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Rest Api

Rest API#


Application Programming Interface

API lets other devices or apps interact with out app over HTTP.


Representational State Transfer

Client remembers state, server will not maintain state as HTTP is stateless

Nouns - Resources (Model in the application) eg. Player, Score, Match. Retrieved, created, modified and deleted. Verbs - Actions taken on resources. Represented by the type of request:

  • GET - fetching a single or multple
  • POST - create a new resource
  • PUT - When updating a record
  • DELETE - when deleting a record

Endpoints - represent a single resources, or multiple of same resources

Resource Name should be plural

Keeping uri and resource names consistant goes a long way towards maintainability and usability of the API


Early API’s used the querystring to set additional parameters for the request


But it is better the use HTTP Headers

  • Accept - specifies the file format
  • Accept-Language - specifies human readable language
  • Cache-Control - from cache or not

Accept: application/json

Post requests encode data as form-data or x-www-encoded, whereas GET request data is all in the uri or querystring


You should always add a version and keep the old API around as long as possible v1

HTTP Response#

A response also has headers

Specify content type extension

    Content-Type: text/javascript
  • Last-Modified - see when last modified
  • expires - how long data can be trusted
  • status - status codes tell us the state of the content and tell us the state of the request