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Openshift Cli

Openshift Command Line Tools#

You can download the latest version of the cli tools at:

Openshift command line tools info can be found on your instance at https://{openshift-url}:8443/console/command-line

Then copy the oc binary to your path:

cp oc /usr/local/bin

Login with:

oc login --token=xxYY

Get all the nodes in the cluster:

oc get nodes

Get image streams

oc get is

The DOCKER REPO is the internal registry

Check status:

oc status

Ensure the registry and router pods are up and running:

oc get pods -n default

NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-2-7jv6h    1/1       Running   0          6d
registry-console-2-5shlp   1/1       Running   0          6d
router-3-rh7f5             1/1       Running   0          6d

In an application get pods and routes:

oc get pods
oc get routes


Createa a project

oc new-project myproject --display-name 'My Project'

Get all projects

oc get project

Change to a specific project

oc project <project_name>

Get current project

oc project

Run a single command against another project

oc get templates --namespace openshift


Get registry info

oc registry info



oc scale --replicas=3 dc/<my-project>

Expose and get route info#

Get the route

oc get svc

Expose the route

oc expose svc/<name>

Get the route info

oc get routes/<name>


SCC - Security Context Constraints

Get a list of Scc’s

oc get scc

Describe the SCC

oc describe scc anyuid


Get Login help

oc login --help

Get current token

oc whoami -t

Get the server

oc whoami --show-server

User Management#

To add another edit user to a project:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit <collaborator>

To remove a user from a project:

oc adm policy remove-role-from-user edit <collaborator>

To view users that have access to a project:

oc get rolebindings


Get templates in a project

oc get templates

Get templates in the global openshift context

oc get templates --namespace openshift

Get images in the global openshift context

oc get imagestreams --namespace openshift

View available templates and images

oc new-app -L

Types and Resources#

oc types

Get services

oc get svc

Get all resources in a project

oc get all

To get shorter output

oc get all -o name --selector app=blog

Get a list of all available resources

oc api-resources

Get an explanation of a resource

oc explain routes

Get routes in a project

oc get routes

Exposing and Routes#

Expose a service

oc expose service/<name>

Check the status of projct

oc status

Environment variables#

View the environment variables that can be set

oc set env dc/<name> --list

To set a new env variable at runtime

oc set env dc/<name> KEY=value
oc set env dc/blog BLOG_BANNER_COLOR=green

To set env variables at build time

oc new-app <appname> --name <name> --env KEY=value
oc new-app openshiftkatacoda/blog-django-py --name blog --env BLOG_BANNER_COLOR=green


Get options

oc options

Most commands will accept --dry-run

SSH Into a POD#

Get the pods

oc get pods

RSH into a pod

oc rsh <pod-name>

Check the user it is running as:

uid=1020810000(1020810000) gid=0(root) groups=1020810000

Create a new project#

Create a new project:

oc new-project <project-name> -e MARIADB_USER=my_user
oc new-app --name=mariadb ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes MARIADB_USER=bn_ghost --docker-image=bitnami/mariadb
oc new-app --name=ghost ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes --docker-image=bitnami/ghost

oc expose svc/ghost
