        9.60      4.00  Female    Yes  Sun  Dinner     2  0.416667
172        7.25      5.15    Male    Yes  Sun  Dinner     2  0.710345

So this returns the top 6 biggest tips. Now if we group by Smoker:

In [116]: tips.groupby('smoker').apply(top)
            total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size   tip_pct
No  88        24.71  5.85    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.236746
    185       20.69  5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     5  0.241663
    51        10.29  2.60  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2  0.252672
    149        7.51  2.00    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.266312
    232       11.61  3.39    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2  0.291990
Yes 109       14.31  4.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2  0.279525
    183       23.17  6.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     4  0.280535
    67         3.07  1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1  0.325733
    178        9.60  4.00  Female    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.416667
    172        7.25  5.15    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.710345

The top function is called on each piece of the dataframe, then the results are glued together using pandas.concat. The result contains a hierachical index whose inner level contains index values from the origianl dataframe.

If you pass a function that takes other arguments to the apply function you can pass those after the function.

In [118]: tips.groupby('smoker').apply(top, n=1, column='total_bill')
            total_bill   tip   sex smoker  day    time  size   tip_pct
No     212       48.33   9.0  Male     No  Sat  Dinner     4  0.186220
Yes    170       50.81  10.0  Male    Yes  Sat  Dinner     3  0.196812

The function only needs to return a scalar value or a pandas object. The function will require some creativity.

Remember the describe function on a groupby object:

In [120]: result = tips.groupby('smoker')['tip_pct'].describe()

In [121]: result
        count      mean       std       min       25%       50%       75%       max
No      151.0  0.159328  0.039910  0.056797  0.136906  0.155625  0.185014  0.291990
Yes      93.0  0.163196  0.085119  0.035638  0.106771  0.153846  0.195059  0.710345

The describe() function is really just an alias for:

f = lambda x: x.describe()

Suppressing the group keys#

Use group_keys=False:

In [124]: tips.groupby('smoker').apply(top)
            total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size   tip_pct
No      88        24.71  5.85    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.236746
        185       20.69  5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     5  0.241663
        51        10.29  2.60  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2  0.252672
        149        7.51  2.00    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.266312
        232       11.61  3.39    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2  0.291990
Yes     109       14.31  4.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2  0.279525
        183       23.17  6.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     4  0.280535
        67         3.07  1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1  0.325733
        178        9.60  4.00  Female    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.416667
        172        7.25  5.15    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.710345

In [125]: tips.groupby('smoker', group_keys=False).apply(top)
    total_bill   tip     sex smoker   day    time  size   tip_pct
88        24.71  5.85    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.236746
185       20.69  5.00    Male     No   Sun  Dinner     5  0.241663
51        10.29  2.60  Female     No   Sun  Dinner     2  0.252672
149        7.51  2.00    Male     No  Thur   Lunch     2  0.266312
232       11.61  3.39    Male     No   Sat  Dinner     2  0.291990
109       14.31  4.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     2  0.279525
183       23.17  6.50    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     4  0.280535
67         3.07  1.00  Female    Yes   Sat  Dinner     1  0.325733
178        9.60  4.00  Female    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.416667
172        7.25  5.15    Male    Yes   Sun  Dinner     2  0.710345

Quantile and bucket analysis#

Pandas has cut and qcut for slicing data into buckets. These functions can be combined with groupby.

In [126]: frame = pd.DataFrame({'data1': np.random.randn(1000), 'data2': np.random.randn(1000)})

In [127]: quartiles = pd.cut(frame.data1, 4)

In [128]: quartiles[:10]
0    (-1.654, -0.189]
1     (-0.189, 1.275]
2     (-0.189, 1.275]
3     (-0.189, 1.275]
4     (-0.189, 1.275]
5     (-0.189, 1.275]
6     (-0.189, 1.275]
7     (-0.189, 1.275]
8       (1.275, 2.74]
9     (-0.189, 1.275]
Name: data1, dtype: category
Categories (4, interval[float64]): [(-3.125, -1.654] < (-1.654, -0.189] < (-0.189, 1.275] <
                                    (1.275, 2.74]]

The categorical object returned can be passed directly to groupby:

In [129]: def get_stats(group):
    ...:     return {'min': group.min(), 'max': group.max(), 'count': group.count(), 'mean': group.mean()}

In [130]: grouped = frame.data2.groupby(quartiles)

In [132]: grouped.apply(get_stats).unstack()
                count       max      mean       min
(-3.125, -1.654]   52.0  2.299146  0.177311 -1.974142
(-1.654, -0.189]  396.0  2.713077  0.171591 -3.334721
(-0.189, 1.275]   452.0  3.190075 -0.093762 -2.807887
(1.275, 2.74]     100.0  2.637351  0.004744 -2.028048

These were equal length buckets

To computer equal size buckets, use qcut

In [133]: grouping = pd.qcut(frame.data1, 10, labels=False)

In [134]: grouped = frame.data2.groupby(grouping)

In [135]: grouped.apply(get_stats).unstack()
        count       max      mean       min
0      100.0  2.299146  0.170813 -3.334721
1      100.0  2.713077  0.083603 -2.528098
2      100.0  2.238571  0.178352 -1.928308
3      100.0  2.669556  0.258033 -2.031216
4      100.0  3.085353  0.031921 -2.807887
5      100.0  3.190075 -0.107540 -2.686559
6      100.0  2.122244 -0.050376 -2.385933
7      100.0  2.099441 -0.167291 -2.330819
8      100.0  2.417712 -0.049621 -2.789057
9      100.0  2.637351  0.004744 -2.028048

Check the book for examples of:

  • Filling missing values with group-specific values
  • Random smapling and permutation
  • Group Weighted Average and Correlation
  • Group-wise Linear Regression

Pivot Tables and Cross Tabulation#

A pivot table is a data summarisation tool. It aggregates table data by one or more keys.

Made possible in pandas by groupby combined with reshape utilising hierachical indexing. DataFrame has a pivot_table method along with the top-level pd.pivot_table.

Pivot tables can add partial totals known as margins

Suppose you want grouped means (the default for pivotal table)

In [8]: tips.pivot_table(index=['sex', 'smoker'])
                size       tip   tip_pct  total_bill
sex    smoker
Female No      2.592593  2.773519  0.156921   18.105185
       Yes     2.242424  2.931515  0.182150   17.977879
Male   No      2.711340  3.113402  0.160669   19.791237
       Yes     2.500000  3.051167  0.152771   22.284500

Now suppose we want to aggregate only tip_pct and size and additionally group by day. We put smoker in the columns and day in the rows.

In [10]: tips.pivot_table(['tip_pct', 'size'], index=['sex', 'day'], columns=['smoker'])
                size             tip_pct
smoker             No       Yes        No       Yes
sex    day
Female  Fri   2.500000  2.000000  0.165296  0.209129
        Sat   2.307692  2.200000  0.147993  0.163817
        Sun   3.071429  2.500000  0.165710  0.237075
        Thur  2.480000  2.428571  0.155971  0.163073
Male    Fri   2.000000  2.125000  0.138005  0.144730
        Sat   2.656250  2.629630  0.162132  0.139067
        Sun   2.883721  2.600000  0.158291  0.173964
        Thur  2.500000  2.300000  0.165706  0.164417

You can add total with margins=True This adds All column and row labels.

In [11]: tips.pivot_table(['tip_pct', 'size'], index=['sex', 'day'], columns=['smoker'], margins=True)
                size                       tip_pct
smoker             No       Yes       All        No       Yes       All
sex    day
Female  Fri   2.500000  2.000000  2.111111  0.165296  0.209129  0.199388
        Sat   2.307692  2.200000  2.250000  0.147993  0.163817  0.156470
        Sun   3.071429  2.500000  2.944444  0.165710  0.237075  0.181569
        Thur  2.480000  2.428571  2.468750  0.155971  0.163073  0.157525
Male    Fri   2.000000  2.125000  2.100000  0.138005  0.144730  0.143385
        Sat   2.656250  2.629630  2.644068  0.162132  0.139067  0.151577
        Sun   2.883721  2.600000  2.810345  0.158291  0.173964  0.162344
        Thur  2.500000  2.300000  2.433333  0.165706  0.164417  0.165276
All           2.668874  2.408602  2.569672  0.159328  0.163196  0.160803

To use a different aggregation function

In [12]: tips.pivot_table(['tip_pct', 'size'], index=['sex', 'day'], columns=['smoker'], margins=True, aggfunc=len)
            size          tip_pct
smoker        No Yes  All      No   Yes    All
sex     day
Female  Fri     2   7    9     2.0   7.0    9.0
        Sat    13  15   28    13.0  15.0   28.0
        Sun    14   4   18    14.0   4.0   18.0
        Thur   25   7   32    25.0   7.0   32.0
Male    Fri     2   8   10     2.0   8.0   10.0
        Sat    32  27   59    32.0  27.0   59.0
        Sun    43  15   58    43.0  15.0   58.0
        Thur   20  10   30    20.0  10.0   30.0
All           151  93  244   151.0  93.0  244.0

So with aggfunc=len we can get the frequency. Or use aggfunc='count'. If some combinations are empty you may want to add a fill value with fill_value=0

In [21]: tips.pivot_table(['size'], index=['time', 'sex', 'smoker'], columns=['day'], margins=True, aggfunc='sum', fill_value=0)
day                       Fri  Sat  Sun  Thur  All
time    sex     smoker
Dinner  Female  No        2   30   43    2   77
                Yes       8   33   10    0   51
        Male    No        4   85  124    0  213
                Yes      12   71   39    0  122
Lunch   Female  No        3    0    0   60   63
                Yes       6    0    0   17   23
        Male    No        0    0    0   50   50
                Yes       5    0    0   23   28
All                       40  219  216  152  627

CrossTabulations: Crosstab#

A special case of pivot table that computers group frequency.

pd.crosstab(data.x, data.y, margins=True)

The first 2 arguments to cross tab can be an array, Series or list of arrays.

In [5]: pd.crosstab(, tips.smoker, margins=True)
smoker   No  Yes  All
Female   54   33   87
Male     97   60  157
All     151   93  244

In [6]: pd.crosstab([tips.time,], tips.smoker, margins=True)
smoker        No  Yes  All
time    day
Dinner  Fri     3    9   12
        Sat    45   42   87
        Sun    57   19   76
        Thur    1    0    1
Lunch   Fri     1    6    7
        Thur   44   17   61
All           151   93  244

Chapter 11: Time Series#

Important in many fields: finance, economics, ecology, neuroscience and physics.

Anything observed or measured in many points in time is a time series

  • Fixed frequency: data points occur at regular intervals (eg. every 15 minutes)
  • Irregular frequency: No fixed time between data points

How you mark time sreies data:

  • timestamps - instants in time
  • Fixed periods - A month or year 2008
  • Intervals - A start and end timestamp
  • Experiment or elapsed time - Time relative to another time

Date and Time Datatypes and Tools#

Python has datetime, time and calendar built-in packages. The datetime.datetime type is widely used:

In [1]: from datetime import datetime

In [2]: now =

In [3]: now
Out[3]: datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 8, 12, 36, 8, 869124)

In [4]: now.year, now.month,
Out[4]: (2018, 11, 8)

datetime stores the date and time down to the microsecond

timedelta represents the temporal difference between 2 datetime objects

In [5]: delta = now - datetime(2011, 1, 7)

In [6]: delta
Out[6]: datetime.timedelta(2862, 45368, 869124)

In [7]: delta.days
Out[7]: 2862

In [8]: delta.seconds
Out[8]: 45368

You can add or subtract a timedelta to a datetime object to yield a new datetime:

In [9]: from datetime import timedelta

In [10]: start = datetime(2001, 1, 1)

In [11]: start + timedelta(12)
Out[11]: datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 13, 0, 0)

In [14]: start - 2 * timedelta(12)
Out[14]: datetime.datetime(2000, 12, 8, 0, 0)

Converting between string and datetime#

datetime objects and pandas Timestamp objects can be formatted as string using str or the strftime method.

As a reminder use strftime to mean string -> format -> time and strptime to mean string -> parse -> time

In [16]: stamp = datetime(2011, 1, 12)

In [17]: str(stamp)
Out[17]: '2011-01-12 00:00:00'

In [18]: stamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
Out[18]: '2011-01-12'

strptime converts strings to dates.

In [19]: value = '2018-11-11'

In [20]: datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d')
Out[20]: datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 11, 0, 0)

If you don’t know the format of a datetime you can use dateutil:

In [21]: from dateutil.parser import parse

In [22]: parse('2018-01-01 14:52')
Out[22]: datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 14, 52)

dateutil is capable of parsing most human-intelligible date representations

In [23]: parse('Jan 25, 2008 9:45 PM')
Out[23]: datetime.datetime(2008, 1, 25, 21, 45)

One gotcha is the day appearing before month in some locales (as always America first is the way):

In [24]: parse('6/12/2011')
Out[24]: datetime.datetime(2011, 6, 12, 0, 0)

In [25]: parse('6/12/2011', dayfirst=True)
Out[25]: datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 6, 0, 0)

Pandas has a to_datetime() method that parses many kinds of date representations.

In [26]: datestrs = ['2017-01-12 12:00:00', '23 Jan, 2018 4:45 PM']

In [29]: pd.to_datetime(datestrs)
Out[29]: DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-12 12:00:00', '2018-01-23 16:45:00'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

It also handles missing times:

In [30]: pd.to_datetime(datestrs + [None])
Out[30]: DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-12 12:00:00', '2018-01-23 16:45:00', 'NaT'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

NaT means Not a time

dateutil has some unexpected behaviours

Time Series Basics#

In [32]: dates = [datetime(2011, 1, 2), datetime(2011, 1, 5), datetime(2011, 1, 8), datetime(2011, 1, 12)]

In [35]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4), index=dates)

In [36]: ts
2011-01-02   -0.640063
2011-01-05   -0.946634
2011-01-08    1.051946
2011-01-12   -0.637094
dtype: float64

The index has been made into a DateTimeIndex:

In [37]: ts.index
Out[37]: DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-02', '2011-01-05', '2011-01-08', '2011-01-12'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Like other Series, arithmetic operations between timeseries align on dates:

In [39]: ts + ts[::2]
2011-01-02   -1.280125
2011-01-05         NaN
2011-01-08    2.103892
2011-01-12         NaN
dtype: float64

Pandas stores timestamps with numpy’s datetime64 datatype in nanosecond resolution

In [41]: ts.index.dtype
Out[41]: dtype('<M8[ns]')

Scalar objects from DateTimeIndex are pandasTimestamp objects:

In [42]: ts.index[0]
Out[42]: Timestamp('2011-01-02 00:00:00')

A Timestamp can be substituted anywhere you use a datetime object

Indexing, Selection and Subsetting#

Time Series behave the same as any other Series in pandas

In [47]: ts.index[2]
Out[47]: Timestamp('2011-01-08 00:00:00')

In [48]: ts[ts.index[2]]
Out[48]: 1.051945822754756

For convenience you can use a string as a date:

In [49]: ts['2011/01/08']
Out[49]: 1.051945822754756

A longer time series:

In [50]: longer_ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1000), index=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000))

In [51]: longer_ts.head()
2000-01-01   -1.554534
2000-01-02   -1.860764
2000-01-03   -2.241509
2000-01-04   -1.096584
2000-01-05   -2.403843
Freq: D, dtype: float64

You can select slices of data by just part of the date:

In [53]: longer_ts['2000-03'].head()
2000-03-01   -0.240239
2000-03-02    0.508818
2000-03-03   -0.432612
2000-03-04    0.497631
2000-03-05   -1.356072
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Slicing with datetime objects works too:

In [60]: longer_ts[datetime(2002, 9, 24):]
2002-09-24    0.200162
2002-09-25    0.377376
2002-09-26   -0.247723
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Because most timeseries data is ordered you can slice with timestamps not contained in a timeseries to perform a range query:

In [62]: longer_ts['1999-01-01': '2000-1-10']
2000-01-01   -1.554534
2000-01-02   -1.860764
2000-01-03   -2.241509
2000-01-04   -1.096584
2000-01-05   -2.403843
2000-01-06    1.392809
2000-01-07   -0.552810
2000-01-08   -0.221427
2000-01-09    0.994283
2000-01-10   -0.335201
Freq: D, dtype: float64

The same indexing holds true for dataframes:

In [64]: dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2001', periods=100, freq='W-WED')
In [66]: long_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 3), index=dates, columns=['JHB', 'CPT', 'DBN'])

In [69]: long_df.head()
                JHB       CPT       DBN
2001-01-03 -0.888841  1.500003  0.015592
2001-01-10  1.441082 -0.293374 -0.243195
2001-01-17  0.500772  3.376711  0.269602
2001-01-24  0.348858  1.043463 -0.363716
2001-01-31 -0.032118 -0.245414 -0.495472

In [72]: long_df.loc['2002-05']
                JHB       CPT       DBN
2002-05-01  0.440993 -0.553701  0.732000
2002-05-08 -0.595253 -0.068814  0.222021
2002-05-15 -1.180922  2.071676 -0.077351
2002-05-22 -0.036615  1.090348 -0.640301
2002-05-29  1.025804  0.070982 -1.463681

Time Series with Duplciate Indices#

There may be multiple data observations on a particular timestamp

In [74]: dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(['1-1-2011', '1-2-2011', '1-2-2011', '1-2-2011', '1-5-2011'])

In [75]: dup_ts = pd.Series(np.arange(5), index=dates)

In [76]: dup_ts
2011-01-01    0
2011-01-02    1
2011-01-02    2
2011-01-02    3
2011-01-05    4
dtype: int64

Check if the index is unique with:

In [79]: dup_ts.index.is_unique
Out[79]: False

Slicing this series either returns scalars or slices depending on the timestamp:

In [83]: dup_ts['1-1-2011']
Out[83]: 0

In [84]: dup_ts['1-2-2011']
2011-01-02    1
2011-01-02    2
2011-01-02    3
dtype: int64

Ya I know it used american dates, so the day is not changing

Suppose you want to aggregate data having non-unique timestamps, use groupby with level=0:

In [85]: grouped = dup_ts.groupby(level=0)

In [86]: grouped.mean()
2011-01-01    0
2011-01-02    2
2011-01-05    4
dtype: int64

In [87]: grouped.count()
2011-01-01    1
2011-01-02    3
2011-01-05    1
dtype: int64

Data Ranges, Frequencies and Shifting#

Generic Time series in pandas is assumed to be irregular (they have no fixed frequency). Sometimes it is desirable to work with a fixed frequncy such as daily, monthly or every 15 minutes even if that means introducing missing values into your Time Series.

Fortunately pandas has tools for resampling, inferring frequencies and generating fixed frequncy date ranges.

Converting a time series into a fixed frequency can be done with resample:

In [88]: ts
2011-01-02   -0.640063
2011-01-05   -0.946634
2011-01-08    1.051946
2011-01-12   -0.637094
dtype: float64

In [89]: resampler = ts.resample('D')

In [91]: resampler
Out[91]: DatetimeIndexResampler [freq=<Day>, axis=0, closed=left, label=left, convention=start, base=0]

This doesn’t seem to do anything yet

Generating Date Ranges#

pandas.date_range is responsible for generating a DateTimeIndex with a specific length and frequency.

In [92]: index = pd.date_range('7-11-2018', '25-12-2018')

In [93]: index
DatetimeIndex(['2018-07-11', '2018-07-12', '2018-07-13', '2018-07-14',
            '2018-07-15', '2018-07-16', '2018-07-17', '2018-07-18',
            '2018-07-19', '2018-07-20',
            '2018-12-16', '2018-12-17', '2018-12-18', '2018-12-19',
            '2018-12-20', '2018-12-21', '2018-12-22', '2018-12-23',
            '2018-12-24', '2018-12-25'],
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', length=168, freq='D')

BY default date_range generates daily timestamps. If you pass just a start or end date you need to set periods - the number of periods to generate.

In [94]: pd.date_range('7-11-2018', periods=5)
DatetimeIndex(['2018-07-11', '2018-07-12', '2018-07-13', '2018-07-14',
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

The start and end dates specify strict boundaries.

If you wanted a dateinde with the last business day for each month you would pass the BM frequency and only dates falling on or inside the date interval will be included.

In [95]: pd.date_range('2000-01-01', '2000-12-01', freq='BM')
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-29', '2000-03-31', '2000-04-28',
                '2000-05-31', '2000-06-30', '2000-07-31', '2000-08-31',
                '2000-09-29', '2000-10-31', '2000-11-30'],
                dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='BM')

Feel the power

Date range preserves the time of the start or end date:

In [97]: pd.date_range(start='2000-01-01 14:45', periods=20)
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 14:45:00', '2000-01-02 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-03 14:45:00', '2000-01-04 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-05 14:45:00', '2000-01-06 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-07 14:45:00', '2000-01-08 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-09 14:45:00', '2000-01-10 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-11 14:45:00', '2000-01-12 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-13 14:45:00', '2000-01-14 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-15 14:45:00', '2000-01-16 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-17 14:45:00', '2000-01-18 14:45:00',
            '2000-01-19 14:45:00', '2000-01-20 14:45:00'],
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

Sometimes tou may want to normalise the times to midnight:

In [98]: pd.date_range(start='2000-01-01 14:45', periods=5, normalize=True)
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01', '2000-01-02', '2000-01-03', '2000-01-04',
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')

Frequencies and Date Offsets#

Frequencies have a base frequency and a multiplier.

Base frequncies have a string alias: M - monthly, H - hourly

For each base frequency there is an object called a Date Offset

In [99]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import Hour, Minute

In [100]: hour = Hour()

In [101]: four_hours = Hour(4)

In [102]: four_hours
Out[102]: <4 * Hours>

In most applications you would never need to do this and instead use H or 4H

In [103]: pd.date_range('2000-01-01', '2000-01-03 23:59', freq='4H')
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 04:00:00',
            '2000-01-01 08:00:00', '2000-01-01 12:00:00',
            '2000-01-01 16:00:00', '2000-01-01 20:00:00',
            '2000-01-02 00:00:00', '2000-01-02 04:00:00',
            '2000-01-02 08:00:00', '2000-01-02 12:00:00',
            '2000-01-02 16:00:00', '2000-01-02 20:00:00',
            '2000-01-03 00:00:00', '2000-01-03 04:00:00',
            '2000-01-03 08:00:00', '2000-01-03 12:00:00',
            '2000-01-03 16:00:00', '2000-01-03 20:00:00'],
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='4H')

Most offsets can be combined with addition:

In [104]: Hour(2) + Minute(30)
Out[104]: <150 * Minutes>

You can also pass frequency strings like: 2h30min

In [106]: pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=10, freq='2h30min')
DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 00:00:00', '2000-01-01 02:30:00',
            '2000-01-01 05:00:00', '2000-01-01 07:30:00',
            '2000-01-01 10:00:00', '2000-01-01 12:30:00',
            '2000-01-01 15:00:00', '2000-01-01 17:30:00',
            '2000-01-01 20:00:00', '2000-01-01 22:30:00'],
            dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='150T')

Take note, min not m

Some frequncy points are not evenly spaced, calendar month end M and last business day/weekday BM. These are known as anchored offsets.

  • D - Day
  • B - Business Day
  • H - Hourly
  • T or min - Every Minute
  • S - Every Second
  • L or ms - Every millisecond
  • U - Every microsecond
  • M - Month End
  • BM - Business Month End
  • MS - Month Beginning
  • BMS - Business Month Begin
  • W-MON, W-TUE … - Weekly on a given day
  • WOM-3FRI - Week of month (Third friday of every month)
  • Q-JAN - quarterly on last calendar day of month
  • QB-FEB - Quarterly business day
  • QS-JAN QBS-JAN - Quarterly beginning
  • A-JAN - Annually last calendar day
  • AB-JAN - Annual last business day

Shifting (Leading and Lagging) Data#

Moving data but keeping the index unmodified.

In [107]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4), index=pd.date_range('1-1-2000', periods=4, freq='M'))

In [108]: ts
2000-01-31    0.502127
2000-02-29   -1.085350
2000-03-31   -0.390934
2000-04-30    0.702752
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [109]: ts.shift(2)
2000-01-31         NaN
2000-02-29         NaN
2000-03-31    0.502127
2000-04-30   -1.085350
Freq: M, dtype: float64

In [110]: ts.shift(-2)
2000-01-31   -0.390934
2000-02-29    0.702752
2000-03-31         NaN
2000-04-30         NaN
Freq: M, dtype: float64

A common use of shift is calculating percentage changes

In [111]: ts / ts.shift(1)
2000-01-31         NaN
2000-02-29   -2.161507
2000-03-31    0.360192
2000-04-30   -1.797623
Freq: M, dtype: float64

shift leaves the index unmodified so some data is discarded. If the frequency is known it can be passed to shift to advance the timestamps instead of simply the data.

In [113]: ts.shift(2, freq='M')
2000-03-31    0.502127
2000-04-30   -1.085350
2000-05-31   -0.390934
2000-06-30    0.702752
Freq: M, dtype: float64

Shifting Dates with Offsets#

The pandas date offset can be used with Timestamp or datetime:

In [115]: from pandas.tseries.offsets import Day, MonthEnd

In [116]: now = datetime(2018, 1, 1)

In [117]: now + 3 * Day()
Out[117]: Timestamp('2018-01-04 00:00:00')

If you add an anchored offset like MonthEnd the first increment will roll forward a date.

In [118]: now + MonthEnd()
Out[118]: Timestamp('2018-01-31 00:00:00')

In [119]: now + MonthEnd(2)
Out[119]: Timestamp('2018-02-28 00:00:00')

You can explicitly rollforward or rollback offsets:

In [120]: offset = MonthEnd()

In [121]: offset.rollback(now)
Out[121]: Timestamp('2017-12-31 00:00:00')

In [122]: offset.rollforward(now)
Out[122]: Timestamp('2018-01-31 00:00:00')

You can use offsets to groupby:


But it is easier and faster to resample:


Timezone Handling#

Many choose to use UTC coordinated universal time, the successor to GMT. Timezones are expressed in offsets to UTC.

pytz is the package to use for timezones

In [123]: import pytz

In [125]: pytz.common_timezones[:5]

In [126]: tz = pytz.timezone('Africa/Johannesburg')

In [127]: tz
Out[127]: <DstTzInfo 'Africa/Johannesburg' LMT+1:52:00 STD>

Timezone localization and conversion#

By default timeseries are timezone naive

In [128]: rng = pd.date_range('3-9-2012 9:30', periods=6, freq='D')

In [129]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

In [131]: print(

Date ranges can be generated with a timezone set:

In [133]: pd.date_range(start='2017-01-02', periods=6, freq='B', tz='UTC')
DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-02', '2017-01-03', '2017-01-04', '2017-01-05',
            '2017-01-06', '2017-01-09'],
            dtype='datetime64[ns, UTC]', freq='B')

Converting from naive to localised s handled by tz_localize

In [135]: ts
2012-03-09 09:30:00    0.696816
2012-03-10 09:30:00   -0.905538
2012-03-11 09:30:00    1.260273
2012-03-12 09:30:00   -0.787496
2012-03-13 09:30:00    1.262290
2012-03-14 09:30:00    1.451650
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [136]: ts_utc = ts.tz_localize('UTC')

In [137]: ts_utc
2012-03-09 09:30:00+00:00    0.696816
2012-03-10 09:30:00+00:00   -0.905538
2012-03-11 09:30:00+00:00    1.260273
2012-03-12 09:30:00+00:00   -0.787496
2012-03-13 09:30:00+00:00    1.262290
2012-03-14 09:30:00+00:00    1.451650
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [138]:
Out[138]: <UTC>

Once a time series has been localised, it can be converted to another timezone using tz_convert:

In [139]: ts_utc.tz_convert('America/New_York')
2012-03-09 04:30:00-05:00    0.696816
2012-03-10 04:30:00-05:00   -0.905538
2012-03-11 05:30:00-04:00    1.260273
2012-03-12 05:30:00-04:00   -0.787496
2012-03-13 05:30:00-04:00    1.262290
2012-03-14 05:30:00-04:00    1.451650
Freq: D, dtype: float64

In [140]: ts_utc.tz_convert('Africa/Johannesburg')
2012-03-09 11:30:00+02:00    0.696816
2012-03-10 11:30:00+02:00   -0.905538
2012-03-11 11:30:00+02:00    1.260273
2012-03-12 11:30:00+02:00   -0.787496
2012-03-13 11:30:00+02:00    1.262290
2012-03-14 11:30:00+02:00    1.451650
Freq: D, dtype: float64

Operations with Timezone aware timestamp objects#

In [141]: stamp = pd.Timestamp('2018-11-08 8:46 PM')

In [144]: stamp_za = stamp.tz_localize('Africa/Johannesburg')

In [147]: stamp_za.tz_convert('Australia/Adelaide')
Out[147]: Timestamp('2018-11-09 05:16:00+1030', tz='Australia/Adelaide')

The cricket tommorrow starts at 4:50 AM South African time:

In [148]: stamp = pd.Timestamp('2018-11-9 4:50 AM')

In [149]: stamp_za = stamp.tz_localize('Africa/Johannesburg')

In [150]: stamp_adelaide = stamp_za.tz_convert('Australia/Adelaide')

In [151]: stamp_adelaide
Out[151]: Timestamp('2018-11-09 13:20:00+1030', tz='Australia/Adelaide')

That means it starts at 13:20 for them.

You can also create an aware tiemstamp with:

In [152]: za_time = pd.Timestamp(, tz='Africa/Johannesburg')

In [153]: za_time
Out[153]: Timestamp('2018-11-08 20:53:35.386909+0200', tz='Africa/Johannesburg')

Time objects hold the utc nanoseconds since the epoch 1-1-1970, the same no matter the tiemzone:

In [155]: stamp.value
Out[155]: 1541739000000000000

Operations between 2 Timezones#

2 time series with different timezones are combined the result will be in UTC

Since timestamps are stored under the hood in UTC no conversion is required.

Periods and period Arithmetic#

Period Frequency Conversion#

Quarterly Period Frequencies#

Convertng Timestamps to Periods and Back#

Creating a PeriodIndex from Arrays#

Lots of stuff in the book…

Resampling and Frequency Conversion#

Resampling is the process of converting a time series from one frequency to another.

Going from a higher frequency to a lower frequency is called downsampling

Converting a lower frequency to a higher frequency is called upsampling

resample is the workhorse function. It has a similar api to groupby.

In [159]: rng = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=100, freq='D')

In [160]: ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)

In [162]: ts.head()
2000-01-01   -1.243879
2000-01-02    1.536819
2000-01-03   -0.941166
2000-01-04    0.472657
2000-01-05    0.269019
Freq: D, dtype: float64

We can resample the data to months (group by months) and get the mean:

In [163]: ts.resample('M')
Out[163]: DatetimeIndexResampler [freq=<MonthEnd>, axis=0, closed=right, label=right, convention=start, base=0]

In [164]: ts.resample('M').mean()
2000-01-31    0.114949
2000-02-29    0.260392
2000-03-31    0.260345
2000-04-30   -0.100887
Freq: M, dtype: float64

Resample params:

  • freq: resampled frequency
  • axis=0: axis to resample on
  • fill_method: how to interpolate when upsampling ffill or bfill
  • closed=None: when downsampling which end of each interval is closed / inclusive (right or left)
  • kind: Aggregate to timestamp or period


Aggregating data to a regular, lower frequency is a common task. The desired frequency indicates bin edges used to slice the time series into pieces.

So you need to think about which interval is closed and how to label each bin (with start or end of interval)

In [165]: rng = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', periods=12, freq='T')

In [166]: ts = pd.Series(np.arange(12), index=rng)

In [167]: ts
2000-01-01 00:00:00     0
2000-01-01 00:01:00     1
2000-01-01 00:02:00     2
2000-01-01 00:03:00     3
2000-01-01 00:04:00     4
2000-01-01 00:05:00     5
2000-01-01 00:06:00     6
2000-01-01 00:07:00     7
2000-01-01 00:08:00     8
2000-01-01 00:09:00     9
2000-01-01 00:10:00    10
2000-01-01 00:11:00    11
Freq: T, dtype: int64

Suppose you want to aggregate the data into five-minute chunks or bars by taking the sum of each group:

In [169]: ts.resample('5min').sum()
2000-01-01 00:00:00    10
2000-01-01 00:05:00    35
2000-01-01 00:10:00    21
Freq: 5T, dtype: int64

The freq is the bin edges, so 5-minute increments. By default the left bin edge is inclusive. So the 00:00 value is inclusive in the 00:05 interval. If you want 00:00 to include data from 00:00 - 00:05 you would close on the right.

In [168]: ts.resample('5min', closed='right').sum()
1999-12-31 23:55:00     0
2000-01-01 00:00:00    15
2000-01-01 00:05:00    40
2000-01-01 00:10:00    11
Freq: 5T, dtype: int64

The resulting timestamps are labels from the left side of each bin. You can change that to use right with label=right:

In [170]: ts.resample('5min', closed='right', label='right').sum()
2000-01-01 00:00:00     0
2000-01-01 00:05:00    15
2000-01-01 00:10:00    40
2000-01-01 00:15:00    11
Freq: 5T, dtype: int64

Sometimes youn may want to shift the result index by some amount, for example subtracting 1 second fromthe right edge to make it clear which interval the tiemstamp refers to. To do this pass the offset to loffset:

In [171]: ts.resample('5min', closed='right', label='right', loffset='-1s').sum()
1999-12-31 23:59:59     0
2000-01-01 00:04:59    15
2000-01-01 00:09:59    40
2000-01-01 00:14:59    11
Freq: 5T, dtype: int64

This could hav ebeen done with using shift

Open - High - Low - Close (OHCL) Resampling#

In finance tit is common to have 4 values in each bucket, 1 for high, low, close and open.

There is a function ohlc() which calculates these for you

In [174]: ts.resample('5min').ohlc()
                    open  high  low  close
2000-01-01 00:00:00     0     4    0      4
2000-01-01 00:05:00     5     9    5      9
2000-01-01 00:10:00    10    11   10     11

Upsampling and Interpolation#

When converting a higher frequency to a lower frequency no aggregation is needed

In [175]: frame = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(2, 4), index=pd.date_range('1-1-2000', periods=2, freq='W-WED'),
    ...: columns=['Colorado', 'Texas', 'New York', 'Ohio'])

In [176]: frame
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-01-05  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-12 -0.890363  0.472829  0.128073  0.183249

Aggregating the data (that has at most 1 value per group) results in empty values which are converted to 0 bey default it looks like:

In [178]: df_daily = frame.resample('D').sum()

In [179]: df_daily
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-01-05  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-06  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-07  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-08  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-09  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-10  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-11  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
2000-01-12 -0.890363  0.472829  0.128073  0.183249

Suppose you want to fill forward:

In [181]: frame.resample('D').ffill()
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-01-05  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-06  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-07  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-08  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-09  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-10  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-11  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958

You can limit hwo far to fill:

In [182]: frame.resample('D').ffill(limit=2)
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-01-05  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-06  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-07  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-08       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2000-01-09       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2000-01-10       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2000-01-11       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2000-01-12 -0.890363  0.472829  0.128073  0.183249

Notably the new date index need not overlap with the old one at all:

In [188]: frame.resample('W-THU').ffill()
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-01-06  1.140193 -0.729382  1.102285  0.633958
2000-01-13 -0.890363  0.472829  0.128073  0.183249

Resampling with Periods#

In [199]: frame = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(24, 4), index=pd.date_range(‘1-2000’, ‘1-2002’, freq=’M’), …: columns=[‘Colorado’, ‘Texas’, ‘New York’, ‘Ohio’])

In [201]: frame[:5] Out[201]: Colorado Texas New York Ohio 2000-01-31 0.623972 0.526449 0.752766 -0.150275 2000-02-29 0.423840 -0.890684 0.222549 -0.562278 2000-03-31 1.157608 -0.395766 0.619686 -0.919198 2000-04-30 1.864226 -0.399488 0.613920 1.416122 2000-05-31 1.125638 0.488510 -0.829483 -1.558244

In [202]: annual_frame = frame.resample('A-DEC').mean()

In [203]: annual_frame
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-12-31  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-12-31 -0.033584  0.165718 -0.418406  0.107400

You must decide which end of the timespan to place the values before resampling.

In [204]: annual_frame.resample('Q-DEC').ffill()
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-12-31  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-03-31  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-06-30  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-09-30  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-12-31 -0.033584  0.165718 -0.418406  0.107400

It default to end but you can set convention=start:

In [205]: annual_frame.resample('Q-DEC', convention='start').ffill()
            Colorado     Texas  New York      Ohio
2000-12-31  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-03-31  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-06-30  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-09-30  0.306742 -0.360456 -0.102797 -0.286532
2001-12-31 -0.033584  0.165718 -0.418406  0.107400

Not sure what the above did…

The rules are more strict… * downsampling - target frequency must be subperiod of source * upsampling - target frequency must be superperiod of source

Mainly affecting quarterly, annual and weekly frequencies

Moving Window Functions#

Rolling averages

The rolling operator bahaves similarly to resample and groupby. It can be called on a series or dataframe along with a window.

aapl_std_250 = close_px.AAPL.rolling(250, min_periods=10).std()

To compute an expanding window mean use expanding()

Calling rolling_mean on a dataframe applies the transformation to every column.


The above shows 60-day MA on a log y axis.

Exponentially Weighted Functions#

To give more weight to more recent observations, you specify a constant delay factor. A popular way to specify the delat factor is using a span which makes the result comparable to a simple moving window function with window size equal to span.

Pandas has an ewm operator

wm60 = aapl_px.ewm(span=30).mean()
ewm60.plot(style='k--', label='EW MA');

Some more hectic stuff in the book

Chapter 12: Advanced Numpy#

I skipped this chapter because it is probably a bit chunky and I’m not in the mood

Source: O’reilly Python for Data Analysis