Words and Definitions
English Words#
- Trite - lacking orginality or freshness; overuse
- sophism - clever but false argument used to deceive
- demagogue - political leader who seeks to govern by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than rational argument
- dispensation - exception to rule or usual requirement
- consternation - anxiety and dismay at something unexpected
- conceited - excessively proud of oneself
- omniscient - knowing everything
- auspicious - favourable, conducive to success
- surreptitiously - in a way that attempts to avoid attention or notice
- mnemonic - system such as a pattern of letters or associations to assist in remembering something
- Altruism - disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
- Amortize - gradually write off / reduce / pay off the intial cost of an asset with regular payments (intangible asset)
- dogmatic - inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true
- chicanery - the use of deception and subterfuge to achieve one’s goal
- nadir - the lowest or most unsuccessful point
- parochialism - a limited or narrow outlook, focused on the local area
- Laissez-faire - economic theory that opposes government involvement in business - a key part of freemarket capitalism.
- pernicious - having a harmful effect in a gradual and subtle way
- orthogonol - statisticly independent
- repeal - revoke or annul
- sophistry - clever but flase argument with the intent to deceive
- ostensibly - appears or stated to be true, though not necessarily so
- equanimity - calmness and composure
- acquiescence - reluctant acceptance without protest
- adroitly - in a clever skillful way
- fidelity - faithfulness, support and loyalty to a cause, person or belief
- perfunctory - action carried out with no real interest
- dour - relentlessly severe, gloomy
- sanguine - optimistic / positive in a bad situation
- precocious - having developed skills at an early age
- conspicuous - clearly visible
- ignominy - public shame or disgrace
- surfeit - excessive amount of (food or drink)
- toerag - comtemptable, worthless person
- volition - the faculty or power of using one’s will
- sanctimonious - making a show of being morally superior
- predilection - a preference or special liking for something
- disposition - a poersons quality of mind and character
- recidivism - tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
- imperious - arrogant, domineering
- benevolent - well meaning and kindly
- suffuse - gradually spread over
- stoic - person who can endure pain and suffering without showing it
- alacrity - brisk and ncheerful readiness
- obliquely - in a slanted way, not direct
- fastidious - concerned with accuracy and detail
- indolence - laziness - avoidance of activity
- chastised - reprimand severely
- victuals - food or provisions
- despot - a ruler holding absolute power - excercised in a cruel and oppressive way
- glowered - scowl - have angry look
- proclivities - inclination or predisposition towards doing something regularly
- disquiet - a feeling of anxiety or worry
- petulance - quality of being childishly sulky or bad tempered
- beset - (of a problem) treatening peristently
- vacillate - be indecisive - alternate between 2 decisions
- consummate -complete or achieved
- fop (dandy) - man who is concerned of his appearance excesively
- ethereal - delicate and light
- capricious - given to sudden changes of mood or behaviour
- vignettes - brief evocative description or episode
- recidivate - reoffend
- levity - treatment of a serious matter with humour and a lack of respect
- leering - look or gaze in unleaseant way (at nude painting)
- carousing - drinking plenty of alcohol and making noise
- succor - assistance and support in times of distress
- acumen - ability to made good judgement and quick decisions
- conveyance -
- parochial - having a narrow outlook or scope
- salubrious - pleasant place (not run down)
- gregarious - fond of company, sociable
- despoliation - destruction, ravaging
- unobtrusive - inconspicuous - not attrating attention
- effluent - liquid waste discharged into a river or sea
- imbued - inspire or permeate (feeling or quality)
- nebulous - in the form of a cloud - hazy
- wan - pale - impression of illness or fatigue
- lucre - money gained in a dishonourable way
- carrion - decaying flesh of dead animals
- paragon - perfect example of
- unfettered - not restrained of conztricted
- avaricious - having or showing extreme greed for money
- lecerous - shwing excessive sexual desire
- mollify - appease the anger of someone
- phalanx - body of troops in close formation
- convalescing - recover health and strength over a period of time
- revile - Criticise and abuse in an angry manner
- soothsayer - a person supposed to be able to see the future
- diffident - modest or shy because of a lack of self confidence
- surreptitiously - in a way that avoids notice
- countenance - face or facial expression
- rictus - fixed grimace or grin
- acerbic - sharp and forthright
- stolid - calm, dependable and showing little emotion or animation
- querulous - complaining in a petulant and whiny manner
- diffident - modest or shy because of a lack of self confidence
- shauvinism - aggressive patriotism
- acquisitive - obsessively voncerned with acquiring money or material things
- ostentacious - showy
- senescence - deterioration with age
- vaccilation - inability to decide between two options or actions
- surrepticious - kept secret due to unknown approval
- munificence - quality of being extremely generous
- apocryphal - a story of doubtful authenticity
- farinaceous - consisting of of containing only starch
- paramour - lover of a married person
- parochial - limited or narrow outlook or scope
- emancipated - free from emotional, political and legal restrictions
- bellicosity - demonstrating aggression and willingnessto fight
- incorrigable - not ableto be changed or reformed
- interperance - lack of moderation and restraint
- portents - sign or warning of momentous event or calamity
- anachronism - old fashioned, a thing belonging in the particular period it exists
- suffuse - gradually spread through or over
- profane - secular - not relating to religion
- preeminence - the fact of surpassing all others, superiority
- vacillate - waver between different words
- verdant - green with grass and vegetation
- precipitous - dangerously high or steep
- desultory - lacking a plan or enthusiasm
- perturbation - anxiety, unease
- inauspiciously - not conducive to success
- lament - passionate display of grief or sorrow
- supercilious - nehaving as if one is superior
- borne - carried
- censure - show severe dissaproval
- portents - signs or warnings that a calamatious event is to occur
- cogent - clear, logical and convincing
- avail - take advantage of, make us of
- askance - look of dissaproval
- miasma - unhealthy smell or vapour
- deprecate - express dissaproval of
- abeyance - state of temporary disuse or suspension
- perdition - state of eternal punishment, damnation
- solemn - formal, dignified
- levity - treating a serious matter without respect
- loath - reluctant, unwilling
- parsimonious - unwilling to spend or use resources
- taciturn - reserved of speech - saying little
- assiduity - careful and close attention to what one is doing
- vindictive - having a strong desire for revenge
- nebulous - in the form of a cloud or haze
- erudite - having or showing great knowledge or learning
- cerebral - intellectual rather than physical or emotional
- prescienct - showing knowledge of events before they take place
- epicurean - a person devoted to sensual enjoyment (sensual desire)
- sanguine - cheerfully confident, optimistic, at ease and accepting
- vicissitude - a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
- garrulous - excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
- quixotic - extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
- truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant