MongoDB Basics
MongoDB Basics#
What is it?#
- Mongodb is a general-purpose document database.
- Scale-out and sharding is a first class citizen
- Build for ease of development and scaling
Key Aspects#
- Data is stored as JSON Documents
- The fields in a JSON document can vary from document to document - unlike Relation Databases.
- Allows to work with complex, fast-changing and messy data.
- It enables developers to quickly deliver new application functionality
Advantages of documents:
- Documents correspond to native data types in many programming languages.
- Embedded documents and arrays reduce need for expensive joins.
- Dynamic schema supports fluent polymorphism.
- Group of documents
- Like a SQL table with no Schema
- Each collection is associated with one MongoDB database.
Replica Sets#
- When you create a database in MongoDB, the system automatically creates at least two more copies of the data, referred to as a replica set.
- Continuously replicate data between them, offering redundancy and protection against downtime in the face of a system failure or planned maintenance
- Modern systems: Big clusters of small machines
- MongoDB shards data at the collection level, distributing documents in a collection across the shards in a cluster.
- Improve query speed
- Important to know what can speed up and what index to use
Aggregation Pipelines#
- Data processing pipelines
Supported Languages#
- Drivers
- Python
There is a push to make you use the cloud versions to get started but it is a bit lower down in the docs how to run community edition on mac, linux or windows
MongoDB 5.0 Community Edition supports macOS 10.14 or later.
Damn, perhaps I can use a container for it.
Run a Mongo Container with Docker#
mkdir local_mongo_data
docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 -v /my-abs-path/local_mongo_data:/data/db mongo
-p 27017:27017
: This exposes the port 27017 locally to the containers 27017 port-v ./local_mongo_data:/data/db
: Persists data locally from the container
Enter the bash shell:
docker exec -it mongodb bash
There are 2 mongo shells: mongo
and mongosh
There are 3 versions of mongo:
- MongoDB Community: Open-source, community version
- MongoDB Enterprise
- Mongo DB Atlas: Managed Service
Query API#
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- Data Aggregation
- Text-search and geospatial queries
There is a mapping from SQL to mongo queries reference
High Performance#
- Support for embedded data models reduces I/O activity on database system.
- Indexes support faster queries and can include keys from embedded documents and arrays.
High Availability#
Replica sets provide:
- automatic failover
- data redundancy
Horizontal Scalability#
- Sharding across clusters
- Zones
Support for Multiple Storage Engines#
- Wired tiger - encrypted at rest
- In-memory
Getting Started#
Mongo DB Shell#
- refers to current dbshow dbs
- list dbs availableuse db
- switch to another db (automatically created when you add data)
Databases and Collections#
MongoDB stores data records as documents - BSON documents - a binary representation of json.
Create a database:
db.myNewCollection1.insertOne({ x: 1 })
This creates the database, collection and document - if they don’t already exist
You can explictly create a collection:
In Mongo 3.2 and onwards you can enforce a schema / validation with Document Validation - ensuring al the documents have the same fields.
Unique Identifiers#
Collections are assigned an immutable UUID.
Retrieve UUIDs for collections: