A repo of documentation, notes, summaries, fixes and solutions on software development and related topics
Most Recent Posts#
- 2025-02-19: Elasticsearch Elastic in Action Notes
- 2024-06-16: Astronomy Stars
- 2024-06-16: Astronomy Galaxies
- 2024-06-16: Astronomy Big Bang
- 2024-05-16: Python Black Code Format - Set Line Length
- 2024-04-22: Python Compound Statements
- 2024-04-22: Postgres Postgres Caveats
- 2023-12-12: sqlalchemy Remove and add indexes programmatically
- 2023-10-12: AWS AWS Database Migration Service
- 2023-08-30: Python Python Sockets How To
Table of Contents#
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- Celery
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- Containers
- Couch-Db
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- Magento2
- Microservices
- Mysql
- Network-Automation
- Networking
- Nginx
- Node
- Nosql
- Oauth
- Openshift
- Openwrt
- Peewee
- Php
- Postgres
- Profiling
- Project-Management
- Python
- Queues
- Quotes
- R-Stats
- Random
- Redis
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- Selling
- Servers
- Sqlalchemy
- Sqlite
- Stackstorm
- Startup
- Stoic
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- System-Architecture
- Systemd
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- Tools
- Ubuntu-Debian
- Utorrent
- Ux
- Vagrant
- Vim
- Virtualisation
- Vmware
- Vscode
- 2020-06-21: Bootstrapping An Android Project
- 2016-05-24: Unable To Import Library Via Gradle
- 2016-05-13: Android Could Not Resolve Error
- 2016-03-26: Publishing An App To Google Play Store
- 2015-09-13: Android Improving Performance With Images In Memory
- 2015-08-25: Install Android Studio Development Environment
- 2015-07-06: Android Project Setup Bible
- 2015-07-06: Android Log All Sqlite Statements
- 2015-06-07: Install An Apk
- 2015-06-07: Show Icons On Actionbar Not In Overflow Android
- 2015-05-29: Creating a Callback to Send Data From Fragment to Activity
- 2015-05-28: Remove Actionbar For Certain Activity
- 2015-05-15: Check Your Key Hash Android
- 2015-05-11: Android Sending Data Fragments And Activities
- 2015-02-26: Android Studio Cheatsheet
- 2015-02-13: Create A New Activity With Navigation Android
- 2015-02-13: View All Methods Local To A Class Android Studio
- 2022-03-15: Awx - Get a List of Available Collections in your Execution Environment
- 2021-08-24: Awx Moving Custom Venvs to Execution Environments
- 2020-06-14: Ansible Dynamic Inventory
- 2020-06-14: Awx Basics
- 2020-05-28: Awx Rest Api
- 2020-05-13: Using External Ansible Modules
- 2020-05-13: Enter Python Debugger From Running An Ansible Playbook
- 2020-05-13: Awx - Give a Project a Custom Virtual Env
- 2019-05-24: Ansible Playbooks
- 2019-05-23: Ansible Ad Hoc Commands
- 2019-02-23: Ansible Network Automation
- 2019-02-05: Ansible Setup
- 2019-02-05: Quickly Check Server Status Memory Storage
- 2019-02-05: Common Ansible Errors
- 2019-02-05: Ansible Playbooks Beyond The Basics
- 2015-09-20: Ansible Local Infrastructure
- 2015-01-25: Install Ansible Ubuntu
- 2015-01-18: Htaccess Not Recognised Ubuntu
- 2015-01-18: Add Existing Ubuntu User To www Data Group
- 2022-05-31: API Design - Loosely Coupled Microservices
- 2022-05-30: Graphene GraphQL Library for Python
- 2022-05-30: Api’s - Rest vs Soap vs RPC vs GraphQL
- 2021-01-04: Api Product Manager
- 2020-07-29: Requesting An Oauth Token
- 2020-07-29: Api Security
- 2020-06-14: What Is OpenApi
- 2020-06-14: Designing Great Web Apis
- 2020-06-14: Kong King Of Api Gateways
- 2019-07-27: Api Tools, Articles and Resources
- 2024-06-16: Stars
- 2024-06-16: Galaxies
- 2024-06-16: Big Bang
- 2022-06-30: Cosmos
- 2017-02-16: Asteroids
- 2017-01-23: Black Hole
- 2019-05-30: Automation Wisdoms
- 2019-05-14: Chatops Links
- 2023-10-12: AWS Database Migration Service
- 2022-10-01: AWS Codebuild
- 2022-08-03: AWS Certification Path
- 2022-08-01: AWS Lambda
- 2022-07-25: ECS - Elastic Container Service
- 2022-07-25: Aws Cli Tips
- 2022-07-14: Commonly used AWS Services
- 2017-06-13: Basics Microsoft Machine Learning
- 2016-09-27: Azure Linux Vm Active Directory
- 2016-09-27: Azure Command Line
- 2016-08-21: R Programming Languaage Integration
- 2020-10-30: High Performance Sports Betting - Key Notes
- 2022-03-30: The Blocksize War - Summary Notes
- 2022-02-08: Mastering Lightning Network Notes
- 2022-02-03: The Fiat Standard Notes
- 2022-01-31: Self-Hosted Python Based Bitcoin Payment Processors / Gateways
- 2021-08-12: Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line Notes
- 2021-01-04: Grokking Bitcoin Notes
- 2020-11-07: The Bitcoin Standard Notes
- 2020-11-02: Mastering Bitcoin Notes
- 2022-11-26: Free to Choose
- 2022-10-05: The Speedbag Bible Routines
- 2022-10-05: Steinhoff - Steinheist (Corporate Accounting Fraud)
- 2022-05-06: Fundamentals of Software Architecture
- 2022-04-26: Software Architecture - The Hard Parts
- 2022-04-26: Remote - Office not Required
- 2022-04-26: Hard-Boiled Egg Index (Zimbabwe Inflation)
- 2020-06-14: Zero To One
- 2019-02-16: Bad Blood Book Summary
- 2023-05-07: Dependent Origination
- 2023-01-30: Simple Core Path of Buddha
- 2023-01-20: Right Concentration - Meditation Guide
- 2022-09-01: Teachings from the Pali Canon
- 2022-07-20: Meditation - My thoughts and selected texts from readings
- 2022-06-24: Who ordered the Truckload of Dung Stories Summarised
- 2022-05-20: Core Fundamental Teachings of Buddha
- 2022-04-26: The 108 Defilements - Buddha
- 2017-02-16: Stars
- 2015-09-13: The C Programming Language Summarised
- 2023-04-17: Celery vs Faust
- 2020-06-14: Celery Basics
- 2019-12-24: Adding Tasks To A Celery Queue On An Infinite Loop
- 2020-09-15: Installing Pandoc on CentOS
- 2019-05-30: Firewall Cmd
- 2020-11-10: Chess - Basics
- 2022-07-14: Remote Dev Debugging with SSHD
- 2022-06-15: Secrets of Code Review
- 2016-09-26: Bus Error Core Dumped
- 2022-06-30: Podman vs Cri-o vs Containerd
- 2020-06-14: Kata Containers
- 2020-02-14: Tungsten Fabric
- 2020-02-14: Firecracker Microvm
- 2020-07-29: Quickstart Couch Db
- 2020-02-14: Couch Db Gui
- 2018-11-18: Bootstrap 4 Good Bits
- 2017-06-13: How To Maintain Line Breaks And Newline Formatting
- 2020-07-07: Numpy
- 2020-06-14: Python For Data Analysis
- 2020-06-14: Pandas
- 2020-06-14: Datawarehousing Terms
- 2020-05-25: Finding Outliers And Bad Data In Stock Data
- 2019-01-24: Statistics
- 2018-11-18: Pandas How To Make Column Values Into Column Index
- 2018-10-30: Pandas Change Column Data Type To Float Thousands Separator
- 2018-10-25: Machine Learning In Financial Markets
- 2017-10-29: Datascience Getting Started
- 2017-10-23: Backtesting Algorithmic Trading With Python
- 2022-04-01: Naming Things
- 2019-09-23: Deploying Vault
- 2019-08-27: Vault Overview - Stored Secrets
- 2022-11-26: Django Cache
- 2021-12-20: Standalone Reusable Apps
- 2021-12-19: Django and HTMX
- 2020-06-21: Django Orm
- 2020-06-14: Django Forms
- 2020-06-14: Django - Getting Started
- 2020-06-14: Django Multi Tenant App
- 2020-06-14: Obey The Testing Goat
- 2020-02-01: Django How to get the Root Path
- 2019-09-23: Django Permissions Without A Model
- 2019-06-21: Django Rotating Log
- 2019-04-24: Django Class Based Views
- 2019-03-27: Django Rest Framework (DRF)
- 2018-09-08: Make Django Rest Framework Datetime Fields Timezone Aware
- 2018-06-13: Django Locale
- 2018-01-29: Django Escaping Html In Test
- 2018-01-21: Testing Model Is Registered On Admin Site
- 2018-01-21: Django Adding Default Data After Migrations
- 2018-01-08: Django Signals
- 2017-11-07: Must Have Python And Django Libraries
- 2017-11-06: Django Migrations
- 2017-10-23: Django Model Validations
- 2017-10-11: Django Workday Hours Model Field
- 2017-10-11: Django Authentication
- 2017-10-02: Django Testing Admin
- 2017-10-02: Django Best Practices
- 2017-09-08: Django Social Authentication
- 2017-08-19: Django Admin
- 2017-07-27: Templates
- 2017-07-19: Urls
- 2017-07-19: Testing
- 2017-07-19: Django Models
- 2016-03-21: Django Shell
- 2020-06-14: Push Image To Private Image Registry
- 2020-06-14: Docker Basics
- 2020-06-14: Docker Commands Quick Start
- 2020-04-20: Ssh Into Docker
- 2020-02-06: Find All Images In Your Docker Registry
- 2019-11-18: Edit A File In Docker Container With No Editor
- 2019-11-18: Mount Volume Into Running Container
- 2019-11-04: Containerisation Options
- 2019-10-24: Docker Faq
- 2019-10-24: The Path Of Docker
- 2019-10-14: Docker Environment Variables
- 2019-10-14: Docker Portainer Build Invalid Reference Format
- 2019-09-23: Docker Systemd Script
- 2019-05-30: Docker Host Network
- 2022-12-15: Quotes
- 2021-12-20: A Tour of Economics
- 2021-12-20: Notes on Education Free and Compulsory - Murray Rothbard
- 2020-09-25: Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell
- 2025-02-19: Elastic in Action Notes
- 2022-12-12: Change Mapping of an Index in Kibana
- 2020-03-05: Queries
- 2019-12-10: Elasticsearch And Python
- 2019-05-30: Logstash
- 2016-09-26: Elastic Search Basics
- 2020-09-03: Learning Emacs - Book Notes
- 2022-06-30: Fancy Words
- 2020-10-30: Words and Definitions
- 2020-06-14: South African Financial Planning
- 2017-12-19: Flask Basics
- 2023-05-15: Revert a Merge
- 2023-04-10: Git Checkout a Tag
- 2022-07-05: Git Submodules
- 2020-06-21: Git Corrupt Loose Object
- 2019-07-22: Fetch And Track All Remote Branches
- 2019-07-22: Sync Pull From Upstream In Your Fork
- 2017-02-23: Git Commands
- 2016-01-19: Find When A Specific Line Was Removed
- 2015-01-24: Search For A Commit Message
- 2015-01-18: Install Latest Git On Ubuntu
- 2020-06-14: Continuous Integration Gitlab
- 2020-06-14: Gitllab Runners
- 2015-06-07: Install Golang On Ubuntu
- 2015-06-07: Getting Started With Golang
- 2021-09-20: A Brief Timeline of World History
- 2023-05-02: Check if Gzip is Enabled
- 2022-11-09: HTTP Caching
- 2022-06-23: Http3
- 2020-07-29: Http2
- 2020-06-14: Http Error Codes Simple Description
- 2020-03-05: Debug Http Webhooks
- 2017-08-24: Rest Api
- 2017-07-14: Introduction To Http
- 2019-08-16: Find Java Home On Mac
- 2021-02-04: Juniper associate JNCIA Learning Notes
- 2023-01-25: Kafka Definitive Guide
- 2020-06-14: Kafka Short Intro
- 2021-12-23: Notes on Keycloak - Identity and Access Management for Modern Applications
- 2020-07-07: Keycloak Single Sign Out
- 2020-06-14: Keycloak Essential
- 2020-06-14: Keycloak Adapters
- 2020-05-19: Creating A Keycloak Theme
- 2020-04-20: Adding Attributes To A User In Keycloak
- 2020-02-14: Authentication Flow
- 2020-02-14: Multitenancy
- 2020-02-14: Roles
- 2020-02-14: Keycloak And Django
- 2020-02-14: Groups
- 2020-02-14: Events
- 2020-02-14: Identity Brokering
- 2020-10-27: Rancher RKE 413 Request Entity Too Large when uploading a file Nginx controller
- 2020-08-13: Rancher Certified Operator
- 2020-08-13: Create A Persistent Volume
- 2020-07-07: Helm Overview
- 2020-06-14: Converting Modernising Applications For K8s
- 2020-06-14: Kubernetes Up And Running
- 2020-06-14: Set Up Monitoring On K8s Cluster
- 2020-06-14: K3s
- 2020-06-14: Small K8s Distributions
- 2020-06-14: Rancher Intro
- 2020-05-19: Create A Namespace
- 2020-04-20: Rancher 2.4
- 2020-03-05: Operators
- 2020-01-13: Troubleshooting And Debugging Kubernetes
- 2020-01-13: Change Current Namespace
- 2020-01-06: Monoliths To Microservices
- 2019-12-24: Kubectl Cheatsheet
- 2019-12-24: Rancher Rke Under The Hood
- 2019-12-24: Ssh Into Kubernetes Pod
- 2019-12-24: Rancher Get Kubeconfig
- 2019-11-04: Shooting Yourself In The Foot With Kubernetes
- 2016-06-18: Laravel 5.2 Changlelog Whats New
- 2015-12-24: Debugging Db Queries
- 2015-10-28: Laravel 5 Models
- 2015-10-16: Laravel Set Environment
- 2015-10-09: Creating A Controller
- 2015-10-09: Laravel 5 Layout
- 2015-10-09: Laravel Routes
- 2015-10-09: Laravel 5 Elixir
- 2015-10-09: Laravel Blade Templating Engine
- 2015-09-25: Setting Up Homestead
- 2015-09-24: Laravel 5 Setup
- 2021-08-05: LDAP System Administration
- 2022-10-13: Grep Regex Invert and Lookahead
- 2022-08-30: How to View the Command Name in Top
- 2020-06-14: Python - avoid venv clashes with
- 2020-05-12: Set Timezone On Linux Server
- 2020-05-12: View Banned Ips From Iptables In Fail2ban
- 2019-09-23: Ssh Agent Forwarding
- 2019-09-04: View Process Listening On Ports
- 2019-09-04: Unix Sockets
- 2019-09-04: Add Users Python Packages To Path Ubuntu
- 2019-08-27: Find Large Files
- 2019-08-12: Ssh Into Lxd Container
- 2019-08-12: Making Lxc Containers Available With Public Ips
- 2019-08-12: Lxd Cluster
- 2019-06-13: Python Linux Exit Codes
- 2022-06-28: Using h2load
- 2022-06-28: Using Apache Bench
- 2022-11-20: Installing Binaries on Mac
- 2020-06-03: Freeing Up Space On Your Development Macbook
- 2019-10-24: How To Stop Mysql On Mac Os
- 2019-07-22: Where Binaries Should Stay
- 2020-06-21: How To Debug Local Email On Development Machine Magento Without A Smtp Server
- 2020-06-21: Log To A File in Magento 1
- 2017-01-14: Magento 1 Links
- 2015-01-18: Enable Logging Magento 1
- 2015-01-18: Add Customjs To Cms Page Magento 1
- 2015-01-18: Disable Poll Magento 1
- 2015-01-18: Create A Custom Block in Magento 1
- 2015-01-18: Top Tips Magento
- 2015-01-18: Set Layout Of Category Page
- 2015-01-18: Move Sidebar Shop By Or Categories To Left Or Right
- 2015-01-18: Permissions Mcrypt Gd Must Be Loaded
- 2020-06-14: Magento 2 Fundamentals Of Development
- 2020-06-14: Theming Magento 2 Layout Basics
- 2020-06-14: Magento 2 Api
- 2020-06-14: Theming Magento 2 Customisation
- 2020-06-14: Magento 2 Request Flow
- 2020-06-14: Magento 2 Database And Models
- 2020-06-14: Theming Magento 2 Core Principles
- 2020-06-14: Magento 2 Rendering
- 2017-07-21: Increase File Size Limit Magento 2 Nginx Php Fpm
- 2017-06-30: Magento 2 Logrotate For Logs Getting Large
- 2017-05-24: Profiling With Nginx
- 2017-04-08: Setup Free Ssl Letsencypt Https Certificate Magento 2
- 2017-02-01: Responsive Web Design Magento2
- 2017-02-01: Set Up Mail Magento2
- 2017-01-27: Magento 2 Links
- 2017-01-16: Magento 2 Get Thumbnail Image From A Product
- 2017-01-09: Magento 2 Custom Stock Status Custom Development
- 2016-12-14: Install Php7 Magento 2 Dependencies
- 2016-11-02: Issuing A Letsencrypt Certification For Magento2 With Nginx
- 2016-07-28: Magento 2 Intial Admin Configuration
- 2022-07-14: Backend for Frontend - API Pattern
- 2022-06-27: gRPC
- 2022-06-24: Protocol Buffers
- 2022-06-05: Simple Description of Microservices
- 2020-06-14: Netflix Guide To Microservices
- 2019-11-04: Failing At Microservices
- 2022-12-15: Monitoring Performance
- 2022-06-22: MySQL - Performance, Scaling and Connections
- 2022-05-26: Create a MySQL User and Grant Access to a Database
- 2022-05-23: How to Delete a MySQL User
- 2022-02-14: Create a database schema with the Correct Collation
- 2019-10-24: Groupwise Maximum
- 2019-08-27: Turn On Mysql General Log
- 2021-12-24: Netbox Extensability Overview
- 2021-11-25: Step by step guide developing a netbox plugin
- 2021-01-07: Network Automation Cookbook Notes
- 2020-10-15: Getting Started with Juniper and Batfish
- 2020-10-15: Advanced Batfish: Integrationg Network validation and CI
- 2020-07-07: Pyez Dev Guide
- 2020-06-14: Terraform Overview
- 2020-06-14: Jsnapy
- 2020-06-14: Network Programmability And Automation
- 2020-05-28: Sdn Nfv Openflow Whitebox Switching
- 2019-07-30: Terraform With Vmware
- 2019-04-30: Napalm Network Automation Basics
- 2019-03-14: Key Takeaways Network Automation
- 2019-03-14: Ansible Molecule Testing
- 2019-03-14: Test Infra
- 2019-02-24: Network Automation Terms Glossary
- 2019-02-23: Intro Ansible Network Automation
- 2019-02-23: Basic Networking Utilities Cheatsheet
- 2020-11-25: BGP
- 2020-10-05: How does a Internet Subscriber’s traffic Flow travel from Service Provider Perspective
- 2020-07-07: Packet Guide To Core Networking Protocols
- 2020-06-03: Ipv6 And Never Going Sub Slash 64
- 2019-07-27: Find Local Devices Dhcp
- 2019-06-13: Centos Routes
- 2022-12-19: Nginx Cookbook
- 2022-06-15: Nginx - Proxy vs Reverse Proxy
- 2019-09-04: SELinux And Nginx
- 2019-05-30: Nginx On Centos
- 2016-12-14: Enable A Site From Sites Available
- 2019-09-23: Running A Production Node App
- 2019-03-15: Update Npm
- 2015-01-18: Update Npm Packages Globally
- 2015-01-18: Update Node Js
- 2022-06-25: Which Open Source (Self-hosted) NoSQL DB?
- 2022-06-25: MongoDB Basics
- 2020-08-13: Difference Between Grant And Scope
- 2020-05-28: Oauth And Openid Connect
- 2020-06-14: Django Openshift
- 2020-06-14: Deploying To Openshift
- 2019-11-18: Add User To Cluster Admin Role
- 2019-11-18: Internal Registry
- 2019-11-18: Minishift On Mac
- 2019-11-04: Autoscaling In Openshift
- 2019-11-04: Openshift Cli
- 2019-11-04: Openshift Web Console White Screen Of Death
- 2019-10-14: Openshift Registry Setup
- 2022-02-03: Openwrt Userguide Notes
- 2021-12-27: Installing OpenWRT on a Mikrotik Hap AC2
- 2022-11-24: Enable Logging peewee
- 2022-12-23: PHP FPM
- 2017-08-02: Php Testing
- 2017-06-13: Switch Php Version On Ubuntu 16
- 2017-04-16: Switch Php Version With Mac Homebrew
- 2024-04-22: Postgres Caveats
- 2023-06-02: Allow Remote Postgres Cluster Access
- 2023-02-10: DBA General Health Tasks
- 2023-01-30: Choosing a primary key
- 2022-12-21: Create a Postgres User and Grant Access to a Database
- 2022-12-14: Pgbench
- 2022-12-14: Postgres - Querying the pg_stats_statements view
- 2022-12-12: Postgres - DBA Tasks
- 2022-12-11: Extension Must be Loaded via Shared Preload Libraries
- 2022-12-05: Postgres - Explaining EXPLAIN
- 2022-12-05: Postgres - PGBouncer
- 2022-12-01: Postgresql - Statistics Collector
- 2022-11-29: The Art of Postgresql
- 2022-11-25: Postgres - Cool and Useful Postgresql Tools
- 2022-11-08: Postgres Terminology
- 2022-11-07: Upgrading Postgresql on Ubuntu
- 2022-10-25: Postgres Performance
- 2022-10-24: Postgres - Finding Missing Indexes
- 2022-10-15: GIve a user access to read stats
- 2022-10-10: Postgres - Transaction Isolation
- 2022-07-22: Postgres Connections and Load
- 2020-08-13: Postgres Cheat Sheet
- 2018-09-10: psql
- 2018-09-10: Postgres Up And Running
- 2023-01-04: Snakeviz
- 2022-12-02: Profiling Memory
- 2022-11-13: Pyroscope profiling
- 2018-09-10: The Mythical Man Month
- 2024-05-16: Black Code Format - Set Line Length
- 2024-04-22: Compound Statements
- 2023-08-30: Python Sockets How To
- 2023-05-01: Joblib and Memoization
- 2023-04-20: 10 Python Performance Tips
- 2023-04-10: Cool Python Articles
- 2023-01-15: Testing with Pytest
- 2023-01-10: High Performance Python
- 2023-01-04: Importing a module gives module has no attribute
- 2022-12-01: Find the Size of a Python Dictionary
- 2022-11-30: Python Redis Cache
- 2022-11-30: Python Caching
- 2022-11-10: Mocks - Where to Patch?
- 2022-09-16: Fluent Python Notes
- 2022-08-20: Python Logging
- 2022-08-15: Python Tutorial
- 2022-08-13: Why does the Python Debugger not Work Sometimes
- 2022-08-08: Python Packaging - an Overview
- 2022-08-08: Click - command line arguments in python
- 2022-07-30: Python Gotchas
- 2022-07-25: Python docs - The Import System
- 2022-07-25: Docstring types
- 2022-07-25: Nosetests
- 2022-07-25: What is the meaning of Underscores in Variables Names in Python?
- 2022-07-14: Tornado Web Server
- 2022-07-12: Packaging - Pip Install for Development
- 2022-07-12: After Dropping into a Python Debugger the Prompt does not type back commands
- 2022-07-10: Offline Python Docs
- 2022-07-05: Packaging - Wheel vs Egg
- 2022-06-22: Asking for Forgiveness or Look Before you Jump
- 2022-05-10: Common python Interview Questions
- 2022-05-06: Linked Lists
- 2022-04-15: Summary of Understanding Decorators in Python
- 2022-01-21: Design Patterns
- 2020-10-08: How to show server rendered graphviz on html frontend
- 2020-10-07: Convert XML to JSON
- 2020-06-21: Refactoring Python
- 2020-06-21: File Systems
- 2020-06-21: Install Update Pip
- 2020-06-21: Finding Modules And Packages
- 2020-06-14: Asyncio Concurrency
- 2020-06-14: Effective Python
- 2020-06-14: Black Magic Of Python Wheels
- 2020-06-14: Managing Configuration
- 2020-06-14: Task Queues
- 2020-06-14: Concurrency
- 2020-05-19: Splitting A List And Assigning From Each Group
- 2020-03-05: Jinja Append To List
- 2020-03-05: Using Black In Vscode To Automatically Format Codestyle
- 2019-12-10: Creating A Simple Python Library
- 2019-10-24: Argparse Getting Arguments Nicely In Python
- 2019-08-15: Json Loads Invalid Control Character
- 2019-08-12: Packaging A Python Executable
- 2019-07-22: Stop Writing Classes
- 2019-07-22: Sorting Json Dict By Value
- 2019-07-22: Code Smells
- 2019-07-22: Pretty Print Json
- 2019-07-17: Dictionaries
- 2019-07-17: What Your Pypirc Can Look Like
- 2019-07-17: Python Exceptions
- 2019-07-16: Pytest
- 2019-07-12: Using Jinja2
- 2019-07-12: Print A Python Dict Nicely
- 2019-07-12: How To Skip A Unit Test
- 2019-07-12: Regular Expressions
- 2019-07-10: Mock A Single Instance Method
- 2019-07-10: Dependency Hell
- 2019-07-10: Create And Publish A Python Package To Pypi
- 2019-07-10: Composition Vs Inheritance
- 2019-06-13: Python Imports
- 2019-06-13: Convert Json To Yaml
- 2019-06-13: Python Daemon
- 2019-05-31: Install Pip Package Globally
- 2019-04-10: Dump Text From Ipython
- 2019-03-14: Mock An Entire Module
- 2019-02-02: All About Mod Wsgi
- 2018-08-10: Idiomatic Python
- 2018-07-11: Python Generators
- 2018-06-15: Force Python Package To Upgrade
- 2018-02-21: Basics
- 2017-12-24: Pipenv
- 2017-11-08: Comprehensions
- 2017-11-07: Make A Python 3 Virtual Environment
- 2017-10-29: Ipython
- 2017-10-16: Static Class Methods
- 2017-10-15: Anaconda
- 2017-09-26: Create An Md5 Hash
- 2017-09-23: Start With A Failing Test Django
- 2017-09-23: Expecting A Test To Fail
- 2017-09-22: Using Bigger Numbers
- 2017-09-13: Tips And Tricks
- 2017-09-13: The Powerful Else Keyword
- 2017-09-12: Dates And Times
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- 2017-07-12: Basic Http Server
- 2017-07-05: Zen Of Python
- 2017-04-18: Using Databases With Python
- 2017-02-19: Python collections
- 2017-02-18: Debugging Using Ipdb
- 2017-02-16: Unit Tests
- 2017-02-16: Doc Tests
- 2016-06-18: Simple Quick Webserver For Serving Local Files
- 2016-05-10: Getting Help Using Pydoc And Help
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- 2019-08-27: How To Scp Files Between Machines
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- 2017-11-08: Setting Python Path With Vscode