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Meditation - My thoughts and selected texts from readings

Present moment awareness. Keeping the mind in the present moment. If it drifts off to the past or future. Bring it back.

There is a choice one makes. To examine and expound on passing thoughts, or to let them go. The way is letting the thoughts go. Not caring, not concerned with a strong eagerness.

It is not a self or things. It is a process.

It is not to accept or reject - but to disengage. Train the mind to disengage.

The Self#

Observe and think about the universe. The vastness. The galaxies millions of light years away. The Aeons of time. The huge amount of life forms. Now what of you…are you special? Is there a you.


Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your body and your mind. Kindfulness. Be kind to others - do not be harsh.

Calm the Mind#

  • Calm the mind down
  • More focus makes it more tense
  • Do not try to do something - that leads to frustration and disappointment
  • You will find there is always something more to do - the more you do - the more desire - you get more tense.
  • Suffering is being separated from where you want to be - be here be present
  • Trying to pat waves down - creates more waves
  • Always planning and scheming. There is no need - do good things naturally and only good will arise for you - kamma.

There is no reason for replaying past events in your head - they are gone.

There is no reason to obsessively plan events in the future - to do lists and errands to run. That is no way to live. When the event and item is meant to commence - you deal with it at that time. Accept it and face it as nature has it play out.

Right now - there is nothing to do except relax the body and the mind. Be open to your present surrounding. Accept them as they are.

Do not react or have strong emotions to the surroundings. Whether positive or negative - they serve no purpose. Just observe and accept.

No one is going to save you. You are independent and must do what you are meant to do.

You can rely only on yourself. Doing things - and expecting certain results from people and things external to yourself are unreliable. Impermanent. Subject to change. Conditioned. You cannot base your thoughts and feelings on these external results. You have to face the results whether good or bad - accept the results and face the consequences with positivity. Events happen with varying degrees of positivity or negativity. You can only control your reaction to events. Do not fear them, face them.

The world doesn’t owe you anything. You are not special.

The source of your negative or positive emotions do not lie in the event itself, but your reaction and perception of the event. Your judgement of it as going along or contrary to your ideal. The problem is the world is bigger than you and does not revolve around you. Thinking you have control over the massive amounts of chaotic events and decisions of other people and things - is incorrect. You have no control of the external - only over the internal - your clear thought, choice, strength of will and endurance.

Being happy is a choice. You can be happy right now. Instead of that you choose not to and crave external things or a goal that will somehow make you happy. When you achieve this goal…you still won’t be happy.

Suffering happens on the surface. In the depths of your being you are untouchable.

You suffer because you identify with the external, superficial, transient aspects of yourself.

Why is helping one animal in a desperate situation deemed virtuous but another animal not. Freeing one animal from a trap - means another animal may starve. Everything is connected. So judging one animal or situation to be superior to another is fruitless. Let nature take its course. Avoid comparison.

Discard junk in the mind - make space for yourself:

  • by comprehending the scale of the world
  • by contemplating infinite time
  • by thinking of the speed with which things change

Repeat a mantra to blow the festering mind away - I am not the body - not even the mind.

The fraction of infinity, of that vast abyss of time, allotted to each of us. Absorbed in an instant into eternity.

That whatever happens has always happened, and always will, and is happening at this very moment, everywhere. Just like this.

The delusion and ignorance is think that if you could just get this external and impermanent thing - we would have lasting happiness. However as long as there is the craving, desire and attachment - there will be no peace, calm and serene mind with joy.

The unenlightened mind thinks “If I can just get through these few things or tasks” then I will have lasting joy and contentment. We know that even when we do that the joy is not lasting. It is impermanent. The enlightened mind is calm and serene with joy in the present moment - in all moments.

When you are disrespected. The unenlightened mind is shaken up and angered. It wants to be respected. It craves respect and thinks of the self. Let go of the craving of respect and let go of the self. Let go of craving respect from this person. Detach and walk away.

By trying to attain or achieve - you create the obstacle - wanting…disturbing the peace of meditation

Stages on the route to stillness, letting go.

My Thoughts on Meditation#

there is no reason for replaying past events in your head - they are gone.

there is no reason to obsessively plan events in the future - to do lists and errands to run. that is no way to live. when the event and item is meant to commence - you deal with it at that time. Accept it and face it as nature has it play out.

right now - there is nothing to do except relax the body and the mind. be open to your present surrounding. accept them as they are.

do not react or have strong emotions to the surroundings. whether positive or negative - they serve no purpose. just observe and accept.

No one is going to save you. You are independent and must do what you are meant to do.

You can rely only on yourself. Doing things - and expecting certain results from people and things external to yourself are unreliable. You cannot base your thoughts and feelings on these external results. You have to face the results whether good or bad - accept the results and face the consequences with positivity. Events happen with varying degrees of positivity or negativity. You can only control your reaction to events. Do not fear them, face them.

The world doesn’t owe you anything. You are not special.

The source of your negative or positive emotions do not lie in the event itself, but your reaction and perception of the event. Your judgement of it as going along or contrary to your ideal. The problem is the world is bigger than you and does not revolve around you. Thinking you have control over the massive amounts of chaotic events and decisions of other people and things - is incorrect. You have no control of the external - only over the internal - your clear thought, choice, strength of will and endurance.

Being happy is a choice. You can be happy right now. Instead of that you choose not to and crave external things or a goal that will somehow make you happy. When you achieve this goal…you still won’t be happy.

Suffering happens on the surface. In the depths of your being you are untouchable.

You suffer because you identify with the external, superficial, transient aspects of yourself.

Why is helping one animal in a desperate situation deemed virtuous but another animal not. Freeing one animal from a trap - means another animal may starve. Everything is connected. So judging one animal or situation to be superior to another is fruitless. Let nature take its course.

Discard junk in the mind - make space for yourself:

* by comprehending the scale of the world
* by contemplating infinite time
* by thinking of the speed with which things change

Repeat a mantra to blow the festering mind away - I am not the body - not even the mind.

The fraction of infinity, of that vast abyss of time, allotted to each of us. Absorbed in an instant into eternity.

That whatever happens has always happened, and always will, and is happening at this very moment, everywhere. Just like this.

We have the full ability to make free will choices that improve our life or cause our life to decline. Everything that we have experienced, are experiencing, or will experience in life is based on our own free will decisions. - David Roylance. “The Words of The Buddha - V1 - Developing a Life Practice.”

Being sick is not an excuse for being impolite, unkind, unfriendly, and disrespectful to others.

When you have attained Enlightenment, you will not experience any anger, have feelings of frustration, or blame others for the problems you face.

You will not have anxiety, sadness, boredom, loneliness, fears, or other discontent feelings. When you attain Enlightenment, you will have eliminated your cravings and addictions. You will have generosity, loving-kindness, and compassion for “all beings”. You will not discriminate or judge others. You will not have a desire to always be “right” and argue.

buddho budhho buddho

Whenever something arises within the mind, whether you like it or not, whether it seems right or wrong, just cut it off with, ‘’this is not a sure thing.

Not sure, not sure