Magento 2 Fundamentals Of Development
Magento 2 Fundamentals of Development#
Six goals of Magento 2#
- Streamline the customisation process
- Update the technology stack
- Improve performance and scalability
- Reduce upgrade efforts and costs
- Simplify Integrations
- Provide high quality, tested code and resting resources
Greater independence of modules (standalone)
Load only required config files
adminhtml, frontend, crontab, REST web api, SOAL web api, Install
entry point for adminhtml
and frontend
is index.php
1. Framework files not technically modular and some static files belong to a theme,
not a module.
2. Themes include all types of static assets connected to the magento rendering system.
Some assets are in the module folder and some are in the theme folder.
PHP code is mostly located in modules.
3. Layout files are xml
define which elements should be on a page. Blocks are special PHP classes
that are usually connected to a template. A block class generates HTML using its template.
4. Each module has its own configuration files: events.xml
, routes.xml
, acl.xml
…Magento merges
all these files together.
5. Dependency injection / object instantiation magic is a magento 2 feature. A new object is declared in
the constructor, magento will deliver the instance.
6. Naming conventions: routes need a special corresponding controller (and route in route.xml
Layouts are also connected to route names.
Events: fired in core, developers can add observers to that event.
Plugin: add specific behaviour to every public method of each class.
Config: app/etc
: global config db credentials, enabled modules. Not module configuration.
Framwork: lib/internal/Magento/Framwork
: low level code for logging, db interation, url processing
Modules: app/code/magento
: Magento business logic and features
CLI tool: bin/magento
: tool to clear cache etc.
Themes: app/design
: defines how pages look
Dev tools: dev
: tools that assist the developer like testing framework
composer install - `vendor/magento/module-*` cloned repo - `app/code/Magento/*`
lib/internal/Magento/Framework/* vendor/magento/framework
vendor/magento/theme-frontend-* app/design/frontend|adminhtml/Magento/*
Magento 2 can be installed by composer install or cloning the repo
File Types#
Configuration files
PHP classes
Layout instructions (*.xml
Templates (*.phtml
Javascript modules (.js
Javascript templates (*.html
Static assets (css, images)
Config files#
custom config is inside modules etc
folder - defines module behaviour
global, module and theme
PHP classes#
: interact with db, magento 2 moving away towards api- API interfaces: CRUD for modules entities,
- controllers: handle pages in accordance with MVC
- Blocks: special classes representing part of a page. Usually connected to a
template file - observers: Events fire during different places along its execution flow.
- plugins:wrapper around any public method of any class
- helpers: auxillary classes with useful functions
- setup/upgrade scripts: upgrade the db schema or add data
- UI components: Allows developer to create a component, an independent element on a page with its own backend part
Dev Process#
Class is placed somewhere along the execution flow, where some method gets executed.
- Adding class into class’s constructor
- Creating a plugin
- Creating an observer
Enabling custom code#
- Create and register a module
- Run
bin/magneto setup upgrade
to executre setup/ugprade scripts - modify core classes by creating a plugin
- Create observers
- Add your class to the core’s class array in constructor
- Controllers
- System configuration
Module is package of code encapsulating a particular busines feture or set of features
Magento 2 module is now in a single folder
Modules are organised per functionality and are smaller
Each module is independent
Located in:
Modules in vendor are regsitered with a composer autoload callback:
\Magento\Framework\Module\Registrar::registerModule('<module name', __DIR__)
Eg. Customer module is found app/code/Magento/Customer
Vendor and Module must start with an uppercase character
Code base: /app/code/<Vendor>/<Module>
Custom theme files: /app/design/<area>/><Vendor>/<theme>/<Vendor_Module>
Custom theme files: /app/design/<Module>/<theme>
Registering a module#
- custom written modules are in
regardless of installation type - Grouped by vendors
- composer installed core modules are in
- Every module must have a
and aregistration.php
Includes name, version and dependencies
it is located in modules etc
folder. Other folders usually start with a capital letter.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="Vendor_ComponentName" setup_version="2.0.0"/>
Instructions on how to find a module
ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, '<VendorName_ModuleName>', __DIR__);
Module dependencies#
- multiple modules can’t be responsible for 1 feature
- One module cannot be responsible for multiple features
- modules explicitly declare dependencies
- theme dependencies must be declared
- disabling or removing a module does not remove others
Modules can be dependent on:
- Other modules
- PHP extensions
- Libraries
Soft order dependencies are declared in module.xml
other dependencies are in composer.json
Hard dependency: can’t function without module
- uses code: instances, class constants, static methods, pubic class properties, interfaces and traits
- strings from another module
- deserialises object from another module
- uses or modifies datbase tables used by another module
Soft dependency: can function without
- directly checks another module’s availability
- extends another modules configuration
- entends another modules Layout
Declaring module dependency#
- Name and declare module (
) - Delcare dependencies in
- Define desired load order (
) withsequence
element- optional
File System#
- core code (cloned repo), custom modules, themes, global configbin
- cli tooldev
- tools for developerslib
- external libraries not available in composervendor
- composer folderpub
- public folder./static
folder for filessetup
- installation specific filesvar
- cache, generated code, logs and other files (uploaded csv)
App Folder#
- global configurationapp/code
- custom modules (cloned repo - core modules)app/design
- themesapp/i18n
- translationsapp/Bootstrap.php
important…begin execution process
File System#
- Corelib/internal/Magento/Framework
- Framework
Module Folder#
The only required folder is etc
- upgrade scriptsTest
- layout xml, templates, static view files
View subfolder#
- templates, layout, web (images, js, widegets.css, zoom.css)adminhtml
- Static files placed in theme rather than specific module when it is a general file affecting all pages.
Development mode#
- static file materialisation not enabled
- uncaught exceptions displayed in browser
- exceptions thrown in wrror handler, not logged
- Logging in
highly detailed
Production mode#
- Best performance
- Exeptions only written to log
- Disabled static file materialisation
Default mode#
- Used when no mode specified
- Hides exceptions and writes to log files
- static file materialisation is enabled
- Not recommened for production, caching impacts performance negatively
Maintenance mode#
- make site unavailable
- Set flag
- Can specifify people with access
Setting mode#
- Use
environment variable
Command line tool#
- Enable and disable:
magento module:enable <module-list>
- Change caching
- Cleaning cache: from admin,using cli, manually removing cache files
DI and Object Manager#
Dependency Injection - Manage object dependencies by settings objects in current objects constructor The object manager is responsible for creating the objects a class requires.
Lots of depedency limits code reuse and makes moving components to new projects difficult
Dependency injection is configuration that is XML-based and validated by XSD
Eg. You need a storeManager
instance in the Product
class. You can declare an argument with type
in the constructor of the product.
Then using di.xml
you have to define which class will be substituted for the interface.
Constructor has a list of objects assigned to protected properties, then used inside a class.
Class Instantiation#
specifies the List or interfaces, classes and factories sent into __construct()
The best candidate to use di
is a singleton-type class - only single instance but used in multiple places. Eg. Cache, session, registry, helpers. Factory / API classes als match this definition.
Not every class has to be injected. Eg. an entity class like product
depends on data from database. So a factory
is recommended for injecting.
public function __construct(\Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductFactory $factory) {
$this->factory = $factory;
public function someFunction(){
$product = $this->factory->create();
The factor class may not exist, when the DI mechanism identifies a class ending in Factory and it does not exist it generates it in var/generation
Object Manager#
A class that:
- Creates objects
- Implements singleton pattern
- Manages dependencies
- Automatically instatiates parameters
Parameters - variables declared in the constructor signature arguments - values passed to the constructor when the class instance is created
Has replaced the Mage
Magento 1 instantiation was centralised most classes created through Mage
class and a config file.
4 Generic patterns:
- Abstract Factory
- Factory Method
- Singleton
- Builder
For all singletons
the registry
was used, so you could request singletons from the registry, creating them if not present.
Magento 2#
Object Manager has 2 methods: get
and create
Get method: return a singleton object called Shared Instance
from protected registry.
Create method: creates a new instance of a given class
was a static class always included in the beginning of the request flow. Now the object manager is no longer static or globally available.
Best practice to avoid calling the object manager directly.
Object Manager Usage#
To use the ObjectManager
include it in the constructor (__construct()
Then assign it to the protected property and use it in your class:
$this->objectManager = $objectManager
will return the same implementation of… ProductRepositoryInterface
as you would receive by including it in the constructor
You should not use ObjectManager
in your code as it breaks the DI
Autogenerated Classes#
factory classes
, Interceptors
and proxies
are autogenerated.
Interceptor: class that allows plugin functionality to work. When you require a class that has a registered plugin, magento generates an interceptor with the same method as the required class but will call a plugin in that method.
Interceptors use PHP traits to extend both the abstract interceptor and the original class.
Proxy - tool that helps with circular dependencies, and relates to an internal implementation of how DI works. So you won’t have to deal with them directly.
Object Manager Configuration#
Uses config from di.xml
to define which instance to deliver into the constructor of a class
Each module can have multiple di.xml
files - global or specific
- You need to use the real class name including the PHP namespace when you require an instance of a class
- Creation of objects is managed for you
- Recursively creates any arguments for the objects yourboject requires
- Declaring an interface in the constructor, the boject manager automatically creates the matching implementation for it.
- Thinking in terms of
and notimplementations
Where to specify object manager configurations#
- Global across all of magento:
- Entire module
<your directory>/etc/di.xml
- Area specific configuration:
<your directory>/etc/<area>/di.xml
Magento only uses 1 di.xml
…the merged one
Defining preferences#
- Preferences can be defined for interfaces and regular classes
- Preferences define which classes will be instantiated for a constructor argument of your class
Best Practice to request only interfaes and not concrete classes.
Eg. Request \Magneto\Framework\App\Response\HttpInterface
instead of \Magento\Framework\App\Response\Http
Defining Arguments#
There are different types of arguments: string, array, object
DI defines which objects should be used as an argument when a new instance is created
Sometimes you need a specific product but the object manager can only deliver a generic product. It can’t provide a loaded entity. As a result this object type is not injectable.
Some objects have to be gotten with the object manager
DI affecting parameters of a class#
Define which classes correspond to certain interfaces. An interface cannot be instantiated, a class implements the interface. Using DI we can figure out exactly which class is being used. Look at
search forProductAttributeRepositoryInterface
, a line substitutesMagento\Catalog\Model\Product\Attribute\Repository
assigned to parameter$metadataService
Define a specific parameter for a specific class. Define a specific instance for a specific class. For products you may need a particular class only for products. Eg. magento data parameter. With
we can add something todata
parameter. So for\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\ReservedAttributeList.php
look at parameters of constructor and see$productModel
. Now searchproductModel
Example: So when instance of this class is created, productModel
is set to the string \Magento\Catalog\Model\Product
<type name="Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\ReservedAttributeList">
<argument name="productModel" xsi:type="string">\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product</argument>
<argument name="reservedAttributes" xsi:type="array">
<item name="position" xsi:type="string">position</item>
<argument name="allowedAttributes" xsi:type="array">
<item name="type_id" xsi:type="string">type_id</item>
<item name="calculated_final_price" xsi:type="string">calculated_final_price</item>
<item name="request_path" xsi:type="string">request_path</item>
Configuration Shared Argument#
- shared object == singleton
- Use same instance of a class within several other classes
In di.xml
if the node has shared="false"
it won’t be shared.
- Can use on both
nodes with thexsi:type="object"
- Plugins extend / change the behaviour of a native method within a magento class
- Plugins change behaviour of original class, but not class itself
- Can’t use with
final methods
,final classes
,private methods
or classes without dependency injection.
allow you to modify a single method, preference
allows you to change a whole class.
- Events: commonly handle external actions or input
- Plugins: Allow you to customise a method. Executed sequentially.
Magento 1 used events
and rewrites
. Sometimes events not in correct places and too many events might cause many firing hurting response time. Class rewrites need a thorough understanding.
Declaring a plugin#
Use di.xml
<type name="{ObservedType}">
<plugin name="{pluginName}"
type name
: class, inheritance or virtual type the plugin observesplugin name
: name identifying the pluginplugin type
: name of plugin class orvirtual
type. Naming convention:<ModelName>\Plugin
plugin sort order
: order that plugins calling the same method runplugin disabled
: true to disable
The syntax is very simple. The way it works: you define a plugin – you create a class within another class, then inside that class you can define which methods write the plugin. - MagentoU
Before-Listener: Chnage an argument before a method is called
public function beforeSetName(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product $subject, $name){ return [‘(’ . $name . ‘)’]; }
After-Listenenr: Add after
public function afterSetName(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product $subject, $result){ return ‘|’ . $result . ‘|’; }
Change arguments and returned values of original method use an aroundlistener
namespace My\Module\Model\Product;
class Plugin { public function aroundSave(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product $subject, \Closure $proceed) { $this->doSmthBeforeProductIsSaved(); $returnValue = $proceed(); if ($returnValue){ $this->postProductToFacebook(); } retunr $returnValue; } }
provides access to all public methods of the original class $process
is a ambda that will call the next plugin or method
further arguments passed to net plugin with $proceed()
Can also ovveride an original method (a conflicting change)
Sequence of plugins#
listener in plugin with highest priortiy (smallestsortOrder
listener in plugin with highest priorty- Other
listeners - other
listeners after
listneer of plugin with lowest priorty (highestsortOrder
listeners in reverse sort order
Configuration inheritance#
We can create a module, make it dependent from the core module, and redefine preference for a certain interface. Similar to a magento 1 rewrite. Compiler tool can minimise the performance impact.
Object manager checks whether the are any plugins registered for any methods of a required class.
If so it generates an interceptor class.
Interceptor extends the original class but wraps its methods to all plugin to be called before, after or instead.
They are creted in var/generation
External actions
Event-observer pattern. Objects (subjects) and their list of dependents (observers). Events trigger objects to notify their observers of state changes.
Magento 1 used Mage::dispatchEvent()
, magento 2 uses the special event manager class.
declared in events.xml
Eg. Magento\Checkout\Model\OnePage
method saveOrder()
'order' => $order,
'quote' => $this->getQuote()
Then in Magento/CatalogInventor/etc/events.xml
<event name="checkout_submit_all_after">
<observer name="inventory" instance="Magento\CatalogInventory\Observer\CheckoutAllSubmitAfterObserver"/>
Observer class#
and execute()
public function execute(EventObserver $observer)
$quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
if (!$quote->getinventoryProcessed()){
return $this;
event object contains event’s parameters
Module Configuration#
Files split into funtion
- delcaration of all modules-
- db connectino info -
- module declaration config.xml
- default admin settingsevents.xml
- observers and events they are subscribed todi.xml
- dependency injection configroutes.xml
- lists the routes and routers
Auto completion for xsd
Storing config values#
- Database: Merchants (
) - ML files: Developers, technical config
Table core_config_data
is the same as magento 1.
If scope is website
then scope_id
is treated as website_id
If scope is store
then store_id
for global scope does not apply
Configuration scopes#
- Global: config file in
- Frontend:
- Admin:
Load order of config files#
- Primary: loaded on bootstrap (config for app start and install specific)
- Global: All config files common across all app areas
- Area-specific: Files that apply to specific areas such as
Merging Config files#
Merged based on Fully qualified Xpaths
Special attribute is defined in $idAttributes
After 2 XML documents are merged, resulting document contains all nodes from the original files
Second XML file supplements or overwrites nodes in the first XML file
Each file is validated against a schema
Eg. events.xml
is validated against events.xsd
Validated against: lib/internal/Magento/Framework
All config files are processed by Magento\Framework\Config
. Loan, merge, validate and convert into array.
Interfaces to manage config files:#
- config data within a scope\Magento\Framework\Config\ScopeInterface
- Identifies current application scope\Magento\Framework\Config\FileResolverInterface
- identies files read by\Magento\Framework\Config\ReaderInterface
- reads config from storage
Loading XML configuration#
: Class that is used to get access to the config valuesReader
: reads a fileSchemaLocator
: encapsulates path to the schemaConverter
: Converts XMl to arrayXSD
: schema file
New config files must be accompanied with an XSD validations schema
Creating a custom config file#
- XML file
- XSD schema
- Config PHP file
- Config reader
- Schema locator
- Converter
Error Reporting#
Magento uses strongest error reporting, even PHP notice will cause an exception