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Git Commands

Git Hub Shell Commands#

Reverting branch to a previous commit to delete all (ie. wiping everything after a commit)#

git reset --hard <SHA>
git push origin master -f

Reverting a single erroneous commit and keeping all others before and after#

Basically undoes everything in that commit and commits as a new commit.
Example, you have commits A,B,C,D. You only want to get rid of C but can’t revert the entire branch to D and lose commits AB.

git revert <SHA>
git push origin master

Delete untracked files#

git clean -f -d


git checkout --

Search for commit message#

git log --grep=<pattern>

Reset head to a specific branch#

Helpful when you performing a merge and want to reset branch to repo

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/staging

Reset master branch to the full contents on another branch#

Use the ours merging strategy

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout staging
git pull origin staging
git merge -s ours master
git checkout master
git merge staging

Tag an old commit#

git tag -a <version tag> <commit hash> -m "<message>"
git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02 -m "Message here"